Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4081

Chapter 4081

Blood connection is actually equivalent to the combined attack of the human race.

As for the combined attack technique, Phoenix Sect also has it, and even from a certain aspect, Su Han's combined attack technique comes from the sanctuary and is stronger than this kind of blood connection.

But in this situation, does the human race have a chance to perform the combined attack?

absolutely not!

The others have already crossed the river with the mud bodhisattvas, and they cannot protect themselves. How can they expect them to infuse the power of cultivation on Su Han?

In terms of comprehensive combat power, these monsters are still strong after all!


The loud roar was deafening.

The terrifying claws, carrying the power of the Seven-Blood Demon Emperor Realm, severely covered Su Han's head.

With great consumption, Su Han used the seventh sword again, the blade light was directly destroyed, and Su Han's figure retreated.


A big mouth of blood spurted out, and Su Han slammed into the cage, his original ruddy complexion was slightly pale at this moment.




Seeing this scene, everyone in the Phoenix Sect changed drastically, revealing a deep worry.

They wanted to help Su Han, but they couldn't get out at all and could only do it in a hurry.

"Asshole, dare to move the lord, I will kill you!!!" Ling Xiao's eyes were blood red.


The Tianzhu Blade waved in the air, and the two demons Tianjiao were repelled.

Ye Xiaofei looked cold, stepped forward, and said solemnly, "I'll help the lord."


This time, before Su Han could speak, Su Xue said: "Father can still hold on a little bit. If you leave, others will be killed and injured!"

"Huh?" Ye Xiaofei twisted her eyebrows and looked at Su Xue with a stern look.

For her, Su Han has the kindness of knowledge and encounters, which is equivalent to rebirth.

She can watch anyone die, but she can't watch Su Han die.

"He is my father, can I be less worried than you?"

Su Xue and Ye Xiaofei looked at each other, trying to use a calm tone of voice: "Sage Emperor Feather, I know you are anxious, but according to the father's intention, he must want you to protect other people first, otherwise, he can't do his best. Fight!"

"If the lord dies, I will slaughter the entire demons!"

Ye Xiaofei's voice was cold and terrifying, and even the two demon Tianjiao who was fighting with her felt a tremor all over her body when she heard it, and goose bumps rose.

Behind it, the huge face that only Su Han could see was about to appear again.

"Boom boom boom..."

The battle continued, and the human race struggled to support it.

In the center, the statue sat back in its original position, obviously without a head, but it gave people a feeling of gloating at a play.


In the cage, the huge claw was photographed again, and Su Han tried his best to dodge, but the cage was so big that it couldn't dodge at all.

I wanted to take the Kaitianding out to resist, but Kaitianding seemed to be asleep, and was not subject to his call. It was obviously because of the statue's ban.

In desperation, he could only use various attacks to consume the attacks from Zhonglin.

Zhong Lin said that he didn't care, but he obviously wouldn't give Su Han a chance to attack Su Han with the power of the Seven-Blood Demon Emperor Realm, like a squally rainstorm.

"Puff puff"

Su Han's expression became paler and more and more blood spurted.

It was the first time since he came to the superior star field, or in other words, since he got the summoning ancestral witch and the sword aura of the emperor, he had fallen into such a dangerous situation.


Once again crashing into the cage, a large number of bones have been broken in that extremely powerful flesh.

The muscles and bones are constantly repairing, but they can't keep up with Zhong Lin's attack speed. If this continues, Su Han will eventually be consumed by life.


After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Su Han looked extremely embarrassed.

Step by step, step by step!

The suppression of combat power made him unable to resist Zhonglin's attack.

Ye Xiaofei, Ling Xiao and others could only watch from a distance, even if they were fierce in their hearts and angry, they were helpless.

All Su Han could rely on at the moment was a breakthrough in his cultivation.

And in his feelings, the cultivation base of the peak of the Six-Star Profound God Realm had already been slightly loosened.

As Zhonglin said, if it were normal times, Su Han would never break through so quickly.

But the situation is different at the moment!

Although Zhonglin's bombardment caused Su Han to be seriously injured, it also promoted the stimulation of Su Han's potential and accelerated the improvement of his cultivation!

As long as Su Han is given a little more time, he will definitely be able to reach the Seven Star Profound God Realm.

At that time, Zhonglin's blood connection will be useless, and Su Han's counterattack will come completely!

However, Zhonglin obviously also noticed the increase in Su Han's aura here.

He was obviously seriously injured and his breath should have been weak, but in Zhonglin's induction, he was getting stronger and stronger.

"Demon Long Ancient Emperor, the first to dominate the realm...existence beyond ordinary people!"

Zhong Lin's eyes flashed, and he burst out of murderous intent.

"I admire you and respect you, but the stand is different, you must die!"


As soon as the words fell, Zhonglin's huge unicorn body shook fiercely, and a humming sounded from him.

There were scales that fell, instantly collapsed into light, and then turned into endless sword light, surrounding the cage overwhelmingly.

Su Han's pupils shrank suddenly, his heart jumped wildly, and his sense of life and death broke out!

At this critical moment, he glanced back, Ye Xiaofei and Ling Xiao were all stopped by the demon Tianjiao, even if they were summoned at this moment, it was impossible.

Moreover, with their combat power, they are not Zhonglin's opponents at all, even if they are allowed to come over, I am afraid it will just die.

Take their lives for their short-term survival?

Su Han can't do it!

"If you really die here, it will really be easy..."

At this moment, many thoughts echoed in Su Han's mind.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't get revenge, I couldn't use Yuan Ling's hand..."

"Unfortunately, I couldn't see the moment when Qing Yao completely awakened..."

"Unfortunately, I couldn't kill those traitors..."

"What a pity... what a pity, hahahaha!"

The bohemian laughter made all people's hearts sink to the bottom.

And those demon Tianjiao with a sneer, with sarcasm, and with a strong sense of joy!

They regarded Su Han and Pangu Xingzi as the souls of the human race, the mainstay!

In their opinion, the reason why Human Race can still persist in hardship is because Su Han and Pangu Xingzi are still alive.

At this moment, Su Han was about to fall. After he died, Zhonglin would naturally go to deal with Pangu Xingzi again.

At that time, the human race will completely collapse, and the battle on the qi and blood altar will have a final result.

Regardless of Tianjiao or the strong, that victory as always belongs to their demons, and no one can ever break it!

"Shoo, hoo, hoo..."

Terran's canthus is about to split, and the anger is fierce.

The demon was very excited and laughed.

Under the gaze of all eyes, the endless sword light turned into by the scales completely enveloped the cage and Su Han's figure...!