Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4137

Chapter 4137

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Looking at Qin Yun's gradually disappearing back, Su Han also had a little complicated thoughts rising in his heart.

A slender jade hand stretched out from behind and landed on his waist, and there was more than one.

Su Han didn't need to look back at all, he could already think of Nangongyu, Yun Qianqian, and Luo Ning's delicate appearance.

"Husband, when did your relationship with Qin Yun become so close?"

Xiao Yuhui didn't pinch Su Han, but gloated and said, "Did you carry our sisters on your back and did something you shouldn't do?"

"No, really not!" Su Han said reflexively.

"Tsk tsk, such a beautiful woman, is very caring for you."

Nangong Yu also said: "It looks like it's really coming to send you the sound transmission spar. In fact, it's obviously full of worries, and I want to see if you return safely."

"I can testify about this!"

Wei Qi shouted from a distance: "Miss Qin has already returned a few months ago, but she will come here once a day to see if Master Su has returned."


Su Han glared at Wei Qi, and immediately caused the latter to shrink his neck.

But soon, the severe pain from his waist made Su Han's aura disappear.

"Father, what did you say in the sound transmission spar that Master Demon God gave you?" Su Qing walked over to help Su Han in time.

Su Han immediately gave him a grateful look.

Su Qing grasped attentively and raised an eyebrow toward Su Han.

When Xiao Yuhui and the others saw Su Qing talking about business, they didn't say much to Qin Yun.

Su Han took out the sound transmission spar and dived into it. The voice of the Primordial Demon God immediately sounded in his mind

"Before entering the demon world, your identity was exposed, but the Star Alliance remained questioning and has never done anything to you."

"In this trip to the demon world, your general movements in it have been transmitted back to the superior star regions."

"If nothing happens, the Star Alliance will most likely intercept you, so you can do it for yourself!"

In just a few words, Su Han's expression immediately became gloomy.

Before, when he learned that Yuan Ling could not make a move, Su Han no longer continued to conceal the identity of his previous life.

But at that time, as the Primordial Demon God said, it might be because of the origin of the soul, or it might be because of other forces in the sanctuary, or more probably, because the Star Alliance did not believe in Su Han, so they did not kill Su Han. .

And now, the Star Alliance almost knew about Su Han's affairs in the demon world, they must have sensed their huge threat, so they were murderous.

Perhaps some people would hold an objection, thinking that at this moment, the monsters are watching, and the strong humans are not enough and should not kill each other.

With Su Han's aptitude, the Tianjiao who can suppress the monster clan at the moment, and the strong man who can suppress the clan in the future, how good is it to keep, why do you kill?

However, Su Han is very clear!

In the eyes of the Star Alliance, in the eyes of Yuan Ling, in the eyes of some people!

His own weight is probably much heavier than the demons.

If you don't move the monster, you must kill yourself!

"Husband, what did Master Demon God say?" Xiao Yuhui couldn't help asking, seeing that Su Han's expression was not so good.

"Star Alliance, finally can't help it."

Su Han took a deep breath: "From now on, we are afraid that we will confront the Star Alliance head-on!"

Xiao Yuhui was startled.

The others are also in silence.

When Longwu Continent, inferior star field, middle star field, they also hated the Star Alliance. Sands Chinese

But the strength is still insufficient, and he can't fight head-on, so he has to forbear secretly and keep a low profile.

But now, I can't hide it anymore.

"Come on then!"

Ling Xiao took a deep breath: "This is not a sanctuary. We still have the Cloud Palace, the Destruction Queen, and the Primordial Demon Gods. The Star Alliance may not be able to do us anything!"

"My cultivator, why not fight?!" Shen Li also sniffed coldly.

(A tribute to Ergen, a tribute to "Xianni")


Su Han laughed: "Wind and rain are about to come, Phoenix Sect is ready. Su Han has never believed in the sky, how the Star Alliance got up, I let it collapse!"


Millions of members of the Phoenix Sect, bending over at the same time.

"I'm waiting to assist the sovereign right and left, soaring forward, all the way against the sky!!!"

Looking at this scene, even Suo Ying, Shen Tianli and other senior officials of the Cloud Palace could not help being shocked.

"Master Su."

A misty voice came from a distance, and it was Yuan Aoshan, the first-rank imperial envoy of Baihua Mansion.

"Don't dare."

Su Han immediately clasped his fists and smiled: "Master Yuan is a first-grade imperial envoy, how can Su dare to be called "adult"?"

"That makes sense."

Yuan Aoshan and Su Xue stood opposite Su Han, and said, "There are already many Phoenix Sect members. I'm afraid that in the future, you won't stay in the Cloud Palace anymore. How about calling you 'Su Sect Master'?"

"Yes." Su Han said.

"Palace Lord has an order"

"From now on, Baihua Mansion will fully assist the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon, hoping to help the Phoenix Sect and reappear the glory of the Tushen Pavilion that year, until Sect Master Su leaves the superior star region." Yuan Aoshan said.


Su Han's body was shaken, and he couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Master Yuan, Palace Master Hundred Flowers really said that? With the power of the Phoenix Sect at this moment, Hundred Flowers Palace is on my side... I'm afraid it's not a good choice!"

"Didn't he also say it before?"

Yuan Aoshan pointed at Ling Xiao, and said, "With Yun Wang Mansion as your backing, as well as the support of the Primordial Demon God and the Empress of Destruction, what else can I worry about in Baihua Mansion?"

Su Han pursed his lips: "Then thank you Hundred Flowers Mansion, Master Yuan greets the lord of Hundred Flowers Palace on behalf of Su. If you have time, you will definitely come to thank you."

"Sect Master Su doesn't need to rush to thank you, Palace Master has a request." Yuan Aoshan said.

"Please say."

"Although Su Xue is your daughter, she still has to stay in the Baihua Mansion. My Baihua Mansion will give her every effort to train her. That's why Sect Master Su can rest assured." Yuan Aoshan smiled.


Su Han let out a long sigh of relief: "How can Su Mohe De let Baihua Mansion help so much, I am grateful!"

Hundred Flower Mansion had to let Su Xue stay in it, obviously because of Su Xue's aptitude.

In fact, Baihua Mansion has no other substantial benefits except for a reputation.

To put it awkwardly, Baihua Palace felt that the Phoenix Sect was still relatively weak and was in a development period. They did not have so many resources to train Su Xue, and they did not want Su Han's qualifications to be buried, so they let Su Xue Stay in the Baihua Mansion.

Said it was a condition, in fact, he was still helping Su Han.

Su Han is not stupid, how can he not tell?

"Sect Master Su will become the ruler in the future, as long as he can remember Hundred Flowers Mansion." Yuan Aoshan smiled even more.

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