Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4136

Chapter 4136


"What's coming?"

Shen Tianli suddenly spoke, making many people in the Cloud Palace confused and confused.

But soon, this confusion was lifted.

"Wow, wow..."

Many portals appeared from above the void, and there were silhouettes walking out of the portals.

is Su Han and others!

Looking around, millions of portals occupies the entire void, and those many figures seem to be reflected from the holy sea.

"Master Su!"

Seeing that Su Han and others finally returned, Wei Qi and Chen Changqing were suddenly surprised.

Although it was delayed for half a year, at least, Su Han and the others came back safe and sound.

"Hahaha, a good student of the teacher!"

Suo Ying laughed, the irritability in his heart swept away, and he rushed to Su Han and gave him a big bear hug.

"The disciple has seen Master." Su Han smiled bitterly.

He wanted to hold his fist and salute, but was hugged by Suo Ying, and couldn't forcefully break free.

For this cheap master, Su Han's favorability is still very high. Although he did not help himself in cultivation, he has always been secretly protecting him.

Therefore, even if Su Han's cultivation base at this moment is about to catch up to win, he still has respect for him.


Suo won obviously also noticed the change in Su Han's cultivation level. After releasing it, he looked at the latter, especially Su Han's eyebrows.

"Seven stars? Your cultivation..." Suo Ying widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

"Master, the disciple is already half a step in the heavenly divine realm." Su Han smiled.


Suo Ying had already guessed in his heart, but when Su Han said it himself, his brain crashed and he couldn't believe it.

He clearly remembered that before Su Han entered the Demon Realm, he was only a Divine Spirit Realm, and he was far from the Profound Divine Realm by several minor ranks!

In this short span of decades, he has actually crossed a big realm, with several small ranks, reached the half-step Heavenly God Realm?

"Your cultivation speed... is too terrifying, right?" Suo Ying asked with staring eyes.

"Oh, compared with Master Su, I'm far behind!"

Wei Qi's long sigh came: "I still remember that when I was waiting to join the Cloud Palace at about the same time as Master Su, now, Master Su is already a super power in the half-step Celestial Realm, and I waited until I could reach it. It's only a one-star Profound God Realm, this gap is beyond words!"

Chen Changqing also said: "Actually, I met Master Su at the beginning, and I already knew in my heart that Master Su is a dragon and phoenix among people, and he will be able to spread his wings and fly into the sky in the future. It is definitely not what I can compare to. But... but Master Su's cultivation speed , Is it really too much? Can you wait for me and save a little bit of face?"

"Don't just praise me, you are not bad."

Su Hanchao Wei Qi and Chen Changqing smiled and said: "Before entering the monster world, your two's cultivation base should be the five-star **** spirit realm, right? In decades, they have reached the one-star mysterious **** realm, almost once every ten years. , What else do you want?"

"Master Su, it's okay for others to say this, but it's too hypocritical to say it from your mouth?"

Wei Qi snorted, "Before entering the monster world, it seems that your cultivation was only a five-star or a four-star spirit realm? Now you are already in the half-step Celestial God realm. Compared with you, Not bad? It's just rubbish, right?"

Su Han rolled his eyes.

Wei Qi and Chen Changqing seem to be jealous, but they are actually happy for Su Han, and Su Han naturally doesn't care.

Turning his head slightly, Su Han looked at Suo Ying again. On the latter's eyebrows, there were no longer seven stars, but only one.

"Master, have you reached the Heavenly God Realm?" Su Han smiled.


Suo Ying nodded and smiled: "Thanks to you, I finally made a breakthrough and became a one-star god."

Su Han said speechlessly: "What is the blessing of me? Master is already in the pinnacle of the Profound Divine Realm, but it has been accumulating and accumulating. When the opportunity is reached, it should be a matter of time."

"If you don't accept you as an apprentice, I really can't tell if you can break through as a teacher!" Suo Ying sighed.

"The disciple appeared just right, it has nothing to do with Master's breakthrough." Su Han explained helplessly again.

At this time, Shen Tianli walked slowly.

Su Han immediately clasped his fists in a serious face: "Su Han, I have seen Master Zu."


Before Shen Tianli could speak, Wei Qi, Chen Changqing and others were puzzled.

"In fact, Lord Shen is my master, Su Han should be called Master Shen." Suo Ying said.

"That's it..." Wei Qi and the others suddenly realized.

In fact, this matter is not a secret, and it has been more or less spread in King Yun's Mansion, but Suo Ying and Shen Tianli have not admitted, then this matter cannot be taken seriously.

"Su Han!"

A soft and slightly trembling voice came from a distance. Su Han couldn't help but look up, but saw a beautiful-looking woman standing not far away, looking at herself faintly.

"Qin Yun?"

Su Han breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Since entering the monster world, I haven't seen you. You haven't even gone to the Wan Beast River. I thought..."

"You think I'm dead, don't you?"

Qin Yun stepped forward to regardless of Xiao Yuhui, Ren Qinghuan and others beside Su Han, and raised his chin and said, "Is it because I'm dead and no one continues to pester you, so you are happy? "

Wei Qi and Chen Changqing retired very wittily, Suo Ying and Shen Tianli also stepped back, watching this scene with interest.

Su Han grinned, and said, "You think too much, we are both the ambassadors of the Yunwang Palace, why should I entangle you? I am very worried about you..."

"Then have you looked for me?" Qin Yun interrupted Su Han.

Su Han's tone stagnated.

He really never went to Qin Yun on purpose.

How sensitive is Qin Yun's mind?

Seeing Su Han like this, I immediately knew that Su Han must have never found himself.

"Huh, this is your so-called worry? I'm afraid I'm really dead at the moment, you won't be sad, right?

Under 'Angry', Qin Yun stretched out his hand to pinch Su Han's arm, and pressed hard, Su Han grinned in pain.

"Hey, Master Demon God asked me to give it to you."

Qin Yun handed Su Han a sound transmission spar, and then muttered: "If it weren't for this, I wouldn't come to you!"

The voice fell, Qin Yun turned and walked away.

Only, at the moment of turning around, Qin Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and his cheeks gradually turned red.

She suddenly remembered that between herself and Su Han, they were not so close.

But why, can't help but say this? ?


His face was getting hotter and hotter, and his steps faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, Qin Yun disappeared from Su Han's sight.