Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4082

Chapter 4082

Not far away, Pangu Xingzi was still at war with Hanbei, Beaver, and Fengci.

In the face of these three top monsters, Tianjiao, even though he was not at a disadvantage, he did not dare to be overly careless and had to concentrate on it.

But at this moment, he couldn't help being distracted.

His eyes fell on Su Han, or in other words, on the cage that trapped Su Han.

"Is he really going to die?"

The muttering voice came from Pangu Xingzi's mouth.

After he came into contact with the Milky Way starry sky, he knew the existence of the'Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor'.

In the galaxy starry sky, the extraterritorial celestial demon made a shocking situation, and let him, the top prince, come personally as a human race. Then he naturally has to investigate people and things in the galaxy starry sky clearly.

But the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon does not need to be investigated.

He has ordinary qualifications, but he has an extraordinary life.

In the bright moon that year, the incense of the Human race was at its peak, but he was the only one who opened up the realm of dominance and opened up the road of cultivation that has plagued the Human race for so many years!

To be honest, in Pangu Xingzi's heart, none of the other things done by the ancient emperor Yaolong was as amazing as he opened up the dominance realm.

To be smaller, it is only a breakthrough in a realm, but to be larger, it is to promote the development of all races, continue to flourish, and stay strong forever!

In the age when he was still alive, maybe he couldn't tell what to say, but with the passage of time, this clue has gradually appeared.

Whether it is the current master of the soul, or the ancient spirit ancestor Saint Chen Wendao who has just broken through, or the blood moon lord of the monster world...

They really broke through on their own, but they walked on the road created by the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon!

In other words, if there were no Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor, it would be impossible for them to reach the dominance state!

From this point of view alone, the great contribution of the ancient demon dragon to the human race cannot be described in words, let alone measured by any value.

When Pangu Xingzi learned of all this, even if he was a mortal enemy with the Human Race, he was still full of curiosity and awe of the legendary "Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor".

Among the planes where the extraterrestrial demons are located, the Domination Realm is not the top realm. They have created the way to dominate the realm, which is much earlier than the Human Race.

It is precisely because of this that Pangu Xingzi learned from those ancient books how hard it is to open up a dominance realm.

Ancient books record that the extraterritorial celestial demons have paid no less than 30,000 super-top powers for this!

It is equivalent to using the lives of at least 30,000 super-top experts to accumulate dominance abruptly!

The first power to dominate the realm, once led the extraterritorial celestial demons to a new level, and allowed them to spread at a very fast speed, and continue to invade small planes, allowing the outer celestial demons in a very short time , Access to countless resources, the race is getting bigger and bigger.

Its contribution is really terrible!

However, what Pangu Xingzi didn't expect was that such a heaven-defying existence, shortly after achieving the dominance...

Then fell!

What Pangu Xingzi didn't expect was that the unity of the human race was weak, and it was almost a hypothesis!

After the fall of the ancient demon dragon, the human race experienced tremendous turmoil. The strongest power, the "Tushen Pavilion" almost collapsed in just a few days. I don't know how many strong people died, injured, and disappeared.

This completely refreshed Pangu Xingzi's worldview, and also made him thoroughly understand why the human race has always been regarded as one of the 'most humble races' in the eyes of the aliens.

Later, Yuan Ling ascended the throne, and then gradually took control of the situation, and the sanctuary finally calmed down.

At this time, Pangu Xingzi has officially been promoted to the four major Xingzi.

In his heart, except for the ancient emperor Demon Dragon, he is scornful of anyone, even the current master of the soul!

In his opinion, the entire human race is a weak lion. They obviously have the potential to become stronger, but they are ruined by the abhorrent greed.

There is only one person working hard, and that is the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon!

Unfortunately, he is a martial idiot and can't change any ending at all.

Pangu Xingzi always felt that he had never seen the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon before the game fell. That was a great regret in this life.

But what he never expected was that the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon... was actually reborn again!

It is no longer the ordinary aptitude of the past, but with a posture like a arrogant, reborn and reproduced in the world!

He pushed the Tianjiao Alliance with one hand, and directly reached the top as the tenth descendant of the gods, and even in the eyes of some people, he could be on par with himself!

From beginning to end, Pangu Xingzi never looked down upon Su Han, even though he had been reborn and had no cultivation base back then.

Just because he is the ancient emperor Demon Dragon!

Terran is stupid, but he is not stupid!

This person who can open up the dominance realm is reborn with the memory of that year. He will surely set off a monstrous wave under the galaxy starry sky!

Therefore, when Pangu Xingzi was pleasantly surprised, a strong killing intent emerged in his heart.

Surprisingly, I was finally able to see the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon.

And the killing intent... is like Su Han's view of Zhonglin, wanting to kill him in the cradle.

What worries Pangu Xingzi more is that Su Han already knows his true identity.

Although his layout over the years has seen some results, so many people do not believe Su Han's words, but paper, after all, can't contain the fire.

The overall situation of the extraterritorial demon cannot be exposed at this moment, he must rush to kill Su Han before his identity is exposed!

Pangu Xingzi thought of thousands of ways, and even thought it was foolproof, but who would have thought that Su Han would actually die in this monster world.

"People are not as good as heaven!" Pangu Xingzi sighed again.

The moment Su Han really was about to die, a little regret was born in his heart.

Fenghua Peerless was born out of time.

Two lives as human beings, after all, will not escape a fall.

"After you die, the temple will burn a stick of incense for you."

Pangu Xingzi looked at Su Han from a distance after retreating from the sorrow: "Actually, that's fine, at least you don't need to see the bloodiest scene. The demons are right. Humans are really humble and despicable. They are not worthy of this world, they are only worthy to kneel in front of you and confess after entering hell."

These words were all said in the heart of Pangu Xingzi.

And after the words were over, Pangu Xingzi retracted his attention and once again focused on fighting Han Bei and the others.

However, from this moment on, his figure is moving towards the altar step by step.

The magnitude of this movement is very small and subtle, so that the three Tianjiao, Hansei, Fengci, and Beaver who are in the midst of irritability, have not even noticed.

"Su Han is dead, then the main hall will replace the human race and take down these three drops of holy blood!"