Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4536

Chapter 4536

The person here is the stunning war emperor!

Su Han has always stood from the perspective of this life, and has great admiration for the stunning war emperor. It is enough for him to stand alone on the mountain of the clan to fight the two great monsters and half saints alone.' senior'.

"Su Palace Lord."

The stunning war emperor came to Su Han.

He first looked at the Northern Wing Emperor with complexity, and then sighed towards Su Han: "If Sect Master Su, really consider me a senior, then listen to my persuasion, how about?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows, and finally closed the Yin Yang bow.

The golden and silver arrow turned into the power of cultivation and returned to Su Han's body.

"Senior Emperor of War, you have something to say straight." Su Han said.

Amazing World War Emperor was slightly relieved, he was really afraid that Su Han would not even pay attention to himself.

Everyone knows what kind of temper Su Han is. There is not much friendship between the Shocking War Emperor and Su Han. He is not sure that he can really persuade Su Han.

"The Mongolian people are indeed without virtue, but right now, the superior star realms really need them."

The Shocking War Emperor pursed his mouth and said: "Killing them at this moment can indeed be said to be the punishment of the Human Court Palace, but from a rational point of view, it is better to keep them and fight against the demons. At that time, let them also contribute to the human race, which is regarded as repaying the past life debts, what does Palace Master Su think?"

Su Han pursed his mouth, and said in a low voice: "The two people that Su admired most during the battle in Clan Boundary Mountain were Senior War Sovereign and Dongtian Fazun."

"Senior Emperor of War, as a human being, is willing to fight with our lives, so that we and other sect forces are ashamed."

"Although Fazun Dongtian, although a senior in the Star Alliance, has a terrible feud with Su, he can put aside these personal hatreds, he is indeed the pillar of the human race!"

After a slight pause, Su Han continued: "Su Mou don't understand, what kind of grievances the predecessors of the war emperor have suffered from the Mongolian people, and are willing to bow down to intercede for them at this moment?"

"When I was in retreat, the Emperor of the North Wing saved my child's life." The Shocking War Emperor whispered.

Just a few sentences, extremely short, but enough.

The North Wing Emperor saved his child, and he has come to save the North Wing Emperor's child.

Even if he knows that he is very likely, he will offend the entire human race because of this!

Even though he is reluctant to do anything in his heart, after all, he still has to repay the kindness he owed.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}North Wing Emperor didn't ask him, but he couldn't reach the hurdle in his heart.

What he cultivated is the great way. If there is a hurdle in his heart, in this life, I am afraid that he will not be able to touch the holy realm.

"From a private point of view, it is the deity, please, from a public point of view, the deity is willing to guard the eastern part of the holy sea for punishment for today's affairs!" The shocking war emperor said again.

Su Han lowered his head, thinking for a long time.

There was silence all around, and everyone was waiting for the result from Su Han.

The North Wing Emperor and the others were not relieved, because they knew that if Su Han insisted on his own way, it would be regarded as a shocking war emperor, and they would not be able to stop him!

"it is good."

I don't know how long it has passed before Su Han finally uttered a word.

is this word, but tens of millions of Mongolian children are relieved.

"But the Mongols are really too cruel, you can let them go, but the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable!" Su Han said again.

The shocking war emperor was silent.

can save the North Wing Emperor at this moment, and even the entire Mongolian people, Su Han has already given him great face.

It would be too much to ask for others.

"Just as my palace said before"

Su Han said: "All the Mongols have migrated out of the Tianshan Mountains and guarded the eastern part of the Holy Sea all the year round. How do the senior warlords feel?

"Excellent." Shocking and fighting the emperor.

"Where are you?" Su Han looked at the North Wing Emperor and them again.

After all, the North Wing Emperor is just a puppet in the Star Alliance.

It's okay to let him go, anyway, his life and death doesn't matter to Su Han.

The shocking thing has been done, and the North Wing Emperor will not dare to think of him anymore in the future. His real goal is to destroy the Star Alliance of the upper star domain after the monsters.

"Follow the palace lord's instructions!"

The North Wing Emperor and Mengli didn't know what Su Han was thinking, but Su Han was able to let them go for the time being, it really made them ecstatic.

They all cast grateful glances at the shocking war emperor, but the latter was expressionless and cold.

Obviously, I don't want to see them much.

"and also."

Su Han said again: "In the Tianshan Mountains, there are sacred birds in the waters. The Mongolian people have no virtue and no longer have the right to continue to receive the baptism of the sacred birds in the waters. This palace will take care of it by itself. Do you have any comments?"

Hearing this, Meng Li suddenly showed a touch of bitterness.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} This kind of result, he had already guessed it.

No matter how many treasures there are in Tianshan Mountain, it can be ranked first, after all, it is still the divine bird of the waters.

It can be said that more than 80% of the entire Mongolian people, tens of millions of people, are practicing the law of water attributes.

is because of the sacred bird in the waters!

Su Han took away the divine birds in the waters. Although it can't be said that they cut off their cultivation path, they will no longer practice as fast as before. This is really a huge loss for the Mongolian people.

Of course, any loss is not as important as being alive.

Even if he doesn't want to, Mengli still has to nod honestly.

"Clean up, the Mongolian people can go to the east of the Holy Sea. UU Reading"

Su coldly said: "The deity will go there from time to time to inspect. If you can't see your figure, then it will be considered as 10,000 stunning war emperors to intercede with you. It's useless, understand?!"


Mengli and the North Wing Emperor nodded at the same time. After a large number of Mongol children carried out a simple cleaning, they headed towards the Holy Sea.

Those onlookers around did not say anything.

A shocking war emperor, a human court palace lord, they think that Su Han let go of the Mongolian people, let them stand on the front line of resistance to demons, it is indeed rational and correct.

This is a kindness and punishment.

"Palace Master Su, thank you very much."

Shocking War Emperor clasped his fists: "The deity will fulfill its promise and will guard the eastern part of the Holy Sea today, and will never let the monsters overtake it!"

Su Han pursed his mouth, and sighed lightly, "There are not many semi-sacred humans. If there is any abnormality, seniors will definitely save their lives first."

Shocking Zhanhuang did not answer, just smiled freely, and then left here.

"It's all gone."

Su Han waved his hands to the surroundings: "This is not the time to watch the excitement. You are all pillars of my human race. This palace looks forward to you and makes great contributions to the human race!"

"Follow the palace lord's instructions!"

Those onlookers who were in casual cultivators were all showing excitement, and they suddenly felt that Su Han seemed to be much more approachable than the legend...

As for Su Han, after the crowd completely dispersed, he flashed to the center of the valley.

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