Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 423

Chapter 423

If Su Han was here at this moment, he would definitely recognize this young man with handsome appearance and slender figure, but his face was gloomy and murderous, it was Long Lie!

"Exterior Demon..."

Long Lie took a deep breath. For the first time in his life, he had seen a real extraterritorial demon.

Extraterrestrial demon has always been just a legend. It has existed in many things for hundreds of millions of years, either by inheritance, or warning by the ancestors, or by those who are capable of deducing the future.

Now, this extraterritorial demon, which has always existed in the legend, really appeared, and finally appeared.


When seeing this moment of Long Lie, in the passage, countless figures condensed their eyes at this moment, and fell on Long Lie's body.

Those huge scary red figures that were always being carried on the sedan chair changed their previous screams, and instead uttered a low growl human language!

And this language instantly made Long Lie's face more gloomy.

"This is the Milky Way starry sky, why did you come here after all!" Long Lie asked in a deep voice.

The huge figures didn't answer him, but they showed their disdain, and they all screamed at each other, seeming to be making fun of Long Lie, laughing constantly.

"A group of gods who have no lower gods, do you like to laugh? I make you laugh enough!"

Long Lie let out a cold snort, his palm stretched horizontally, and suddenly he cut down towards the passage.


In this split, a shocking palm sword appeared in the starry sky. The palm sword was like a golden chain of Tianhe, flowing down, looking gorgeous, but also extremely terrifying and terrifying!


In the starry sky, a huge roar appeared.

The long knife was placed horizontally, splitting the huge blood-red passage in half!

There are a large number of hideous figures turning into snowflakes, trying to enter the Longwu Continent, but under the palm of the sword, the entire Longwu Continent is buzzing, and the snowflakes around it shocked severely at this moment. , And disappeared in the sky in an instant.

Including those hideous figures that have turned into light spots and merged into the snowflakes, and disappeared with the snowflakes at this moment.

If you stand in the starry sky and look at it, you can see that the blood-red red glow on the entire surface of Longwu Star is reduced by a shock.

And the hideous figures contained in those snowflakes are at least millions or even close to ten million, but under Long Lie's palm, the hideous figures of nearly ten million, at this moment, all disappear!

The cultivation bases of these ordinary ferocious figures are not high. According to the level division, they can be regarded as the level of the monster beasts on the Longwu Continent. They can be divided into ranks 1 to 7, but there are almost no ranks. It was the Dragon Venerable Realm on the Longwu Continent, and it had not been out for many years.

Even the sixth-order ferocious figure, there are not many existences, there can be one in every 100 million, it is considered to be a very high proportion.

Generally, it is mostly fifth-order and below.

And Long Lie hit nearly ten million directly with a palm, showing the horror of strength!

Moreover, there is more than nearly ten million!

Long Lie's sword was not to smash the hideous figures on the surface of the Dragon Martial Star, but to directly cut off this passage, so that these hideous figures were disconnected in the starry sky, lost their entrance, and fell into a space storm!

That is a real space storm, not a space storm cast by a magician.

If swallowed by a space storm, even the upper gods would have almost no possibility of escape, unless they reached the level of the main god.

And these hideous figures that appear at this moment, once they have no entrance, lose their spatial link, and are swept by the space storm, they will immediately die.


The palm knife fell from above and hit the passage fiercely.

The entire blood red channel, with a click at this moment, broke directly into two halves!


When I saw this scene, the huge blood-red hideous figures all changed their complexion, and roared extremely angry.

However, their roar was quickly overwhelmed.

From the place where the blood-red channel broke, a spatial turbulence appeared.

After the turbulence of this space appeared, the volume where the passage broke, and it immediately became larger and larger, sweeping all the red passages, and the blood-red crystals flashed in them, and soon, a huge wave formed storm.

It is a space storm!

The power of the space storm is simply destroying the world, and at the moment it appeared, a monstrous swallowing power appeared from it. The entire starry sky, except for Long Lie, almost everything was swept away.

Even Long Wuxing is moving faster at this moment, and seems to be involved in a space storm.

The distance between the two is really too close.

But Long Lie let out a cold snort and waved his palm. The dark starry sky in front of him was suddenly distorted, and a wave of ripples spread out.

This ripple is getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, it is like the current of the sky and the sea, giving birth to five fingers, turning into an indescribable big hand!

This scene is extremely visually impactful. If someone sees it, he must take a cold breath and shrink his eyes!

That is terrible!

I saw that big hand, white and transparent, as if it were completely condensed by the water flow, it actually blocked most of the dragon and martial stars forcibly!

No matter how strong the suction power of that space storm is, the blood-red light around this Dragon Martial Star is quickly swallowed, but Long Martial Star, under the protection of Long Lie's palm, is still running slowly, without a trace. Crisis!

At this moment, the huge red channel that didn't know where to lead was rapidly collapsing.

This collapse is endless, and it seems that it will never dissipate.

Amazing booming sounds continued to be heard in the starry sky, as if there were thousands of thunder roaring, and as if there was great power in the sky and the earth.

In the collapse and collapse of this passage, the blood-red figures were all swept away, swallowed by space storms in the screams and screams.

Long Lie looked at all this indifferently, and the blood-red figures were staring at him, and the blood-red ray eyes revealed extremely strong hatred.

"We...we will... come..."

At a certain moment, a voice that sounded extremely jerky and gloomy came to Long Lie's ears.

"If you come back you will still die!"

The cold light in Long Lie's eyes was even worse, and under his wave of his hand, the blood red channel that was being quickly swallowed exploded again.

Within the passage, no matter those ordinary hideous figures or those huge hideous figures, they collapsed into the sky at this moment, under Long Lie's eyes.

After the passage disappeared, the blood-red light that wrapped Long Wuxing also dissipated at this moment.

The entire Dragon Martial Star still looked turbid, as if nothing had happened, and it was constantly running.

?? ps: Today and tomorrow will be two changes, there are too many things, but from the day after tomorrow, I will make up for chapters.

?? Anything owed will be made up.

(End of this chapter)