Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3315

Chapter 3315

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"Su Han, get up, what are you doing?"

The messenger of the dignified White Tiger, Mu Jingshan at this moment had red eyes and was about to cry.

"I, Su Han, have been saying that I don't worship heaven and earth, but kneel to my parents."

Su Han raised his eyes, looked at Mu Jingshan's eyes, and said softly: "But for you, this kneeling is extremely worthwhile."

"No, no, no, I don't need you to kneel, get up!"

Mu Jingshan desperately wanted to pull Su Han up.

But obviously, whether she uses her cultivation base or not, it is useless.


Su Han flipped his palm, and a big red invitation card appeared.

"You are..." Mu Jingshan was stunned.

Su Han opened the invitation card and slowly sent it to Mu Jingshan.

"If you want, then write your own name on the woman's side."

At this moment, Mu Jingshan was shocked!

So this is ah

He left out the name of the woman, just to let himself fill it in!

I don't know what kind of emotions are pouring from the bottom of my heart.

Mu Jingshan's mind was completely white, and she had no thoughts at all to consider other things.


She stood there blankly, her lips lightly open, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

"Aren't you willing?" Su Han asked.

"Yes, of course I am!" Mu Jingshan said subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, she heard a burst of laughter from the Phoenix God towards the crowd.

That ruddy face completely spread to the roots of the ears at this moment, like a big ripe apple, which is pitiful and heartwarming.

"you guys!"

Mu Jingshan stomped her foot and snatched the invitation card from Su Han's hand: "I am willing, it is my business, but you... but you haven't said that yet!"

"Which sentence?" Su Han asked with a smile.

"That's...that's the sentence!" Mu Jingshan said.

"What the **** is that?"

"You rascal!" Mu Jingshan was about to cry.

"God Lord, that's the sentence!"

"Yes, that's the sentence, don't you even know?"

"Say it out quickly, that's the sentence!"

The teasing coming from behind made Mu Jingshan almost wanting to get in.

Once upon a time, that self who had always been extremely reserved, actually became so straightforward?

Perhaps, only when facing this bastard!

"I love you."

During the bursts of laughter, the three words Su Han said clearly passed into Mu Jingshan's ears.

"Shan Shan."

He looked at Mu Jingshan and said softly: "Ten million years ago, I came to the middle star field for the first time, met you for the first time, and fell in love with you for the first...

"But your status is really too high!"

"You are the princess of the White Tiger Dynasty. I'm just a casual cultivator. We are not a person of the world at all."

"Even if it is, I have reached the position of the peak of the medium star field in the future, but I still dare not blaspheme you."

"At that time, I was not a divine master, and had no power in the divine realm. Even though I had reached the peak, the White Tiger Sacred Dynasty was still a huge mountain for me, and it was difficult to cross."

"I left, left the middle star field until I died, and never came back."

"That's my cowardice, and it's also my regret. Even if you come to propose marriage today, I still regret it."

"Maybe Yuelao is the match? Give me another chance?"

"Anyway, at this moment, I am in front of you again."

"For tens of millions of years, I know that it is not easy for you to wait. You can scold me for a bad guy, or you can scold me for being ruthless, but..."

"I hope you can marry me!"

Mu Jingshan's eyes were already completely red, and tears couldn't stop pouring out.

In these tears, there are emotions, and also the grievances that have been felt for tens of millions of years.


If it weren't for the beginning, how could it be now?

After he entered the sanctuary, Su Han could find another Liu Qingyao.

But when did she, Mu Jingshan, ever think that there will be another person to replace Su Han?

In the matter of feelings, Mu Jingshan lost after all.

She had imagined and dreamed that one day Su Han would stand in front of her, and she must beat him severely to vent her anger.

But when this moment really came, she didn't even have the strength to speak.

"You have so many wives, you have forgotten me a long time ago..."

Mu Jingshan plunged into Su Han's arms like a child, tears instantly wet Su Han's clothes.

At this moment, the crowd of Phoenix Divine Realm stopped laughing, all bowed their heads and remained silent.

"Sorry..." Su Han hugged Mu Jingshan hard.

At a certain moment--

Mu Jingshan suddenly struggled out of Su Han's arms.

He did not know where he got the pen, and wrote his name on the invitation card.

Su Han's eyes were red at this moment.

Mu Jingshan, she is still that girl!

Even if she is reborn, she is still, willing to marry love and herself!

At the moment when Mu Jingshan wrote her name, all the invitations sent down by the Phoenix God, the women who had been vacant before had the three characters Mu Jingshan!

Astronomical calendar 18976 century, 2378, April 12th.

The Phoenix God Lord is married!

Countless forces, countless strong, countless casual repairs.

Surging from all directions.

The Phoenix God Dynasty, with its monstrous power, built an illusory bridge from Phoenix City to connect White Tiger City.

Anyone with knowledge can see that the light of that illusory bridge is actually paved with elemental spar!

How many elemental spars must this be?

Even if there are many powers of cultivation, it is at least hundreds of billions, or even over trillions, right?

How much does it cost if converted into elemental spar?

How much money does this Phoenix Divine Empire have! ! !

There are an unknown number of monks standing under the bridge, waiting for the marriage to be completed and the elemental spar drops, so they can grab a "red envelope".

The bridegroom is gorgeous and the bride is glamorous.

The so-called golden boy and jade girl, gifted scholars and beautiful ladies are nothing more than this.

Under the gaze of countless people, Su Han took Mu Jingshan's hand and walked slowly over the bridge.

Wherever there are monks, thousands of congratulations will be heard.

This speed of travel is not too fast.

It took three full days to return to Phoenix.

Mu Jingshan forgot everything and was completely immersed in this atmosphere.

What Su Han once said was completely realized.

This wedding is magnificent, in the middle star field, it is absolutely unprecedented, no one will come.

Perhaps it was Heaven's eyes that opened his eyes, and that beautiful dream that I did not know how many times finally became reality.

Even in the most glorious period of the White Tiger Dynasty, there has never been such a scene.

For a moment, Mu Jingshan appeared in a trance.

For tens of millions of years in between, it never existed.

She married Su Han!