Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3206

Chapter 3206

Remember [..] in one second!

The people of the Imperial Alliance are really too dense.

In addition, Emperor Jinyang had already planned for a long time. Under the order of Emperor Jinyang, the remaining 40 million soldiers of Emperor Jinyang were scattered all over the place when they were retreating. Among the soldiers of the Imperial Alliance.

Kill the fairyland in the fairyland, kill the fairyland in the fairyland, kill the fairyland in the fairyland!

They will definitely not leapfrog, most of them are selected, and the soldiers who are lower than their own cultivation base will do it.

Therefore, this instant rebellion resulted in the direct killing of 40 million soldiers from 14 imperial dynasties!

The Emperor Jinyang used actual actions to prove their choice.

Moreover, these 40 million people, even for the Phoenix Emperor, could be considered a great gift.

"Jinyang Emperor Dynasty!!!"

After waking up, Emperor Ziling and others, their eyes were blood red!

Their teeth were crushed, and their nails stuck in their palms without realizing it.

"You actually rebelled? The Phoenix Emperor killed so many of you before, this time, you have died another 20 million!"

"You... actually rebel??"

"You let those soldiers who died before the Jinyang Emperor Dynasty, under the Jiuquan, how can their souls survive!!!"

The face of Emperor Jinyang was actually a bit ugly.

He didn't care what the Emperor Ziling and others said, he only cared what Su Han thought.

On that day, Jin Yi and Ling Qianya went to the Phoenix Emperor together. After returning, Jin Yi told the Emperor Jinyang what Ling Qianya meant.

Su Han repays grievances with grievances.

Based on the situation between the two, not to mention the same situation, but not much stronger. It is impossible to just want to please your lips.

money? Resources? Or something else?

There is no shortage of the Phoenix Emperor!

If the Emperor Jinyang wants to make Su Han look at them with admiration, then he can only rebel out of the Imperial Alliance!

Emperor Jinyang admits that he is not a visionary, but the Emperor Jinyang always has an intuition about the alliance between the Phoenix Emperor and the Emperor.

That is, the Imperial Alliance will not win!

I don't know if the Phoenix Emperor will lose, but the Emperor Alliance will definitely not win!

Before he set off, he had plans in mind.

Today's battle has responded to his intuition.

The Imperial Alliance has suffered heavy casualties and has already lost!

This is the time for his Jinyang Emperor and his entire Jinyang Emperor to make a choice.

And he has already made a choice!

To be honest, this choice is risking the destruction of the Jinyang Emperor.

Once Su Han had a cold temper and didn't care about it, the Emperor Jinyang Dynasty would be besieged by the Empire Alliance.

At that time, this imperial dynasty, which has been passed down for an unknown number of years, will be completely destroyed!

Therefore, after killing these 40 million people, Emperor Jinyang didn't care about anyone's opinion.

He looked at Su Han first!

"I, Jinyang Emperor, would like to bend under the Phoenix Emperor. From now on, I will be under the Phoenix Emperor's banner and affiliated with the Emperor!"

Emperor Jinyang spoke, and the power of cultivation was mixed in his voice, and anyone present could hear him clearly.

"Everything used to be the fault of the emperor, but after all, it was only the love of the children and should not be mixed in with such major events!"

"This emperor has done everything to fight against the imperial alliance. If the Su Emperor disagrees, then the entire Jinyang imperial dynasty will be destroyed in the hands of the imperial alliance!"

"I also hope that the Su Emperor will not be arrogant, and the inclusion of the Jinyang Emperor will only benefit the Phoenix Emperor!"

After the words of Emperor Jinyang fell, many eyes turned towards Su Han.

Especially the high-level members of the Phoenix Emperor.

Their first thought was the words of Emperor Jinyang, not sincere, but a strategy of the Imperial Alliance.

I want to use this method to gain the trust of the Phoenix Emperor, and let the Jinyang Emperor go to the Phoenix Emperor to be a spy.


Is the cost of a full 40 million lives too much?


The Humming opened his mouth, but didn't know how to speak.

The suggestions they gave at this moment are likely to ruin the entire Jinyang Emperor.

Perhaps the Jinyang Emperor and others are disgusting, but the ordinary soldiers of the Jinyang Emperor are really innocent.

They can only obey the orders, and life and death are all controlled by the words of these powers.

Therefore, Su Han still needs to decide.


However, before Su Han could speak, Emperor Ziling suddenly shouted: "Emperor Jinyang officially rebelled, but all the people of Emperor Jinyang will cramp and peel, and the corpses will be broken!!!"

"Kill kill kill!!!"

The other thirteen emperors also reacted.

While they gritted their teeth, they each gave orders, and at the same time their figures flew out and directly besieged the Emperor Jinyang.

"The Lord Su!!!"

Seeing this scene, Emperor Jinyang suddenly felt cold.


He took out a spar and immediately squeezed it.

A light emerged, transforming into a screen in the void.

On the screen, Jin Yi's figure appeared.

He knelt on one knee and said in a low voice: "Emperor Su, regarding Yao'er, my father and I both regret it. The major matter has nothing to do, and I hope Emperor Su can tell the difference and don't get confused!"

"From now Regardless of the Jinyang Empire, I, Jin Yi, have nothing to do with Yaoer."

"I am not good enough for her!"

"Boom boom boom..."

When Jin Yi's voice fell, the attacks of the fourteen emperors had already circled the emperor Jinyang and blasted down.

Not only them, but also the powerhouses above the Immortal Venerable Realm in the various emperor dynasties, all shot at this moment to besiege Emperor Jinyang.

They have hated the Emperor Jinyang and Emperor Jinyang to the extreme!

The countless soldiers below were also the people who flocked to the Jinyang Emperor.

For a time, the scene was chaotic, shouts of killing shook the sky, countless blood and corpses, once again paved the ground.


Seeing this scene, Su Qing frowned.

He didn't want to speak, but he still whispered at this moment: "Leave aside other things, if the Jinyang Emperor can really become our subsidiary Emperor, it will indeed be beneficial. What we lack now is the manpower. ."

Su Han was expressionless and silent.


At this moment, the two gods of Zhanshui and Qingyue also shot.

As a half-step god, their attack power is extremely terrifying, and their speed is also faster.

In an instant, a group of emperors passed, and the emperor Jinyang bombarded them.

"The Lord Su!!!"

Emperor Jinyang's eyes widened, and he roared again.

His face was pale, and he had the urge to vomit blood.

The major emperors are all about the same, with a total of 14 people besieging himself, plus some fairyland, naturally overwhelming.

If Su Han does not decide, then he is probably about to fall.

"The battle between the emperors, you people of the holy dynasty, why bother to intervene?"

Su Han glanced at the two gods in Zhan Shui and suddenly spoke.
