Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3205

Chapter 3205

"First Cavalry Regiment, go!"

After Su Han gave the order, the Huquer, as the great elder, shouted: "The second cavalry regiment, the left guerrilla regiment, the third cavalry regiment, the right guerrilla regiment, the main purpose is to assist the first cavalry regiment!"

"Once the 1st Cavalry Regiment loses, it will be caught immediately!"


The crowd dispersed, and the monstrous dust spread over from behind.

Many behemoths passed by the Phoenix Emperor and rushed under the Heaven Sealing Talisman!

The height of the Heaven Sealing Talisman is three meters high. Naturally, these fairy beasts are also specially selected. The tallest one will not exceed three meters.

Their speed is extremely fast, the Imperial Alliance retreats, and they rush forward.

"Dispatch the cavalry regiment, break the queen!" The emperor shouted violently.

For the entire Imperial Alliance, there is only one goal at this moment, and that is to evacuate as soon as possible.

Under the Heavenly Sealing Talisman, ordinary soldiers are difficult to stop and can only dispatch cavalry regiments.




All kinds of fairy beasts were released by the soldiers of the Imperial Alliance.

Judging by the number, there are at least a million.

Just for now, it has exceeded the number of cavalry in the Phoenix Emperor.

The foundation of the 15 imperial dynasties united is extremely strong after all.


The great emperors gave orders, and many cavalry regiments immediately rushed towards the Phoenix Emperor.

It seems that because of the number of people, it can be seen that the number of cavalry regiments of the Jinyang Emperor is still the largest.

The distance between the two is not too far, under such a charge, they will soon contact.

From the void, the huge dust storm seemed to sweep the entire Yellow Sea Plain.

Under this kind of dust storm, the soldiers behind the two sides could not see clearly.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides were close at hand!

"Magic, the card is blocked!"

At this moment, Su Han flashed in his eyes and suddenly shouted.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

In the middle of the two cavalry regiments, a huge crack appeared at this moment.

A monstrous light came out, full of rich magical elements.

From a distance, these rays of light, like huge palms, violently overturned the land where the Imperial Alliance Cavalry Regiment was located!



"Grass, the Phoenix Emperor, you have to be shameless!"

"The impact between the cavalry regiments, you actually used magicians to ambush? You don't deserve to be called an imperial dynasty!!!"

Seeing the appearance of this scene, all the people in the Imperial Alliance gritted their teeth and shouted angrily.

But their voices were submerged under the rush of those fairy beasts.

As the ground cracked and lifted, the cavalry regiment of the Imperial Alliance in front of nearly one hundred thousand flew out directly.

When the fairy beast was tumbling, each of the cavalrymen was stepped on their feet, spurting blood constantly, and the bones creaked.

You know, these fairy beasts are full of power all the time.

Unexpectedly, the cavalry regiment of the Imperial Alliance was immediately killed and injured!


And at this moment, the Phoenix Emperor was facing this side, and the commander of the First Cavalry Regiment gave the order to continue the attack.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless huge figures passed by in front.

Sword and sword, kill anyone!

The nearly 100,000 cavalrymen of the Imperial Alliance did not respond, and they died directly under the sword of the Imperial Alliance cavalry.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred thousand people died!

The 900,000 cavalry at the rear of the Imperial Alliance was unable to continue the attack because the ground in front was lifted.

Cavalry, what do you need?


As long as the cavalry rises up, the momentum can reach its peak!

If they can't impact, then these cavalrymen are just like ordinary monks.

Just as a monk needs a cultivation base, a magician needs magic elements, and physical cultivation needs a physical body.

Cavalry, need an impact!

However, the emergence of magic blocked their impact, causing them to lose their momentum, and even panicked for a while, not knowing what to do.

With the help of this time, the Phoenix Emperor quickly passed by the cavalry regiment, rushed directly into the crowd, and killed all quarters!

They ride on the cavalry, not to mention the extremely strong impact, but also occupy the absolute commanding heights.

The cavalry regiment of the Emperor Dynasty Alliance fell directly from the fairy beast almost the instant it was impacted.

If there is no Heaven Sealing Talisman, fortunately, they can fly at will.

But the role of the Heaven Sealing Talisman is here!

"Get out of the way!!!"

A loud shout came from behind.

A large number of cavalry came again.

The cavalry in front of the Imperial Alliance immediately stepped aside. If they were delayed, they would be rushed by their own personnel.

"Phoenix Emperor Dynasty, I want to see how many magic circles you have arranged here!"

There was a rough voice coming, it was a burly man speaking.

It is at the forefront of the imperial dynasty alliance, its momentum is amazing, and its cultivation base is even the fairyland!

On both sides of him, there were countless cavalry following, like waves, wave after wave.

"Give me all!"

"Break through all defenses of the Phoenix Emperor and let them be in our..."


The voice did not came to an abrupt end!

A scene that no one thought of appeared.

A middle-aged man on the left side of this burly man suddenly made a move. When no one had expected, and even did not react, he cut off the head of the burly man with a sword!


The pillar of blood spurted wildly, and the head of the burly man fell to the ground, his eyes still widening.


In the next instant, the middle-aged man shot again, cutting the burly man's body in half.

As well as within the body, the strong man Yuanshen who was about to react was also cut off between heaven and earth.

The dignified fairyland, died directly!


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

Not to mention the imperial dynasty alliance, even the Phoenix emperor's side, it is like this.

Su Han's eyes shrank, and immediately seemed to think of something, showing a sneer.

The middle-aged man who took the shot was wearing the clothes of Emperor Jinyang!

The appearance of this scene, the first thing that comes to mind in the hearts of the people in the Imperial Alliance is - this person is the agent of the Phoenix Emperor, who is planted in the Jinyang Emperor?

But soon, their idea was broken.

"Kill!" The middle-aged man gave an order.


All the cavalry interspersed in the imperial alliance, the Jinyang imperial cavalry suddenly turned their heads, toward the sides, the other imperial alliance members killed!

To be precise, not only cavalry!

In the Jinyang Emperor Dynasty, all the soldiers were shot at this moment!

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff..."

Suddenly, blood splattered!

The 200 million soldiers of the Imperial Alliance immediately became confused.

When the Emperor Jinyang had already been prepared for a long time, and each of them had found their targets, at least 40 million soldiers of the Imperial Alliance had died instantly!
