Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3819

Chapter 3819

Hearing Song Ling's words, everyone nodded secretly.

It's not that Song Ling is flattering Su Han, it's just that.

But what he said was a bit exaggerated. From ancient times to the present, for so many years in the upper star realm, it is not that there has never been a Profound God Realm capable of fighting a Heaven God Realm.

According to rumours, one of the nine ancient gods known as 'Gods' was one of them. At the peak of the Profound God Realm, he had fought a one-star Celestial God Realm.

There is also news that, tens of thousands of years ago, when Palace Lord Yun was still at the pinnacle of the Profound God Realm, he also fought against the Heaven God Realm, but was ultimately defeated by the Heaven God Realm. Divide, a terrifying person who leapfrogged the gods.

I don't know the true or false, but this is enough to see how big the gap between the Profound God Realm and the Heaven God Realm is.

The power of the palace lord of King Cloud is second only to the semi-holy Queen of Destruction.

It can be seen that when he is in the Profound God Realm, he will certainly not be too weak!

But this kind of person is still defeated by the Heavenly God Realm.

Therefore, even the descendants of the Four Great Stars and the Nine Great Gods in the past are extremely enchanting, yet no one dares to say that when they are in the Profound God Realm, they can fight against the Heaven God Realm.

The Heavenly God Realm is too strong, after all, one must maintain a sense of awe for those great abilities.

"Leave aside them for now!"

Wen Rennong wrote: "Since Su Zun has entered the small world to practice, then I can't waste time waiting. Everyone has refined the essence of blood and blood. No matter how much, you can absorb it first. , The excess can be used to improve cultivation."

"This qi and blood essence is indeed a great effect on martial arts cultivation, but if it is not wasted, it must be absorbed by people who cultivate the body!" Song Ling smiled bitterly.

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at the Five Thousand Warriors of the Phoenix Sect.

They had known for a long time that all of the five thousand Zhanzu people were cultivating the flesh.

And looking at this place, there are eight thousand people. Except for the warriors, the remaining three thousand are all martial arts monks, and there is no physical training.

The most important thing is that Wen Ren Nonghan, Song Ling and others clearly remember that people like Zhanzu... there are close to six million!

And all of them have entered the monster world!

"Millions of physical training?"

Wen Ren Nonghan's mouth twitched fiercely: "It is amazing enough to be able to break through to the gods in the posture of physical cultivation. If all these millions of people are physical cultivation, then... Su How rich should you be?"

How expensive physical training is, this is a well-known thing, not a secret.

It is precisely because of this that these talents will still choose to practice martial arts when they know that physical training is better than that of martial arts monks of the same level.

It's not that they don't want to cultivate the body, but the conditions don't allow it!

A physical training, especially Tianjiao physical training, how many resources should the forces behind it put on him?

I don't know the specifics, but there are too many Budo monks. If it is used to train Budo monks, you can cultivate several or even ten at the same time.

A martial arts monk, at the same level, is not an opponent of physical training, what about the two? What about three? How about ten?

The greater the power, the more clearly this account can be calculated, and it is really not worthwhile to cultivate physical training.

And Su Han, who can bring millions of people to the position of the gods, how much resources does he have to spend on these people?

Even the resources in Wonderland are already countless!

"Don't dare to think, don't think..." Everyone shook their heads.

They even think that Su Han's brain is a bit bad. With so many resources, if they are used to train martial arts monks, has the number of people at that moment changed from millions to tens of millions?

"Su Zun must have his reason for doing this, so let's not think too much."

Wen Ren Nong Han said loudly: "Other people's affairs have nothing to do with me, so I should practice first to avoid the arrival of other monsters, I will wait..."


Before his words fell, the ground shook wildly.

This kind of vibration is even more intense than when Gou Feng and Yang Na appeared before them!

At that time, Goufeng and Yangna and other demons arrived. Although the speed was amazing and the dust was set off, it was nothing compared to the moment.

In the sight of everyone, a hundred huge figures came from a distance.

Every time they fall, a huge pit will appear on the ground. Wherever they pass, the ground is cratered, and there is no flatness.

This is obviously not a monster, but a very famous 'blood beast' in the monster world.

Poison Armor Bursting Beast!

The strong human race searches for the souls of the demons, and naturally knows a little about the blood beasts.

The so-called "blood beasts" are actually fierce beasts in the upper star realm, with different names.

Poison Armor Bursting Beast, among all Tier 5 blood beasts, can be ranked in the top ten, and the top ones are likely to break through to Tier 6.

His body is full of toxins, which can instantly melt the toxins into blood from the demon realm monsters, and when they are in crisis, the scales on their bodies will explode, turning into a large amount of poisonous mist, and the whole body is full of threats. UU reading

The tribes that can raise the poisonous beasts are at least the top medium-sized, and a large part of them are large tribes.

Together with the two holy monsters, Goufeng and Yangna... This time the tribe aimed at himself and others will certainly not be small.

Wenren Nonghan's face changed drastically: "The demons and demons are really a big hand!"

"I'm afraid it was Su Zun's blessing." Someone laughed bitterly.

didn't mean to target Su Han, what he said was fact.

As the number one hunter of the human race, Su Han is too tempting for the monsters. The many rewards are enough to make large tribes move by the wind.

Seeing that Ren Nong's letter seemed to have no good face, the man quickly said: "Don't look at me like that, I don't mean anything else. After Su Zun got so many essences of vitality and blood, I even broke through a small rank. Naturally not stupid enough to mock Su Zun."

"This is best!"

Wenren Nong's letter snorted coldly and said: "I am Su Zun's most loyal follower. I firmly believe that as long as we follow Su Zun, our future achievements will be limitless!"

Mingming sounded like flattering words, but it made everyone excited.

"Haha, Mr. Wenren is right, follow Su Zun to have meat!"

"We've eaten a lot of meat? But it's all monsters.".

"What is the poisonous armor burst beast? As long as Su Zun leaves the customs, we can even swallow its blood essence!"

"Yes, compared to the monster clan, the blood essence of the blood beast is the most!"