Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3820

Chapter 3820

"Su Zun in your eyes is afraid that he will die soon!"

When everyone laughed, a thunder-like roar came from the other side.

Just the sound makes many people dizzy, their ears hurt, and there is a faint blood flowing out.

The Profound Divine Realm was fine, they immediately unfolded their divine power and wrapped everyone up to avoid being really hurt by the sound.

"The opponent is very strong!" Wen Ren Nonghan's face was solemn.

Before this, even the two holy monsters, Goufeng and Yangna, did not have such a momentum.

Just one sentence made everyone uneasy.

It can be seen that this person who speaks must be far better than Gou Feng and Yang Na!

"Look, he is on the Poison Armor Bursting Beast!" Song Ling shouted.

Everyone had been staring at the front, and when Song Ling spoke, they had already seen it.

There is a very young man who looks like he is sitting on the poisonous beast in the center.

This person is completely different from other monsters, and it looks exactly like the human race.

Handsome face, lazy temperament, robe hanging on the body, cloak swaying behind.

He sat there with Erlang's legs tilted, with a weed in his mouth, just like a lover among those human races.

the difference is

Outside his body, there are six extremely strong qi and blood surrounded!

"Six Blood Demon Lord?!" Everyone couldn't believe it.

If it wasn't for the demon but also the ancient demon and couldn't hide the breath, everyone really thought that this person had deliberately hidden the cultivation base.

After all, how could a six-blooded demon monarch speak out of wind and thunder, causing so many monks below the Profound God Realm to have pain in his ears?

This is something that even the seven-blooded demon monarchs like Goufeng and Yangna can't do!

But soon, Ming Wu rose in everyone's hearts.

"One of the three clans!"

A woman spoke.

She is called 'Lin Jia', she is also the arrogant of the Lin family of the seventh-level district power, but the Lin family is not a top-level power, it can be regarded as the first-class power, and considers herself a family.

Lin Jia is very delicate, she is the kind of woman who is small and exquisite.

At this moment, she has a solemn expression, frowns her eyebrows, and speaks slowly.

"Su Zun once said that above the holy demons, there are royal families, royal families, and the most powerful holy races. The number of holy races is very small, and they will not show up easily. They are the true heritage of the demons. The guy on the Aburst Beast should be the royal family, or the royal demon!"

"I actually sent the three tribes' heirs to come, the demon is really willing to pay for it!"

"Yes, even if it is a royal family heir, each one is a magical treasure. They are willing to take it out. It seems that they are really killing us."

"Hmph, demons and human races are not at odds with each other. They don't value us, but we are too tough. Even the holy demons died in the hands of Su Zun!"

Seeing a monster from one of the three races appeared, everyone's expressions were immediately ugly.

Even Su Han attaches great importance to the children of the three races of monsters, which shows that the latter is really tough.

Even the Poison Armor Bursting Beast under this man's seat is full of Qi Dao Qi and blood, more than other Poison Armor Bursting Beasts.

At the level of the six-blood demon king, he can tame the seven-blooded Tier 5 Poison-Armored Bursting Beast, this young man must be extremely powerful!

Many demons stopped, and the young man jumped suddenly. When he fell on the ground, there was no dust, but there was a terrifying roar that passed from the ground.

It seems that there is no problem on the surface, but from the center, it shattered directly.

With him as the center, the surrounding ground finally began to collapse, but it was not a crack-like collapse, but from a certain place, it turned into fine-grained sand, turning everything within a few miles into sand waves. .

Watching this scene, everyone's eyes shrank again.

They could see that this young man didn't use his energy and blood. The reason why such a scene was created is entirely because of his physical strength!

"Are you a royal heir?" Lin Jia couldn't help but speak.

The young man smiled slightly: "The temple is closed to the moon. It is indeed the heir of the royal family. Although you and I are not at odds with each other, you can also become the plaything of the temple if you see your temperament. At least, you don't need to die here immediately."

"The demon is just a savage, and want to meddle with me?" Lin Jia's face was cold.

"When you are about to die, you won't say that." The young man sneered.

"Are you sealing the moon? The royal heirs sealing the moon?" Wen Ren Nonghan asked suddenly.

Many people remember that before they were killed by Su Han, Gou Feng and Yang Na called out 'His Royal Highness Fengyue'.

"This is the main hall." Feng Yue said lightly.

Normally, monsters usually use their own race as their surname. For example, the last name of "dog" is "dog", and the last name of "yang" is "yang".

The monsters at the level of the three races have almost escaped from the limitation of types. They can change their looks at will when they are the monsters. This is their talent technique.

Fengyue's surname is 'Feng', no one can tell which type he is.

"All right."

Fengyue glanced around the crowd, seeming to lose patience, and slowly said: "Where is Su Han? The main hall appeared in person, and his intention was to kill him, except for him, no one is qualified to let the main hall take action."

"You can move the lord too?" Xuanyuan Shengyi sneered.

Fengyue turned his gaze, and when he looked at Xuanyuan Shengyi, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised a dark! ! ! "

His footsteps stomped on the ground, and his obviously thin figure, but with extremely powerful strength, rushed towards Xuanyuan Shengyi.

"not good!"

"Stop him!"

The people around saw that the situation was wrong, and as their complexion changed, they immediately shot.

"Wow, wow..."

Many attacks from the Profound God Realm were unfolding overwhelmingly at this moment.

Rao is the mighty power of Fengyue, the son of the royal family. At this moment, the figure stopped, stopped in time, and retreated to the rear.

And after he left, those attacks gradually dissipated.

"This is the human race? Just know how to overwhelm the less?"

Fengyue curled his lips and shook his head: "It really disappointed the main hall. I thought that even if the human race had no strength, they should have spine, but now, compared with my monster, it's really different."

Everyone was angry, but no one spoke.

The royal family heirs are too strong. Just from the momentum, many people dare not look directly at him. This seems to be an innate natural pressure.


At this moment, behind Wen Ren Nonghan, an old man dressed in grey came out.

The aura of the Profound God Realm at its peak faintly radiated, causing Fengyue's gaze to fall on him.

"Although you only have six bloods, you are a royal heir, and the old man can't be regarded as bullying you."

The old man stared at Fengyue, and slowly said: "You look down on the human race, the old man represents the human race, and teach you a lesson!"