Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5171

Chapter 5171

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"Great grandfather."

A man stood up. Like Liu Tianyuan, he was middle-aged, but he was one of Liu Tianyuan's grandsons, the great-grandson of Liu Chenfeng.

This person's name is 'Liu He', and he belongs to one of the senior members of the Liu family.

However, in front of Liu Tianyuan, Liu Chenfeng and the others, even the Qinghe Heavenly Emperor still maintained the minimum respect and etiquette, and did not dare to overstep the slightest.

"You suddenly left the customs, it must be for this matter, grandson wants to hear your opinion." Liu He said.

When Liu Chenfeng exits the customs, Liu Tianyuan has to step aside. This is the majesty of the ancestor.

The Liu family is actually very united, and there is no faction to speak of. However, at that time, because of Su Han and Liu Qingyao's affairs, the attitudes of all parties were different, and there were also slight differences.

Originally, Su Han fell and Liu Qingyao died, and the Liu family has gradually downplayed the matter. .

But now, both Su Han and Liu Qingyao have returned, and the current situation in the Sanctuary is completely different from what it was back then. Immediately, different opinions appeared in the hearts of everyone.

But they all know very well that the entire Liu family, Liu Chenfeng is one word, no matter what other people think, as long as Liu Chenfeng makes a decision, the Liu family must follow it.

Unless, want to rebel!

Liu Chenfeng's eyes drooped, his old face was full of wrinkles, and there was no breath from his body. It gave people the feeling that there was no such power in the past, he was clearly an old man who had entered the twilight.

However, looking at the hall, there were hundreds of senior members of the Liu family, but no one dared to underestimate Liu Chenfeng.

When a monk reaches the emperor, the world is indestructible.

As long as Liu Chenfeng still breathes, then he is still the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Liu family!

"Tens of thousands of years have passed, in your hearts, is this old man's idea really worth considering?" Liu Chenfeng said suddenly.

His voice was slightly hoarse and sounded very weak.

However, after his words fell, everyone in the Liu family was shocked!

Everyone knows that if Liu Chenfeng's words mean something, it has the meaning of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger.

"The Liu family was one of the three top families in the Sanctuary back then, and they relied on unity. Even if... even if there was a disagreement because of that incident, it was just a matter of fact, and it never involved others."

Liu He stood up and bowed deeply to Liu Chenfeng: "Great grandfather can rest assured, as long as anyone with Liu family blood flowing in his body dares to have two hearts, grandson is the first to refuse!"

Liu Tianyuan nodded secretly. Originally, among these grandsons, Liu He was his favorite, and Liu He did not disappoint him.

"What happened back then happened too suddenly. Today, Qingyao is standing here, so the old man can talk about it."

Everyone held their breaths and waited for the next paragraph.

I saw Liu Chenfeng looking at Liu Qingyao, and then he took a deep breath and said: "Millions of years ago, Qingyao was the jewel in my Liu family's palm, whether it was on the sanctuary Tianjiao list or the beauty gang in folklore. You are all famous. The Liu family is proud of her, and I, Liu Chenfeng, are also proud of her!"

"Originally, my father had prepared the best training plan for her, and also made the most perfect plan for her future, but Su Han's sudden appearance shattered all my wishful thinking. already."

"To be honest, the old man looked down on Su Han at that time. His aptitude was very low and he had no background. Apart from creating a God-Slaughter Pavilion, there was nothing to praise. Even the God-Slaughter Pavilion was only a small one at that time. Zong Xiaopai, how can you compare with my Liu family?"

"The old man has used countless methods to break up Qingyao and Su Han, but who would have thought... Qingyao would be so stubborn!"

"It was my Liu family who ordered to kill Su Han, but she still didn't change her mind and fled to the end of the world with Su Han."

Having said that, Liu Chenfeng paused slightly.

And the tears in Liu Qingyao's eyes had long been unbearable, and tickled lightly on the ground.

What makes people feel incredible is that when all the tears fall on the ground, they will turn into bursts of golden mist, filling the entire hall.

In just the blink of an eye, there is already a kind of energy beyond spiritual energy in the hall.

Anyone with some knowledge knows that this kind of energy is called... the power of heaven and earth!

However, the senior members of the Liu family in the main hall now, and it can also be said that they were the younger generations of the Liu family, listened with great interest, and few people noticed the power of heaven and earth.

As the younger generation, they actually heard a little bit about the ancient demon dragon emperor and Liu Qingyao.

However, the Liu family regarded it as a taboo, and no one was allowed to mention it in the open, so they only heard about it and didn't know what was going on.

Today, when Liu Chenfeng talked about this matter, they were naturally very interested.

"Later, a series of things happened, and the one that touched the old man the most was... Qingyao's fall!"

Liu Chenfeng stretched out his old and thin palm and grabbed Liu Qingyao's hand, which seemed to be trembling because of the force.

"I hate Su Han! I, Liu Chenfeng, can't wait to cut it into eight pieces!!"

"But after the anger, there is endless self-blame and remorse."

"If at that time, I could agree with you to stay together and not do those things that are difficult for the strong, wouldn't wouldn't die?"

"Even if he, Su Han, later became the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, the Lord of the Sanctuary, and the first ruler of the human race!"

"Even if it is the Slaughtering God Pavilion, it is famous all over the world, and it controls the Milky Way starry sky, making all living beings unmatched!"

"However, UU reading I, Liu Chenfeng, still don't have even the slightest fear of him!"

"The Liu family is not the opponent of Tushen Pavilion, and the old man can't find Su Han to seek revenge. This matter is put on hold, and as time goes by, it gradually becomes history."

"But who would have thought... Qingyao is actually back!"

Liu Chenfeng's old face was red, full of excitement and surprise: "The man who made me want to tear it apart, along with Qingyao's rebirth, he rescued Qingyao regardless of his own safety, and gave her another gift. A huge fortune!"

"I, Liu Chenfeng, am not someone who is greedy for money, and I am not someone who kills money. He Su Han owes me an apology. Even if Qingyao has been reborn, the old man plans to wait for him to come to the door in person and apologize to the old man. This old man will only consider asking him to see Qingyao again."


"The situation is pressing!"

"Su Han is now just an ordinary monk with a mortal sage cultivation base. Even if he has the supreme talent, causing the Sanctuary to shake, he is still unable to compete with the Star Alliance."

"Back then, the old man made a mistake, which caused Qingyao to fall, and caused the old man to regret it for the rest of his life."

"Now, that kind of situation has appeared again. You said, should the old man turn a deaf ear, or should he... give help in the snow?"

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