Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2780

Chapter 2780

Chapter 2784 Dust Storm? Nine knives!

Qingli Dynasty, border.

There is no formation guard here, and there is no restriction.

The border is only separated by a line, separating the two forces and guarding each other.

However, the only ones who really guarded were the soldiers of the Qingli Dynasty.

Opposite the Qingli Dynasty, it was originally the border of another spiritual dynasty, but this spiritual dynasty has already returned to the Phoenix Dynasty, so here is the realm of the Phoenix Dynasty!

Since the moment of surrender, the Phoenix Dynasty did not send troops to guard the border.

Many people have rumored that the rise of the Phoenix Dynasty is too fast, and there are simply not enough soldiers. The reason why it can compete with the Yunhai Dynasty is entirely because of the terrifying financial resources.

As for its own strength?

Too far, too far!

And it is precisely because there is no war soldier to guard that Qingli Dynasty will use this opportunity to expand the border of Qingli Dynasty towards the Phoenix Dynasty little by little.

For them, nobody cares anyway, why not expand?

The Phoenix dynasty, I'm afraid it just wants to control, but it can't control it!

The Qingli Dynasty knew well that there was an immortal crystal vein about 80,000 miles away from their border!

Although this fairy crystal vein is not big, and some have been mined, at least it can produce tens of millions or even over 100 million fairy crystals.

Realm, fairy crystal...

Since the Phoenix Dynasty couldn't manage it, why did the Qingli Dynasty let it go?

A large number of soldiers existed before the border, and everyone was wearing clothes belonging to the Qingli Dynasty.

They didn't put up a stance of standing, but rather loose, about 100,000 people, but they were scattered around, either standing, lying, or sitting.

"Anyway, the Phoenix dynasty just wants to show it, and it can't really fight. What are you afraid of?"

"Hehe, I heard that the woman pursued by the Third Prince was the wife of the Phoenix Lord!"

"What's the matter with Madam? The third prince didn't move her. Is it because of this that the Phoenix Dynasty will send troops to my Qingli Dynasty?"

"Pile of corpses like a mountain, just to smile for Boga? How is it possible?"

"Phoenix Spirit sending troops this time must have noticed the continuous expansion of the realm of my Qingli Dynasty. It was just an excuse."

"It can be guessed with my toes. If I were the Phoenix Lord, I finally recruited some soldiers, so why should I be deterred?"

"Hahaha, no need to be afraid, you can't fight at all!"

"By the way, I heard that there has been news from the imperial city that the third prince will show up in person and give the Phoenix King a step down. In this case, don't worry."

"I didn't worry about it before. With the temporary formation of the Phoenix Dynasty, even if it really fought, how could it compete with my Qingli Dynasty?"

There are so many figures, and the sky is full of discussions.

Even if there were some nervous soldiers, after hearing these discussions, they all let go.

At this moment--


At a distance from the border, an astonishing black light suddenly appeared.


"what is that?"

"dust storm?"

"This **** dust storm... We have been stationed here for ten years, and at least we have seen no less than 30 dust storms. The environment here is really bad."

"It's better to be careful, this time the dust storm is a bit richer than before."

"I'm waiting for a monk, so dusty, what's the point?"

Many people stood up and looked at the black light coming from a distance, showing disdain.

After a while--


"It's not like a dust can the speed of a dust storm be so fast?"

"That is"

Heimang got closer and closer, setting off a monstrous dust, really like a huge wave on the ground, sweeping over.

And the closer the distance, the clearer they can see.

In the end, countless people began to shrink their eyes and their expressions gradually changed.


"That's not a dust storm, that's...that's a sword light!!!"

"Enemy attack, prepare immediately!!!"

The sharp voices, one after another, completely awakened the loose soldiers!

They looked forward in disbelief. There was a terrible black light there, as if they were about to involve the entire border, coming quickly.

Among the endless dust, there are nine horror to the extreme blade lights, tearing the ground!

The jet black light radiated from these nine sword lights!

What made the soldiers even more frightened was that when these nine rays of light crossed over, even the void seemed to tremble strongly, as if it would collapse at any time!

"It's the Immortal Emperor must be an expert in the Immortal Emperor Realm!"

"Only the Immortal Emperor Realm can make the void tremble, and if it is the Immortal Realm, it can directly tear the space!"

"Oh my god, this Phoenix dynasty hides so deeply, in such a short period of time, it has the powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor Realm!!!"

There is indeed a dust storm!

However, it was not caused by the harsh environment, nor was it the same as they had seen before, but...

When the nine sword beams pressed across the sky, the dust storm abruptly brought up!

The closer you get, the stronger the aura of the sword light.

At the moment when it was completely close, all the soldiers of the Qingli Dynasty changed their complexion and their scalp numb!

It is a thousand feet high and a hundred feet wide.

Every blade light is like a huge sharp mountain, pressing against them.

The coercion from within made them pale, and they felt suffocated at any time.

The majestic tidal-like terrifying dust storm and huge waves, drove the violent wind, and came all over the sky!

"Flee...Run away!!!"

"This is not an immortal emperor realm taking action, I can't fight it at all, run away!!!"


Amidst the roar, the dust storm was mixed with nine sword lights, passing through the crowd in a flash.

Almost in the blink of an eye, nearly half of the soldiers were swallowed by this dust storm.

The screams were much less and the dust storm was still advancing. When passing by the place where the soldiers originally stood, everything was completely covered by the dust.


The blade light swept away along with the dust storm, not knowing where it would stop.


At the border, the remaining 50,000 soldiers of the Qingli Dynasty were all looking at the place where the swordsman had swept before, their eyes widened and swallowed fiercely.

Under nine swords, fifty thousand people were wiped out instantly!

They are just like ants, and they have no resistance at all. If the range of the sword is not enough, they will also die under the sword!

My scalp is numb, my heart is beating!

When seeing a large number of figures appearing in the distance, the indescribable sense of fear, from the hearts of these people, slowly rises to joy...

(End of this chapter)