Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4535

Chapter 4535

"Kill! Kill all these gangsters!!"

"A bunch of beasts, it's not as good as pigs and dogs!"

"For so many years, I am afraid that an unknown number of monks have died in your hands. You Tianshan Mongolian, are you not afraid of going crazy?!"

At the same time that Su Han made his move, the cultivators who were onlookers were all rising in anger and couldn't help shouting.

However, after all, they still kept a little sane and didn't really make a move.

is not unwilling, but not dare.

In Su Han's eyes, the Tianshan Mengs are no different from the ants, but for them, Mengli alone is enough to be called a giant.

Being able to roar at this moment is already the limit of venting. If they dare to rush over, they really don't know who will die first.


A huge roar came at this moment.

Thunder, fire, raging waves passed Mengli and others, fell directly from the center of Tianshan Mountain, and exploded vertically inside the valley.

There was a moment of silence in everyone's ears.

Then, an astonishing ripple, with the speed and method visible to the naked eye, with the valley as the center, violently spread to the surroundings!

The scream of suddenly filled the surrounding area!

Even the children of the Mongolian nationality were already prepared, and when the thunder, fire, anger and waves condensed, they fled around.

However, Su Han still took away more than a million figures in this attack!

Among them, there is no ancient gods, but there is no lack of heavenly gods, mysterious gods, and so on.

If it weren't for the children of the Mongolian ethnic group that had been dispersed, I was afraid that the damage caused by the thunder, fire and raging waves would at least double!

"Palace Master Su!!!"

Mengli's eyes were red, and he shouted: "You should have finished venting too. My Mongolian people are willing to surrender to you, do you have to kill them all??"

"My Phoenix Sect, I don't need cruel people like you! The vast human race does not need cruel people like you!"

In Su's cold snort, his palms turned, and a long bow filled with gold and silver slowly emerged.

is the Yinyue Bow!

From a distance, this seems to be just an ordinary longbow of gold and silver, but if you look closely, you will definitely find that the color of the gold and silver is not the color of the longbow itself, but from the inside of the longbow. Shining light!

Su Han had already given the Yinyue Bow a long time ago. However, his cultivation was insufficient and he could not display much power.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} But it's different now!

He already possesses the power of half holy, although he still can't show the full power of the Yin Yang bow, but at least, he can show one percent.

These monstrous tools can even be compared with those ancient artifacts, even if they are only one percent of the power, they are enough to shock everyone!


holds the bow in his left hand, and the index and middle fingers of the right hand land on the bowstring at the same time.

Then, slammed!

Endless cultivation strength poured into it, and a long arrow that was also gold and silver gradually condensed from the bowstring.

There was a roar all around, even if this long arrow hadn't fully condensed yet, it hadn't been shot yet!

The huge movement made Mengli's expression change again and again, because he clearly saw that Su Han's goal... was himself!

"Do not"

Mengli shook his head frantically.

His hairs all over his body are standing up at this moment.

My scalp was numb, and the icy chill quickly rose from the soles of my feet and went straight to the skull.

The thick life and death crisis, after the golden and silver long arrows were completely condensed, burst out from the heart!

He even has a feeling

The power of this long arrow may have surpassed Su Han's inferior semi-sage power! !

"The power of the semi-sacred, I can no longer stop, under this arrow, how can I live???"

Mengli stared at that long arrow, his heart exploded.

At the same time, the light from the corner of his eyes fell on the people standing around him, trying to use the lives of these people to consume the power of Su Han's long arrows.

But at this moment

"Su Han!"

violently shouting, suddenly came from above.

Su Han moved for a while and couldn't help but look up.

This voice is so familiar...

is the North Wing Emperor!

Sure enough, as Su Han's eyes lifted, the figure of the North Wing Emperor also appeared in the sight of everyone.

The corner of Su Han's mouth raised a smile, did not lower the Yin-Yang bow, but still pointed at Mengli, and at the same time said lightly: "I heard that the Emperor of the North Wing has entered the Jiu Ming Realm retreat a few days ago. It seems that he will never It looks like it's going to come out. What, it's only a few days, and it's already a breakthrough?"

"Without further ado!"

The North Wing Emperor naturally cannot break through, otherwise, he is now the pinnacle ancient god.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} "Su Han, what do you want?"

The North Wing Emperor snorted coldly: "If you can't break through the Nine Ming Realms, you can do something to my Tianshan Mongolian? This is the way your Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor does things? My Tianshan Mongolian really did something unknown, but At least, it's better than your unscrupulous massacre!"

"There is no reason to win or lose."

Su Han said calmly: "In a different world, when you led many forces and used hundreds of ancient gods to destroy my Phoenix Sect, you were not as weak as it seems now."

"I didn't destroy the Phoenix Sect, that was the deity's last regret, UU reading is also the most regrettable thing!"

The Emperor of the North Wing took a deep breath: "The enmity between you and me is unsolvable. I know that I am not your opponent, but this is only a matter for you and me. If you really want to involve a certain force, it must be the Star Alliance. , Not the Mongolian people in Tianshan! You want my life, I can give it to you, but I hope you can let go of the Mongolian people!"

"Emperor!" Meng Li immediately said.

"To shut up!"

The Emperor of the North Wing drank, and then stared at Su Han firmly: "If you can let go of the Mongolian people, I can die now... I can die with my body and spirit!!"

"Among the Mongolian people, are there people you care about? Or is it the entire Mongolian people that you care about?"

Su Han said indifferently: "The Mongolian people have no virtue, they take monks as nourishment, and they kill the same clan for an unknown amount of time. Whether from the perspective of the Phoenix Sect or from the perspective of the Human Court Palace, Su cannot ignore this matter."

Hearing this, the expression of the Northern Wing Emperor completely changed.

"Su Han, do you really want to impeach the Nine Clan? Isn't it unscrupulous if you slaughtered these tens of millions of people?!"

"I am doing harm to the people!"

After Su coldly hummed, he immediately started to do it.

The bowstring on its Yin-Yang bow has been pulled to its limit. Once it is shot, its power will even exceed the thunder, fire, and waves.

"Su Palace Lord!"

But at this moment, the change appeared again.

When Su Han frowned, he only felt that his voice was a little familiar. After seeing the incoming person thoroughly, his frowning brows slowly let go.

"Senior King of War?"

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