Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3849

Chapter 3849

The moth hadn't taken a shot yet, and the figure had stopped there.

Su Han was already able to display 30% of the Celestial God Realm combat power. After the dragon blood raging, it increased by 10% to 40%, exactly the same as the worm at this moment!

At the same level, Su Han was able to hold the borer for at least one second.

One second is short, but also very long.

This second is enough!


There is a huge jet-black sword light, which emerges out of the sky and appears on the top of the borer.

There is an indescribable aura and coercion in the blade light. Although the worm cannot move, it can be deeply felt.

What's even more terrifying is that at the moment the sword light appeared, countless sights appeared in the void above.

A large starry sky appeared, and then quickly collapsed, and finally appeared completely dark.

That is the legendary "Sky"!

"When I used the fifth sword to kill the Moon, Su said that there are two swords left, one to kill the royal family, and one to kill the saint!"

"You can die under the sixth sword, you are proud enough."

Su Han did not speak, but the voice passed into the borer's mind.

Then, with the sword as the sword, the sixth sword, cut horizontally.

"Six swords see the sky!"


The light of the sword fell and slashed on the borer.

Obviously, it was stabbed by the sword light, but the worm felt like it was a big mountain in his hand, pressing **** him.

That is not the sharpness of the blade, but the suppression of the power of the sky!

The entire sky, with the falling of the sword light, quickly spread across the borer's sight.

The worm phantom behind it collapsed directly, and the blood of Yasheng Jin was forced out by force and dissipated in the void.

That's not collapse. With Su Han's power, he was not qualified to destroy the blood of the Asacred Gold. Obviously, it was the demon clan that used a certain method to prevent the golden blood from being obtained.

Su Han had already anticipated this kind of method, naturally he would not have too much hope for the blood of Ashen Gold.

It cut away the body of the borer and also smashed his soul!

When the sword light dissipated and the sky disappeared, the two thousand and seven hundred zhang places completely calmed down.

The worm never expected that his death would be so simple and so happy.

He originally thought that after all the methods were deployed, he would stage an earth-shattering battle with Su Han.

However, he thinks too much.

"The calming technique, after all, is still a real big killer!"

Su Han sighed lightly, and put away the bones of the borer.

Naturally, he would not collapse it into a blood mist. The bones of the royal family's heirs are so precious. If they really collapse into a blood mist, they will lose a lot, and even the chance to display the dragon blood violently will be lost.

"If you can come up, come up."

Su Han sent a message to Wenren Nonghan and others, and then entered the Saint Son Xumijie without hesitation.

He didn't refine the qi and blood essence of the worms and the demon Mei Mei for the first time, but first opened their void bracelets.

The so-called "Void Bracelet" is actually the same as the human storage ring, which can be used to hold things.

Among Demon Mei's Void Bracelet, there is a drop of ancient fairy blood, a long sword, dozens of holy blood stones, and more than 100 million **** blood stones.

Holy Blood Stone, equivalent to Holy Crystal.

God blood stone, equivalent to God crystal.

is the universal currency of the monster world.

The difference is that the **** crystal and the holy crystal can be used to cultivate the martial arts cultivation. Among the holy blood stone and the **** blood stone, only the power of blood exists, and it is useless for the martial arts monk to swallow it, but has a great effect on physical cultivation.

Of course, the qi and blood power in it is not much, but if there is enough, it can also improve a lot of cultivation.

The demons and demons have no pill, but that doesn't mean they can't use it.

The human pill can also be transformed into the power of qi and blood by them, and it is absolutely too much beyond the blood stone of the gods. Therefore, in the past two races, the demons and demons have always been extremely coveted for the human pill.

"This holy blood stone is not bad. The power of the holy realm qi and blood in it is much higher than that of the **** blood stone, and obviously there is no need to limit the cultivation level, otherwise, the demon does not need to be carried with him." Su Han glanced at it. flash.

The Saint Crystal has Saint Power, which can only be used with super-top powers above the Ancient God Realm, but the Saint Blood Stone does not have Saint Power, so Xuanyuan Shengyi and others can all have the power of Saint Realm Qi and Blood.

In addition to these things, there are many treasures of heaven and earth in Yaomei's Void Bracelet, all of which come from the monster world.

Su Han can feel the aura in it, and his grade is not high, but for Xuanyuan Shengyi and others, it is also a great tonic, no less than the essence of the blood that swallows the demon general realm.

"The royal family has so many good things, and the royal family has many more?"

Su Han smiled and opened the worm's bracelet of nothingness.

Two blood-colored spears, one blood-colored lotus flower with two lotus seeds, one three-color nameless grass, one hundred turquoise spars, more than two hundred other natural treasures, and 176 holy blood stones One piece, one hundred million **** blood stone, one **** blood crystal card.

Scarlet spear is naturally the natal weapon of the borer.

The blood-colored lotus flower, the three-color nameless grass, and the hundred turquoise spars were all seen by Su Han with divine consciousness, and they were derived from this first peak.

Those heavenly materials and earth treasures, mostly full of blood, should come from the monster world, he had already obtained them before entering the endless abyss.

The Holy Blood Stone and the Divine Blood Stone needless to say, but the divine blood crystal card after rent makes Su Han frowned.

As a descendant of the royal family, the blood stone commonly used in the gods is naturally unlikely to be similar to the royal heir of Yaomei.

His wealth is all in the Divine Blood Crystal Card.

These **** blood crystal cards are like those issued by the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce and Dragon Slayer Town. There are digital records on them, but the real **** blood stones are stored in the tribe of the demons.

The number on this god-blood crystal card is 720 million!

and Yaomei does not possess the God Blood Crystal Card.

It's not that she is not qualified, it should be that all her wealth is in the bracelet of nothingness.

"It is recorded in ancient books that the blood stones of the gods and crystals are at the same level, but the number of blood stones of the demon world is extremely large, far exceeding the **** crystals of the human race. At this moment, it is true." Su Han secretly said in his heart.

Even if he is the heir of the royal family, the worm is only a seven-blood demon after all. Before coming to the endless abyss, he was only six-blooded.

But his wealth combined, but it is more than 800 million blood stones!

How can there be more than 800 million **** crystals in the six-star Profound God Realm of the human race?

I'm afraid it is only the six-star Profound God Realm of the level of the descendants of the nine great gods and the four great stars, which has so much wealth.

Put aside their words, let alone six stars, peak Profound Divine Realm, none of them!

"What should I do?" Su Han played with the Divine Blood Crystal Card in his hand.

It is obviously unrealistic to go to the royal tribe to extract these blood stones. It is impossible for the monsters to give the blood stones to Su Han.

"You can think of a way, the demon will extract it for me."

Slightly pondering, Su Han put the Divine Blood Crystal Card first.