Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4587

Chapter 4587

"Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor (!

"Dead! Die to me!"

Zhong Lin's eyes were blood red, and he looked at the scene in front of him excitedly, and the evil anger that had been held in his heart for a long time was finally vented out.

There is no doubt that the combined action of the twelve top semi-sages absolutely exceeds the existence of the holy realm such as the collection demon lord and the destiny demon god.

They, even already reluctantly, have the power to fight against the holy realm!

"Boom boom boom..."

Numerous human defenses exploded, and a large number of monks suffered backlash, spewing blood, and flying out.

From the sky above, the entire human race seemed to have turned into a wave. Countless people fell to the ground, and the blood mist had filled the entire Ten Thousand Demon Enchantment.

"follow me!"

The figure of Great Sky Zhanzun rushed out, and the destructive power of the top half-holy swept all over.

But relying on his own power, the attack on the twelve city masters was quickly consumed.

Fortunately, the other semi-sages of the human race also followed in time.

Even the ancient gods are in it.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

A large amount of roar was passed out, but only part of the opponent's attack was consumed.

Many ancient gods spurted blood, and only felt that the chest was hit hard, and the bones had been completely shattered. Even the peak ancient gods would not be spared.

Looking at the semi-sage of the human race, in addition to the big sky warlord, the other inferior, medium, and even the upper-class semi-sages are also pale.

It may not be visible on the surface, but in fact, the internal organs in their bodies have all turned into fans under the shock of the attack.

That is, monks, mortals, who are already dead can't die anymore.


Until the end, a huge muffled sound suddenly came out, and the light ball like the sun completely collapsed.

With a lot of defense and the blessing of many powerful humans, this attack was over.

Everyone was panting heavily, and when they looked at the twelve city masters, their eyes were already full of jealousy.

After all, it was still lost by the gap in quantity.

The base of demons is already large, and the number of strong people is too much!

"Da Tian Zhan Zun..."

A flat voice came from one of the thirteen cities, and City Lord Qilin was talking.

"You wait, how long can you hold on?"

"Well, you abandon the human race, come to my demon world, enslaved for millions of years, the deity will eventually give you a freedom, what do you think?"

These words sounded plain, but they were full of deep sarcasm, as if they were giving alms.

"Gujin's exchanges are just a death. How has the Human race ever been afraid?"

Datian Zhanzun smiled disdainfully: "The false gods pave the way with fate, the virtual gods never retreat, the true gods... the deity has lived for 9.86 million years, how can you be enslaved by your demons!"

"Then you, just want to die?" City Lord Qilin looked cold.

"What's the matter with death?"

Da Tian Zhan Zun coldly snorted: "However, it is too early for you to speak loudly. It is not yet known who will really die!"

"Until now, do you still hold hope?" City Lord Qilin frowned.

Holy Light City Lord also said: "Under the Ten Thousand Demon Enchantment, none of the Human Race can run away. You can only survive for a while at most. Struggle is only a process, and death is the result!"

Da Tian Zhan Zun raised his head and stared at the City Lord Shengguang for a while, finally his lips lightly opened, and he slowly spit out a few words.

"Fuck your mother shit!"


As soon as these words came out, there was a monstrous aura on the side of City Lord Shengguang.

He didn't expect that this level of dialogue would be so... rude?

"Da Tian Zhan Zun, my clan gives you a chance, but you don't cherish it. In that case, don't blame my clan for being ruthless!"

"When have you ever been in love?"

Da Tian Zhan Zun waved his hand impatiently: "If you want to do it, then just come, the posture of the dignified city lord, even like those Xiaoxiao, nonsense!"

"If you want to die, that deity will fulfill you!"

The Holy Light City Lord was furious, his figure flickered, and he came directly to the sky above the ten thousand demon enchantment.


The monstrous palm, carrying half-holy power, roared towards the human race below.

Without a word, Datian Zhanzun first rushed out and confronted the City Lord of Holy Light.

At the same time, the other eleven City Lords did not hesitate to kill the human race below.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo..."

Powerful people such as giant spirits and ancient gods all stood up at this moment.

Although they know that they are not opponents of the other side, they must protect the many human races below.

This is the duty of the strong, and it is also the duty of the strong!

Moreover, even if it is a top half holy, it is not that simple to kill a lower half holy, unless it is an existence like Jiyun Demon Venerable, Destiny Demon God, and a pervert like Su Han!

The giant spirit ancient gods, they are still sure, insist on a period of time.

"Puff puff"

The blood was constantly splattering, and the ancient gods of many human races couldn't hold on at all.

The top half saints may not be able to kill those ordinary semi saints for the time being, but they want to suppress each other, but it is simple.

The figure of Datian Zhanzun had already flown out, fighting with the City Lord of Holy Light.

He seemed to have forgotten the human race behind him, and he was fighting heartily with the Lord of Holy Light.

On their side, it was the battlefield of City Lord Jiuyou and Palace Lord Yun.

Above, is the battlefield to destroy the empress and others.

Without the protection of the Great Heavenly Warlord, the other semi-holy human races are losing ground steadily. The eleven top-level and semi-holy city masters are too strong and too strong, and they have no power to fight at all.

The situation on the scene is constantly deteriorating, but this deterioration is only relative to the human race.

Until a certain moment, that persistence was finally broken by the death of a certain ancient human god.


The sound of the flesh being torn apart was transmitted to everyone's ears.

It's the Emperor of the North Wing!


Many human races have blood red eyes, blue veins on their foreheads, and sadness in their eyes.

Including people from the Phoenix Sect!

At this moment, they had long forgotten that the Emperor of the North Wing was once his enemy, a member of the Star Alliance.

And what the North Wing Emperor protects is not just the people of the Star Alliance!

His body was torn in half by the Qilin City Lord. The Yuanshen wanted to escape, but was also caught by the Qilin City Lord.

Facing a top half-holy, the Northern Wing Emperor who was not even the peak ancient **** realm, there was no possibility of escape at all.

"Let him go!" The giant spirit ancient **** yelled.

He wanted to rush over to help, but was stopped by the Lord of Ksitigarbha.

"leave me alone!!"

The North Wing Emperor Yuanshen roared.

He did not have the fear before death, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com instead revealed a touch of relief.

"Even if I am alive, I don't know how to face Sect Master Su."

"Interests once blinded my eyes, and I am glad I can figure it out at this moment."

"Even the lowest-level monk can pave the way for the human race with life, why can't I, Meng Yi?!"

"Tell Sect Master Su, if I could do it again, I would never do those things that would make myself regretful!!"


After the last word fell, the primordial spirit of the Northern Wing Emperor was squeezed and exploded.

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