Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3850

Chapter 3850

After putting away the Divine Blood Crystal Card, Su Han looked at the hundred dark green crystal stones again.

In it, he can feel the richness to the extreme expression, even he suspects that this spar is formed by the transformation of spirit into substance!

Thinking about it for a moment, Su Han took out one of the spars and launched the Dragon Emperor technique, intending to try to swallow it.

But the spar did not move at all, and the Dragon Emperor technique lost its effect for the first time.

"Can't swallow it?"

Su Han frowned, took the spar in front of his mouth, and took a light bite.

This was an unintentional attempt, but Su Han had a pause.

When he bit down, the spar didn't feel any hard, on the contrary, it looked like the sugar in the mortal world, with a little sweetness.

After that, something that shocked Su Han even more happened.


The monstrous air spread from his mouth, instantly permeating his body, almost bursting.

After an instant, this spirit disappeared again, and Su Han's cultivation strength clearly improved a little.

"This...good thing!" Su Han's eyes flashed.

can be turned into the power of cultivation in a flash, without refining, or even absorption. If it were not for the increased cultivation, it would be called the treasure of heaven and earth.

The main thing is... it tastes good.

In the following time, Su Han ate up a hundred dark green spars in one go, and his cultivation power, amidst the silence, was about 1% more diligent.

Until this moment, Su Han's cultivation strength has reached 21% of the Heavenly God Realm!

checked other heavenly materials and earth treasures, they all have a great effect on the body, Su Han finally decided to leave it to Xuanyuan Shengyi and others.

Wenren Nonghan, they are all martial arts monks, and Xuanyuan Shengyi and others are also members of the Phoenix Sect. Naturally, they don't flow into the fields of outsiders.

Besides, these things were all obtained by Su Han, and no one else could tell.

"However, they are considered to be good at protecting Xuanyuan Shengyi and others, and I will give them the treasures of martial arts cultivators in the future."

Thinking of this, Su Han began to refine the qi and blood essence of Yaomei and the worm.

It is not everyone who can come to the place of two thousand seven hundred meters, but the Profound God Realm.

Even if it was them, under the blessing of the dragon storm, they looked pale, panting, and in extremely poor condition.

Su Han had already come out of the Saint Son Xumi Jie, the time required to refine the essence of Qi and blood was not long, plus the tens of thousands of times the time flow of the Saint Son Xumi Jie, he only spent less than ten Minutes.

As expected, the qi and blood essence of Yaomei made him more than 1% more diligent in his cultivation, while the worm's qi and blood essence made him more than 5% more diligent in his cultivation.

Add up to exactly 7%.

In other words, Su Han at this moment has already possessed 28% of the cultivation base of the Celestial God Realm, and his comprehensive combat power, without using Dragon Blood Rage, is close to 4% of the Celestial God Realm. Ten!

"At this moment, if you encounter a royal heir like a worm again, even if you don't use the dragon blood violent, you can rely on the calming magic to kill him!"

Su Han pursed his mouth, looking at the Profound God Realm that was struggling to climb up.

The peak Profound Divine Realm, such as the Elder Wang, seems to be better. The worst is the five-star and six-star Profound Divine Realm.

There was no blood on their faces, and they were panting heavily. They just opened their mouths and they were going to stagnate for a long time.

Su Han knew that the gravity here was already extremely strong, even if there was a dragon storm, it was already their limit.

Even Chenyun and other royal heirs were in very bad condition when they walked here, let alone them.

"Only you are here?" Su Han said.


Elder Wang took a few breaths, and finally smiled bitterly: "Su Zun, it's so difficult for us to come up, do you think others can come up?"

"Where are they?" Su Han asked.

"The cultivation base is different, and the places to stay are also different. The weakest is naturally Xuanyuan Shengyi and the others, at the position of two thousand and one hundred meters." Elder Wang said.

Su Han nodded slightly.

If there were no dragon-shaped storms, Xuanyuan Shengyi and the others were afraid that they would not even be able to climb up to the position of two thousand meters.

"It's that Chenyun and other royal heirs. I saw them go down. They should be heading for other gods." Elder Wang said again.

Su Han flashed his eyes and sneered: "They have the foresight. If they continue to stay here, they will end up like Yaomei!"

"You... killed the borer?" someone asked cautiously.

"Yeah." Su Han nodded.

Everyone's eyes widened, their faces twitching constantly.

"Su Zun or Su Zun, it's too strong..."

"That worm is obviously only the Six-Blood Demon Lord. According to the cultivation base, it is two small grades lower than mine, but the coercion on his body makes me breathless. Unexpectedly, Su Zun will still treat him Killed."

"Even the royal heirs are not Su Zun's opponents, then even if facing the Saint Clan, Su Zun must be invincible!"

There were waves of admiration, and everyone's admiration for Su Han rose to a new level.

"Stop flattering first."

Su Han said with a faint smile: "I heard Chenyun and the others said that as long as you can reach the peak, you can get blood initiation. According to my guess, there is a spirit here after all, so the so-called If it falls on us, it's a spirit initiation."

Hearing this, no one showed excitement, instead they smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

Elder Wang: "Su Zun, any empowerment is useless. With our strength, we can only get to this place. The last three hundred zhang really can't go up."

Su Han groaned slightly, and said: "You enter the saint son Xumijie, I will try to take you to the top."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they got up immediately.

However, the saint son Xu Mijie, who has always been okay, seems to be blocked at this moment, and no one can enter.

"Only the holy realm can detect the saint son Xumijie. It seems that the person who created this endless abyss has indeed exceeded the divine realm to prevent all cheating." Su Han shook his head helplessly.

Elder Wang and the others drooped their faces again, except for themselves, no means can make them get that 'blood empowerment'.

Su Han didn't waste time, but rushed down first. After giving the 200 million sacred blood stones and more than two hundred sacred blood stones from Yao Mei and the worm to Xuanyuan Shengyi and others, Only then did he return to the place of two thousand seven hundred zhang.

"The last three hundred feet!"

Su Han raised his head, the power of cultivation was unfolded, and his figure, in the enviable eyes of the elder Wang and others, rushed upward at a very fast speed.

"People are more angry than people!"

"He is still in the spirit realm, how can people live?"

Behind him, there was a loud sigh.