Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 422

Chapter 422

Long Wuxing, compared to other planets, is much smaller, and it can even be said to be the smallest planet among them.

Even so, the diameter is close to one billion kilometers, even if it is the full speed of the Dragon Emperor Realm, it will take a full year to cross.

From the starry sky, around the Dragon Martial Star at this moment, there is a layer of ocher light behind it. The light envelops the entire Dragon Martial Star, which seems very turbid.

Every planet is running like this slowly, it seems that it will never stop. If no accident happens, it will continue to run like this until the death of the heart of the world.

But for all planets, there must be the heart of the world, and Longwuxing also has it.

And the strength of the heart of the world also determines the degree of spiritual strength of this planet, as well as its level.

Logically speaking, an abandoned planet like Longwuxing should have an extremely weak world heart, but if one can stand in the starry sky and look at it, you will immediately see the center of the planet through the turbid earthy yellow light. , There is a huge heart beating.

The huge degree of this heart is no less than that of any high-level planet, and even from its breath, it is infinitely stronger than those high-level planets.

However, the heart of the world at this moment seems to be in a deep sleep, as if its only function is to make the dragon and martial stars operate.

The real function of the world heart is to protect the planet on which it exists from harm, not to sleep like this world heart.

At a certain moment, Long Wuxing, who had been operating all the time, suddenly paused.

Then, a monstrous blood-red light emerged from the starry sky.

These blood-red rays appeared out of thin air, without the slightest warning!

The light enveloped Longwuxing, and when viewed from the outside, it was extremely dazzling, as if the entire Longwuxing at this moment had become a blood red, which could be clearly seen from countless distances.

After the blood red light wrapped Long Wuxing, it still did not stop emerging.

And this kind of light, after being rich to a certain degree, turned into countless white snowflakes, falling from various places of Longwuxing.

This is the heavy snow that lasted for two years.

What is strange is that the appearance of this blood-red light, and the snowflakes it condenses, only appeared at this moment.

But the snow in Longwu Continent has been falling for two years.

Above this time difference, it is simply not right.

At the same time, a blood-red channel appeared in the originally dark starry sky.

This passage is filled with an extremely strong pungent and **** aura, just like this passage is completely condensed by blood.

The passage does not know where it leads, and its end is connected to Long Wuxing, or in other words, it is connected to the shocking blood-red light that envelops Long Wuxing!

All of this appeared silently and seemed to have always existed like this.

After the passage appeared, there were a large number of figures who did not know where they were coming from, along the passage, slowly walking towards Longwu Continent.

These figures are all blood-red, hideous-looking, and have spikes on their backs. They look like humans, but they are not humans. Their figures are slightly bent down, and there is a sharp angle between their eyebrows.

It was the hideous figure that Su Han saw when he evolved into the future!

It's just that, with the emergence of the channel, this figure is growing more and more, and it looks boundless.

The passage is huge, with a width of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and its length is indescribable. The number of hideous figures is at this moment, covering the passage.

At a glance, there are at least billions of them!

The sounds of these hideous figures are not human language, but a little harsh.

They kept looking around, with curiosity, surprise, and amazing coldness.

As if this is the first time I have seen such a world.

In the middle of the passage, almost every 100 million, there will be hundreds of thousands of these hideous figures, carrying a huge sedan chair.

The sedan chair shone with blood-red color, and it looked very crystal clear, as if there were countless gems.

On this sedan chair, there was a huge figure sitting.

This figure looks similar to those hideous figures, but it is a few thousand feet tall, and its aura is extremely terrifying.

The whole passage, so far, there are dozens of such huge figures, and in the rear, it seems to be a steady stream.

At the forefront, those ordinary hideous figures came into the blood-red light, and their figures gradually became illusory. Finally, they turned into countless spots of light, which were actually integrated into those snowflakes, and along with the snowflakes, they fell on Longwu. Above the mainland.

If you change to other planets, the Heart of the World will be sensitive and immediately block these snowflakes.

But here in Long Wuxing, the heart of the world seemed to feel nothing, still sleeping, only the thumping sound proved that it was still alive.

If the heart of the world is dead, then the planet on which it exists will inevitably collapse.

Because the planet itself is condensed by the heart of the world, and the place where the heart of the world exists is a world.

Those huge hideous figures seem to have seen the heart of the world, and their eyes are full of strong greed, pointing to the heart of the world, making sharp screams, as if discussing something. I am extremely happy.

When the hundred million hideous figures in the front were all melted into the snowflakes, the first huge figure on the huge sedan chair also began to turn into nothingness.

The moment it turned into nothingness, a shocking blood-red light broke out, and its body dissipated into a light spot at this moment. In the blood-red light, it wanted to blend into the snowflakes.

But at this moment, the void of Longwu Continent was suddenly torn apart, a huge crack appeared, and the entire Longwu Continent was shaking at this moment.

The heart of the world, which has been sleeping all the time, seems to have awakened for an instant at this moment, just hearing a boom, a huge light curtain appeared, directly blocking these snowflakes!

And at this time, it was also the moment when Su Han looked up at the sky, looked at the huge crack, and felt the aura of the subordinate spirit!

Under the barrier of that piece of light The huge figure that had been turned into a spot of light was recondensed again, with fear and fear on its hideous face, looking at the huge The heart of the world keeps screaming.

The dozens of huge figures in the passage, when they saw this scene, they all frowned deeply, revealing a gloomy look.

I don't know how long it took, the huge figure in the front looked gloomy, and slowly retreated into the passage, allowing only the ordinary hideous figures in the back to blend into the snowflakes.

And they are always in the passage, watching quietly.

"call out!"

Just at this moment, a very dazzling stream of light suddenly appeared in the dark starry sky.

The speed of the streamer was extremely fast, and it almost reached a distance of hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, came to the side of the Dragon Martial Star, and stopped.

The streamer dissipated, and a figure walked out, with chills and murderous eyes, staring at the blood-red passage, silent.

(End of this chapter)