Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2781

Chapter 2781

Chapter 2785 You Are The Phoenix Lord?

"Phoenix Dynasty... how can it really dare to do it?"

"Isn't it all said before, the Phoenix Dynasty, just to shock and save face?"

"The Phoenix Lord is not an ordinary person's thinking at all, I can't guess it at all!"

"There are so many powerful people who come up as dead hands. It is clearly the unending situation with my Qingli Dynasty!"

"What should I do? Isn't the third prince coming? Why haven't they appeared yet?"

The heart was shaking, and the back was soaked in cold sweat!

In the eyes of many soldiers of the Qingli Dynasty, one after another, after the dust storm, appeared before them like a god.

A man in white, sitting on a huge dragon chair, came slowly.

Several people were holding this dragon chair with expressionless faces and no signs of happiness or anger.

Even their eyes are pitch black, without the slightest whiteness.

Anyone who has seen this kind of person will recognize them immediately. These people carrying the dragon chair... are all puppets!

There were two teams of men and horses in front, one left and the other right, separated, just to make way for the white-clothed man and just to guard him.

Beside the man in white, there is an old man standing.

The old man was dressed in a black shirt, his hair was white, and there was no breath from his body.

He is like a machine, step by step, following the face of the white-clothed man, without the slightest step forward or the slightest step back.

His eyes... are all jet black too!

"It's the Phoenix King!!!"

At almost the first glance, the soldiers of the Qingli Dynasty recognized the identity of the man in white.

Phoenix Lord, Su Han!

As the soldiers of the Phoenix dynasty approached, the people of the Qingli dynasty were very tacitly agreeable and retreated towards the rear.

After nine knives, the Phoenix Dynasty did not continue to make moves.

But that kind of monstrous aura, it seems that there are countless amazing behemoths, suppressed invisibly, so that the people of Qingli Dynasty have to retreat!

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps...

One mile, ten miles, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles!

The Phoenix King turned forward, and the Qingli Dynasty retreated.

There is no communication between the two, just looking at each other, imposing momentum.

I don't know how long it has passed, or how far it has withdrawn.

Among the horrified eyes of the Qingli Dynasty, the Phoenix Lord in white suddenly waved, and the Phoenix Dynasty stopped.

The Phoenix Dynasty stopped, and the people of Qingli Dynasty also stopped.

Under the huge momentum, they dare not retreat at all.

Everyone knows that with their own cultivation base and their own speed, it is hard to escape from this place!

Perhaps here, waiting for the arrival of the three princes is the best choice.

At least, the Phoenix Dynasty didn't make any more moves and massacred them all, right?

"Sixty thousand miles..."

At a certain moment, Su Han suddenly said, "This is the border land of Qingli Dynasty, right?"

Upon hearing this, the face of the Qingli Dynasty changed again!


The Phoenix Dynasty didn't know that the Qingli Dynasty had been expanding, but it had never had time to do something against them.

The realm of 60,000 miles, the original border land!

They have been guarding here for many years, and they can count all the plants and trees clearly. How can they be unfamiliar?

"Here, it does not belong to the Qingli dynasty, but why do you keep expanding?"

Su Han lowered his eyes and spoke again.

His expression looked a little lazy.

Recumbent, sitting on the dragon chair, surrounded by 400,000 people, the emperor's power is everywhere!


Among the 50,000 people of the Qingli Dynasty, some still couldn't bear this kind of fear. They took a deep breath and said: "Phoenix Lord, there has been news from the palace that the three princes are coming soon, and I will give you an explanation!"

"The Third Prince?"

Su Han raised his eyelids: "Who is that?"

Hearing this, everyone in Qingli Dynasty was taken aback.

The person who had spoken before said again: "The third prince is the lord's favorite prince, and...and one of the people who chase your wife."


Su Han had a breath.

Immediately afterwards, there was a monstrous coldness and murderous intent, which broke out directly from him!

But soon, all this disappeared.

"So it was him..."

Su Han regained his lazy look again, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter who is chasing the king's wife, anyway... the entire Qingli Dynasty royal family will be buried for this!"



Listening to Su Han's plain but cruel words, the Qingli Dynasty's scalp was numb, and the heart kept twitching.


At this time, a roar suddenly came from the rear of the soldiers of the Qingli Dynasty.

They turned their heads and looked, their faces were full of ecstasy!

But I saw a large number of figures, led by a man in a golden robe, coming quickly toward here.

They are riding land fairy beasts with amazing aura and soaring momentum.

"It's the third prince!"

"Hahaha, the third princes are finally here, we are saved!"

"Fortunately, we are still alive..."

"Huh, I can feel that the breath of the General Protector is also present. He is among all the monks in the Qingli Dynasty, but the top three superpowers exist. With him, even if we really fight, we are not afraid Phoenix Dynasty!"

"Damn the Phoenix Dynasty, do you really think you are invincible? We killed 50,000 of us when we came up. If this hatred is not reported, we will never give up!!!"

Seeing the arrival of the three princes and others, the suppressed aura before the Qingli Dynasty also rose completely.

The 50,000 people who survived by chance turned their heads at this moment, glaring at the people of the Phoenix Dynasty, with murderous intent.

The fear has all disappeared at this moment.

Even the Great General Protector of the Immortal Emperor Realm has already arrived, what else can they fear?

Your Phoenix dynasty is just a soldier that has just been formed. There are no rules at all. How can you compete with my Qingli dynasty?

As for financial resources...

If it still offers a reward for the King of the Sea of, it will definitely make Qingli Dynasty feel jealous.

But under this circumstance, the two sides face each other and can fight immediately, even if there are more fairy crystals, I'm afraid... it's useless!

The snoring words of those monks heard in his ears, and Su Han raised his eyes, his expression still flat.

It was not until a long while later that the three princes and others finally arrived, and there was a brief silence in the scene.

This time, the number of people brought by the three princes was as many as 100,000. When the Phoenix dynasty didn't do anything, the momentum seemed evenly matched.


The three princes swept across the crowd for a long time before looking at Su Han.

"You are the Phoenix King?"

(End of this chapter)