Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4780

Chapter 4780

The lobby on the third floor was silent.

Not only the Blood Rose Team and the Aoba Team, but also other monks are here.

But their expressions are all a glance, dumbfounded, dumbfounded!

The previous odds are fine. In order to avoid trouble, there is no need to move the Fuxing Tower back and forth.

What does mean now?

Seventy-eight thousand sacred crystals, obviously sixty elemental crystals are enough, why have to come up with a hundred?

Could it be that these forty more are all the elemental spars left by him?

Still saying... the current ones are just a drop in the bucket?


Shangguan Xiao hugged Su Han: "I said before, you brother, I'm sure!"

Su Han rolled his eyes: "You are reality, what if I fell in love with the captain?"

Shangguan Xiao immediately let go of Su Han: "The vengeance of the wife is not shared!"

Xia Lan rolled her eyes and didn't bother to scold Shangguan Xiao.

At this moment, she was dizzy and dizzy by the one hundred element spar.

This seems to be only a small pile of elemental spar, in the eyes of anyone, it looks like a mountain of holy crystals.

If it weren't for the Fuxing Tower, I'm afraid someone would have shot Su Han for this.

"What else do I need?" Su Han looked at Xia Lan.

Xia Lan opened her mouth, but couldn't make any sound.

"How about this."

Su Han didn't need to ask anymore, and said, All the things on the third floor, whether they are displayed or in stock, are all taken out.


As soon as these words came out, the third floor of Fuxing Building was completely exploded!

"Dog stuff, are you talking in sleep?" Liu Qing couldn't believe it.

"I'm waiting for you to increase the price." Su Han raised his eyebrows toward Liu Qing.

And that little waiter, his legs were even weaker.

The items on the third floor...

put out, add stock, how many holy crystals?

millions? Still tens of millions? or more?

"Blizzard, I beg you, please don't scare me?"

Xia Lan almost suffocated and shook Su Han's arm: "Seeing that I am your captain, and everyone is your teammate. You can do it, let us go, can you make it?"

"Captain, I am not for you, I am for a breath!"

Su Han righteously said: "From the time I was in the sanctuary until now, no one has dared to say that I have money in front of me! In addition, I can get a cheap son. I have to say that!"

Xia Lan: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"What are you doing in a daze? Go get it!" Su Han said to the little waiter again.

Seeing that Su Han was not joking, the little waiter didn't dare to talk nonsense, and quickly retreated.

Not long after, an old man who seemed to be about 70 years old came out hurriedly from behind.

"Which is Lord Blizzard?" the old man said.

"That's the one." The little waiter looked at Su Han.

The old man walked over immediately: "My man is Liu Hong, the treasurer here in Fuxinglou. If I had known Lord Blizzard's arrival, I would definitely go out to greet him. If there is any negligence, I hope..."

"alright, alright."

Su Han interrupted the old man: "Your surname is Liu, too? It's his own family with him."

said, Su Han pointed at Liu Qing.

Liu Hong only realized that Liu Qing was also here.

"Captain Liu." He clasped his fists, but he was not so polite to Su Han.

"Liu heard that Captain Blizzard wanted to buy all the things on the third floor. I wonder if...he heard it wrong?" Liu Hong asked again.

His eyes are full of eagerness and expectation, for fear that Su Han is joking.

"Yes, that's what I said, but I have one condition." Su Han said.

"What conditions?"

Su Han smiled slightly: "Naturally, Fuxinglou will not suffer a loss."

"Then Lord Blizzard, please tell me."

"From now on, anyone from Team Qingye will not be allowed to sell to them if they come to Fuxinglou to buy things!"

"This..." Liu Hong's eyes widened.

"Dog bastard, what are you talking about? Whom does Fuxinglou want to sell to, you can still control it?" Liu Qing's expression changed drastically!

"The same can be said."

Su Han said again: "From now on, what his Aoba team sees is just leave it to me. No matter how much they charge, I will add ten more sacred crystals to this price!"


Hearing this, everyone took a breath.

This is the real trench!

is simply inhumane! !

By doing this, it is equivalent to directly cutting off Team Aoba's purchase in Fuxinglou. If they only rely on their points, they will never get enough supplies!

Items that can usually be bought at one time, in the future, may wait three, four times, or even longer before they can be purchased.

This way, it will also slow down their rate of earning points and purchasing supplies more slowly...

is equivalent to a vicious circle!

It can be said that it was abrupt, and used money to break Team Aoba's retreat!

"Are you kidding me???"

After a long silence, Liu Qing asked in an extremely hoarse voice.

Su Han ignored him, but looked at Liu Hong: "Treasurer Liu, can you do it?"

Liu Hong smiled awkwardly: "This... ahem, in fact, my Fuxing Building is a trader. Whoever pays a high price will naturally sell it to whom. Of course, this is not targeted. I hope you adults don't want it. See the geeks."

"Then settle the account." Su Han said.

"Okay. UU reading"

Liu Hong took a deep breath and went backstage in person.

Ten minutes passed before Liu Hong returned again.

During this process, the entire Aoba team looked nervous.

They are also waiting!

Wait and see, does this **** guy really get that much money!

"Master Blizzard."

The third floor was silent, only the voice of the shopkeeper Liu Hong.

"Look, this is a list of items."

Su Han took a memory spar, glanced at it casually, and threw it aside.

"The shopkeeper Liu does things, I don't worry, just say the price is right."


Liu Hong's tone trembled: "The material reserves of the entire third floor, if converted into Saint Crystals, would be...25,14 thousand Saint Crystals!"

Hearing this number, the Blood Rose team almost passed out.

more than 20 million...

More than 20 million! !

What is this concept?

Even if it is a source sage powerhouse, after putting aside the resources needed for cultivation, it is impossible to have so many sacred crystals, right?

However, under their incredible gaze, Su Han took out a storage ring.

"More than 25 million..."

Su Han handed over the storage ring: "Two thousand elemental spars, is that enough?"

"This...can't use so much." Shopkeeper Liu quickly said.

"That's not bad."

Su Han said lightly: "The rest, put it here first, as a reserve for buying in advance."


Liu Qing rolled his eyes and couldn't help it anymore, spraying blood directly.