Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3314

Chapter 3314

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Su Yao leaned over: "Obviously, this demon Xianya has already known about our marriage proposal, and it just deliberately embarrassed you."

Said it is embarrassing, but it is not embarrassing.

"Red envelopes are only the second, but I sent this invitation before, I was afraid that Aunt Shanshan was shocked." Su Yao said again.

"How can you be surprised if you don't be scared?" Su Qing curled his lips.

"You know what a shit!"

Su Yao glared at Su Qing: "Do you know how vulnerable women are in the face of emotions? Even though Aunt Shanshan is the White Tiger Lord, she has waited for her father for tens of millions of years. If it ends, it will be someone else's. The big wedding, how can she not be sad? Besides, Aunt Shanshan is so kind, I don't want her to be frightened."

"What you mean is that the father's method is not considered?" Su Qing teased.

"I didn't say that, don't put a hat on me, be careful I beat you!" Su Yao hummed.


Su Han shook his head speechlessly. He hadn't spoken yet, and the two children were extremely excited.

"Since I'm here to propose marriage, the red envelopes are naturally already prepared."

Su Han looked at Demon Xian Ya Shen, and his smile made the Demon Xian Ya Shen suddenly tremble.


I saw Su Han coming over, very close to the demon god, and said: "I just don't know, how much do you want?"

Yao Xianya's face twitched, and she couldn't help saying, "It depends on everyone."

When the words fell, he looked at the other people of the White Tiger Temple Envoy.

What he didn't expect was that these guys actually looked up at the sky, as if they hadn't heard the words of the demon god.


The eyes of Yaoxian Yashen almost bulged out.

This bunch of bastards, did they lose the chain at a critical moment?

Although the God Lord is here in person, at this time, he certainly can't be afraid of what he does to others and others!

"They don't seem to want red envelopes."

Su Han patted the demon Xianya Shen on the shoulder: "It's okay, you mean, as long as you say it, the deity will be taken out."

"Forget it, forget it..." Yaoxian Yashen gave a forced smile.

"Just forget it?"

"Well, just forget it."

"No more red envelopes?"

"No, no more."

"Ha ha"

Su Han shook his head and smiled, then waved his hand and said, "Bring up all the red envelopes!"

"Shoo, hoo..."

Someone flashed from behind and took out dozens of large boxes.

The lid of the box was opened, and the light of the element spar inside was bright and dazzling.

"The red envelopes that should be prepared, the deity still has to prepare."

Looking at the drooling expressions of the Yaoxian Yashen and others, Su Han said again: "If this is the case, you should always let the deity go, right?"


It was the demon Xianya who spoke.

His body was shaken, and he said with awe-inspiring righteousness: "The Lord has a deep affection for the messenger, and everyone sees it. You are very happy to propose a marriage today. How can I stop it?"

"You old fox, don't see rabbits or scatter eagles!"

Su Han gave the Yaoxian Yashen a roll of eyes, then walked through the crowd and headed towards White Tiger City.

"God Lord!"

But at this moment, the voice of Yaoxian Yashen came from behind.

Su Han paused slightly before turning his head to look.

But seeing the demon Xian Ya Shen clasped his fists in both hands, his figure bent down, his head tightly low.

Not only him, but all the people of the White Tiger's main palace envoy are like this.

"What are you doing?" Su Han frowned.


Yaoxian Yashen took a deep breath: "I have been waiting to assist the Holy Master for more than a million years. The Holy Master has a strong cultivation level, but my heart is extremely fragile. Your appearance may be the fate she has been waiting for. In the days... please also, be able to treat the Holy Lord kindly. In this world, she can only trust you."

"Please be kind to the Lord!"

All the people from the White Tiger main hall spoke.

The elemental spar in those dozens of boxes seemed to be irrelevant to them.

Su Han's body shook slightly, and he sighed deeply.

"Will do."

When the words fell, he turned and left.

In the White Tiger City, there was silence.

Most of them are female servants wandering here, such as the demon gods and other men, who have almost been expelled.

When I saw Su Han, these maids were saluting.

They looked hurried and extremely nervous, not knowing what they were preparing.

About a stick of incense time passed, Su Han stopped in front of a room.

He could sense that Mu Jingshan was in this room.

"Shanshan." Su Han said softly.


In the room, Mu Jingshan's sound like mosquitoes and flies came out.

This caused those people in the Phoenix Divine Empire to show a strange look.

When did the White Tiger Lord become so gentle?

Judging from her previous acting style, she is absolutely beautiful, but never gentle.

"Can I go in?" Su Han asked.


The door opened, and Mu Jingshan's figure stood at the door.

She looked at the group of people behind Su Han, her pretty face was slightly ruddy, and she whispered: "You haven't seen me for three years, what are you doing today?"

"Oh, Lord Mu is still angry, hahaha!"

"Baihu messenger, the Lord has not come to see you for three years to give you a surprise!"

"I haven't seen you for three years. It's worth spending your life with you!"

A ridiculous voice came from behind Su Han.

Mu Jingshan's face suddenly turned red.

She looks calm, but her heart has already turned up a huge wave.

Three it really only three years?

This is tens of millions of years! ! !

I don't know how many times I have had such a beautiful dream. Zeng stood in front of the window every day, thinking back to his youth.

If it weren't for his own reservedness, if it wasn't for Su Han's hesitation, would it be the result now?

The man who had been trapped for his whole life fell in the sanctuary, and all his beautiful dreams were completely broken.

Mu Jingshan had thought about committing suicide because of this.

Who can think of...

The dream will be restored?

That guy is back again!

He stood in front of him, silently, smiling at himself.

At this moment, Mu Jingshan seemed to have returned to her youth.

He is still him, she is still her.

When there is no youth, there are youths in dreams.

"He said would give me the best."

Mu Jingshan slightly raised her head and looked at the angular face on the opposite side.

"This is really the best for me..."

"Shan Shan."

Su Han's voice came again, breaking Mu Jingshan's fantasy.

With his right knee bent, he actually knelt down slowly towards Mu Jingshan.

"Su Han, what are you doing?!"

Mu Jingshan's expression changed, and she hurried over to hold Su Han.

She knew that Su Han never advocated kneeling to others.

However, her slender palm was gently grasped by Su Han.

And Su Han's knees landed at this moment.