Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4779

Chapter 4779

Liu Qing is not worried, he will be named Su Han.

Because of a one-fold quasi-sage, the financial resources that can be used are really limited.

The twelve elemental spar doesn't mean anything, it may really be just his luck.

But his so-called treat, because he was afraid that everyone would spend less money, Liu Qing only regarded him as nonsense.

Not only him, but even the members of the Blood Rose team, they regarded Su Han as nonsense.

But for the face of the team, everyone has to cooperate with him more or less.

As expected----

wandered around the hall for a long time, and no one took a thing.

"It's not necessary!"

"Hey, there is nothing good, let's talk about it next time."

"Blizzard, you have to keep the money!"

"Captain, buy things for the team first. As for our personal ones, for now, I really don't like them."

Liu Qing sneered while listening to the bursts of words in his ear.

How old are you, and still play these kid tricks, how about you being a fool?

On the other hand, Su Han is also smiling, but not a happy smile, but a bitter smile.

deserves to be a member of the same team as Xia Lan, and his eyes are indeed good.

Normally, they were so angry with Su Han before, why should they buy something at this moment, right?

However, everyone was in a tacit understanding and didn't want to waste Su Han's holy crystal.

Su Han was actually observing everyone. He saw Huang Zong stopping before a suit of armor, and he could even see the envy in Huang Zong's eyes.

However, Huang Zong did not go to get it, because the armor was priced at 150,000 sacred crystals!

With a conclusion in his heart, Su Han said to Xia Lan: "Captain, since everyone doesn't like it for the time being, let's talk about it later."


Xia Lan nodded, and walked towards the golden marrow pill.

Except for the Huntian Pill, the Golden Marrow Pill is the cheapest.

Like the Huntian Pill, the Golden Marrow Pill is also a necessity for combat with demons. It can not only restore the power of cultivation, but also can be used to save life.

"How many are there in this golden marrow pill?" Xia Lan asked the little waiter.

"Captain Xia, it's a coincidence. Like the Huntian Pill, there are three hundred golden marrow pills left." The little waiter said.

"I want it!"

Without waiting for Xia Lan to speak, Liu Qing said first: "For every golden marrow pill, ten more holy crystals, how about it?"

The little waiter smiled, but this time he learned how to master, and did not reply, but looked at Su Han.

As expected----

"eight hundred."

Su Han didn't disappoint the little waiter, so he shouted the price directly, and for each one, he added three hundred holy crystals!

If you count it like this, the three hundred golden marrow pills are a full 90,000 increase in price!

Even for Xia Lan personally, ninety thousand sacred crystals can't be said to be a small number.

"you sure?"

Liu Qing was short of breath: "Three hundred golden marrow pills are two hundred thousand sacred crystals. Can you take them out?"

"Can I take it out? It's not something you should consider, just ask you if you want to add it?" Su Han said lightly.


Liu Qing fisted: "Can you still buy these things? Don't you buy them later? I'll add them later!"


Su Han smiled disdainfully, and took out another twenty elemental spars.

"A total of two hundred and sixty thousand sacred crystals, remove these two hundred and forty thousand, leaving twenty thousand, and add it to the previous six thousand, and we will use it later."


The little waiter didn't dare to be big, his expression was much more respectful than before.

Hundreds of thousands of sacred crystals were taken out with a wave of his hand, but his eyes were not blinking. Even if he is not the strong, he must have a big background!

And Xia Lan and others looked at Su Han dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe their eyes and ears. In just a few words, more than 400,000 sacred crystals before and after... just spent it?

Is this pretending to be calm, or is it really rich?

Do not!

shouldn't be doubted at all!

As a first-level quasi-sage, people have already put out more than 400,000 sacred crystals. This is really rich in the first place! !

"Captain, what else?"

Su Han's question came from her ear, and Xia Lan's perfect body couldn't help but tremble.

She subconsciously said: "No, don't you know?"

"That is Mizuki Qingshuang Dan."

Su Han said: "This pill is really effective. One piece is only sold for 1,000 holy crystals. The price is reasonable, so take it all."

The little waiter's face changed: "My lord, there are not many people who buy this Mizuki Qingshuang Pill. Although we have sent four thousand pieces this time, right now... there are still about six hundred pieces left!"

"Let you take it." Su Han said.

"Yes, yes..." The little waiter hurriedly ran to the back.

And here, Xia Lan completely reacted.

"Blizzard, what are you doing? Our team funds, now there are less than 600,000 sacred crystals left, it is not enough!"

"What do you mean?" Su Han was puzzled.

Xia Lan sighed: "Knowing that you have money, but everyone will not use your money for nothing. After all, you are a newcomer. If you just take advantage of you, then what have we become?"

"Your cultivation base is low, but I still recruit you into the team, so everyone has a prejudice against you."

"But I can tell you one thing, they are all good people."

"The previous Huntian Pills and Golden Marrow Pills, although the price increases, but we do need them, just treat them as an outlet."

"But if you really buy these Mizuki Qingshuang Dan again, then we won't be able to pay for it!"

Su Han understood what Xia Lan meant.

Is this woman so righteous and upright?

"Captain Xia, have you heard a word from UU reading"

"What are you talking about?"

"The poor have money left."

Xia Lan: "..."

Not long after, the little waiter walked out with a storage ring.

Su Han raised his eyebrows: "Fuxing Lou finally got generous and gave us a storage ring."

The corner of the little servant's mouth twitched, and said, "Master Blizzard, all the six hundred Mizuki Qingshuang Pills you want are in here. In terms of the price, the total is... ahem, seven hundred and eighty thousand sacred crystals."

Su Han suddenly turned his head and looked at Liu Qing and others who were sluggish: "Why, no fare increase this time?"

Liu Qing's eyelids beat fiercely several times.

fare increase?

Don't mention the price increase, it is the seventy-eight thousand sacred crystals, he dare not say take it!

According to their current team's overall combat strength, it is not necessary to buy 600 Mizuki Qingshuang Pills at a time.

yelled and didn't dare, he could only shut up.


Su Han sighed: "I just heard you say that when you were rich, I thought I met an opponent and you disappointed me too much!"

Liu Qing almost spurted blood when he heard it: "You can take out the seventy-eight thousand sacred crystals first!"

Su Han did not hesitate, and with a wave of his palm, there was another small pile of element spar, quietly placed at the feet of the little waiter.

The little waiter carefully counted it, and it turned out to be a hundred!

There is no fraction this time, but a full five hundred and twenty thousand more!

"Master Blizzard, this..." The little waiter looked terrified.

"Same as before, just treat it as a fraction, add them together and use them later." Su Han said.