Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4588

Chapter 4588

"Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor (!


Looking at the light spot of the soul that slowly dissipated, there was a moment of silence in the hearts of many human races.

The surrounding roar continued, the attacks from the demons did not stop, and they were also struggling to resist.

But the silence at that moment came so abruptly.

The North Wing Emperor, the top senior of the Star Alliance, the Seven-Star Ancient God Realm!

It seems that no title can be made, and there is a reason for them to feel sorry.

However, watching the North Wing Emperor being killed, many human races felt a pain like being stabbed by a needle.

His words before dying still lingered in his ears for a long time.

This person who had fought against the Phoenix Sect for many years, and tried every means to destroy the Phoenix Sect, died at this moment in order to protect the Phoenix Sect's people...!

Everyone can see relief from his face.

There is no fear, only a deep relief.

People of the Phoenix Sect had also thought that Su Han could kill him and vent his hatred of attacking and killing the Phoenix Sect.

However, when the Emperor of the North Wing really died, the people of the Phoenix Sect were convulsed in their hearts.

The prodigal son will not change his head.

The Emperor of the North Wing had indeed turned his head, but he didn't even have the possibility of reincarnation.

No one can describe how he feels, and everyone finally knows the original name of the Northern Wing Emperor.

Meng Yi!

If the human race does not die, then his name will be permanently engraved on the stone stele in the upper star field, and it will last forever.


The voice of the ancient **** of giant spirit suddenly came, breaking the thoughts of everyone's hearts.

"The death of the Northern Wing Emperor is just the beginning. There are too many human races about to die in this battle. Don't be distracted!"

Upon hearing this, everyone took a deep breath.

When I look at the demons, the boundless hatred and anger almost spread out of my eyes.

"Why, you are very angry?"

The culprit Qilin City Lord smiled and sneered: "Humans are really affectionate. The death of a seven-star ancient **** makes you so sad? Waiting for the deity to kill those inferior, medium, or even high When you wait for half-holy, don't you want to cry into tears?"

"As this guy said, the death of the North Wing Monarch is just the beginning. You better think about it. After you die, who will be left to mourn for you!"


As the voice fell, City Lord Kirin made another move.

He seemed to like the angry look of the human race very much, so he didn't keep any hands, the top half-holy power, covering most of the human race, made it extremely difficult for them to even act.

Fortunately, with the giant spirit ancient gods and other strong men carrying it, the human race barely had a chance to make a move.

Above the air.

The battle between Datian Zhanzheng and Shengguang City Lord has never stopped, and the surrounding void has completely turned into pitch black.


The Holy Light City Lord repelled Datian Zhanzun with a single blow, and then sneered: "The Seven-Star Ancient God of your human race is dead. They are all distressed. Why do you look like you are not distressed at all?"

"During these wars, the ancient demons have fallen, and the ancient gods of the human race have died. Naturally, it is normal."

Da Tian Zhan Zun looked calm, but he could hear that when he said this, he was gritting his teeth.

What Shengguang City Lord didn't notice was that Da Tian Zhan Zun's divine mind had been scanning all around.

He also thought that Da Tian Zhan Zun was preventing other semi-sages from attacking him, so he didn't care.

"If the death of the ancient gods is only the beginning, then the next thing is the fall of the human semi-holy."

The Lord of the Holy Light sighed and said: "While watching the human race being slaughtered, you, the pillar of the human race, have no chance to rescue you. Are you angry?"

Da Tian Zhan Zun looked back and saw that the eleven city masters were constantly slaughtering the human race.

His expression sank, he gritted his teeth, and immediately rushed towards that side.


Shengguang City Lord snorted coldly, naturally wouldn't allow him to do so, and immediately followed, chasing Datian Zhanzun.

But at this moment, Da Tian Zhan Zun looked back at him again.


It was this look that gave Shengguang City Lord finally a chance to take advantage of.

The palm of his hand fiercely bombarded the back of the Great Heavenly War Venerable, and the Great Heavenly War Venerable's defenses collapsed directly, spouting a big mouth of blood, and his figure staggered.

"As a top semi-sage, you would actually make such a low-level mistake? What are you looking at?" When the Holy Light City Lord spoke, he also glanced back.

He was very curious about what Da Tian Zhan Zun was looking at.

Normally, in battles of this level, Da Tian Zhan Zun must at least defend the Holy Light City Lord first, in order to be able to care about other things.

Therefore, he would say that Datian Zhan Zun made a very low-level mistake.

When he turned his head, he only saw the ten demons in the holy realm above, fighting with the Empress of Destruction.

The Queen of Destruction contained the four holy realms alone, but she hadn't fallen into a disadvantage for the time being.

On the other hand, on the side of the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Primordial Demon God, each of them only held the three holy realms, and there was already a decline.

Under this situation, they won't be able to hold on for long.

"You are the mud bodhisattva crossing the river yourself, it is hard to protect yourself, and you still have the mind to take care of other people?"

Shengguang City Lord sneered: "You really want to manage, you might as well manage the low-level human monks below! You can manage the battlefields of the Holy Realm? There really is no such thing as riches and noble lives. !"

Datian Zhan Zun looked gloomy and didn't say a word.

He was constantly calculating in his heart, and he could hardly be distracted, and then he went to talk these nonsense to the City Lord of Holy Light.

"Of course, even if you want to control those low-level human races, the deity will not agree!"

The City Lord of Holy Light was still endless, and when he was speaking, he continued to chase the Great Heavenly War Venerable.

The figure of Great Heaven Zhan Zun fell, not very fast.

He turned back from time to time, his expression increasingly tense.

Shengguang City Lord has been paying attention to his look, but he really doesn't understand why Datian Zhanzun is like this, only if he is worried because the situation with the Primordial Demon God and the East Sea Dragon King is getting worse and worse.

"The deity said that the battlefield of the holy realm does not need you to consider, and you are not qualified to consider it!"

While the Lord of the Holy Light yelled, he bombarded Da Tian Zhan Zun.

Down the road, Da Tian Zhan Zun had already attacked him several times, and his aura seemed to be a little sluggish.

He could predict that Datian Zhan Zun would definitely turn his head again, and at this time, it was the best chance to take action against Da Tian Zhan Zun. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The most taboo thing about fighting at this level is distraction!


The huge palm of his hand bombarded towards Datian Zhanzun.

This time, it was no longer the back, but the head of Datian Zhanzun.

Indeed, as the Lord of the Holy Light had expected, Da Tian Zhan Zun turned his head once again.

What can make Shengguang City Lord stunned is...

This time, the expression on Da Tian Zhan Zun's face was no longer nervous, nor worried, but a deep coldness!

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