Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2452

Chapter 2452

The nine deities merge, the physical cultivation base and the martial arts cultivation base are superimposed, and the blood turns into the fourth pure state of the nine clears, and the colorful supreme shadow appears!

This is Su Han today, in addition to spirits, peak combat power!

The terrifying aura, without any restraint, still surging around.

Even those extraterrestrial demons around the starry sky battleship seemed to feel threatened, and the speed of attacking the starry sky battleship was a bit slower than before.

Of course, they are not afraid of death.

Except for the safe area formed by the fire marble, they will not be afraid of anything!

Su Han held the long sword and raised it slowly toward the top.

The astonishing power of cultivation, like the vast river and sea, was poured into the long sword along Su Han's arm.

The light on the long sword became brighter and brighter until a certain moment


Su Han waved his hand suddenly and cut it down with a sword!

The light on the long sword seemed to be condensed to the extreme, and could no longer be suppressed, it burst out!

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet, ten thousand feet!

One hundred thousand feet! ! !

A huge sword beam that is a hundred thousand feet long rises from the sky.

Wherever it went, all the extraterritorial celestial demons screamed, turned into blood mist, and then condensed into blood crystals.

The distance between the hundreds of billions of land and the starry sky battleship is obviously more than one hundred thousand feet. Logically speaking, the sword light can attack less than 100 billion of land.


When the long sword in Su Han's hand completely fell, the sword light on it suddenly separated, as if being urged by Su Han, and rushed straight to the hundreds of billions of land!

Hundreds of billions of land.


There are many extraterritorial celestial demons blocking, they can only see the sword light that is coming quickly through the gap.

And as time goes by, as the distance gets closer...

The dark witch Taihuang and others changed their expressions suddenly!

The ridicule, sarcasm, and disdainful smiles freeze on the corners of their mouths.

In my sight, I could only see that there was a terrifying sword light coming, filled with an indescribable atmosphere of terror!

When the sword light rushed in, all the extraterritorial demon that dared to stop were like ants, being devastated, swept and killed!

"what is that?"

"Sword... Jianmang?"

"The breath and power of this sword light is simply terrifying, and it is definitely not something that Yin Yang Sword Sanctuary can display!"

"Who is that? The Destruction Queen?"

"The Destruction Queen has no fairy tools at all, this sword light is obviously condensed from the fairy tools!"

The expressions of the dark witch Taihuang and others have become extremely ugly.

Because it was only a moment, the sword light had already passed through all the extraterritorial celestial demons, presenting a straight line, showing in the sight of all the seventy-two sects of the three religions and nine sects.

There is a strong wind, that is the terrifying storm formed when the sword light hits!

As it approached, the sword light grew bigger and bigger in the eyes of everyone, until a certain moment, it completely penetrated the hundreds of billions of land, and slashed on the light curtain of the formation of the dark witch Taihuang and others!


The huge roar, like the destruction of heaven and earth, came from the edge of hundreds of billions of land.

Even at a very long distance, on the starry sky battleship, it is still easy to hear and feel harsh.

The sights of both sides fell on the light curtain.

But when Jianmang was cut, the light curtain trembled fiercely, and then...


There was a cracking sound from above the light curtain.


The dark witch Taihuang stared with round eyes and spoke first.

They have too much confidence in this formation. Before, several sub-xian-level strong men attacked with immortal weapons for three days and three nights, without ever breaking the formation.

At this moment, just a sword, cracks appeared in the light curtain?

They didn't even see who was making the shot! ! !


A cold snort came from the starry sky battleship.

The sound of this voice stunned the Dark Witch Taihuang and others.

Not because of the light curtain, but the sound, too familiar...

"Su Baliu???"

"Is he shooting??"

"No, it's definitely not him, how could it be him!!!"

"He is just a fifth-grade combined realm. Even if he is given ten years to increase his cultivation base, he can only reach the first-grade Daoist at most!"

"Yes, no matter how many methods he uses, and no matter how strong the secret technique is, he still has no more cultivation base than the first-rank Dao Venerable. It is absolutely impossible to defeat our formation!"

There were bursts of unbelievable voices from the people of the 72 sects of the Three Sects and Nine Sects.

At this moment--

"No, the formation is about to be broken!!!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed, arousing a lot of eyes.

But seeing that the first crack on the light curtain was already huge, it spread out densely with other small cracks.

And with the appearance of these cracks, outside of the Dark Witch Taihuang four, even the expressions of the Heavenly Emperor Realm gradually paled.

Obviously, the formation affects their minds, and once the formation is broken, they will also be injured.

In fact, is also true.


The light curtain suddenly shattered and made a huge roar.

at the same time--

"Puff puff"

I don't know how many people, at this moment, while clutching their chests, it seems that they have been hit hard, spewing out a big mouth of blood.

The lower the repair base, the more blood spurted out.

The Soul Transformation Realm among the billion people even felt that his body was about to be shattered, and his internal organs were almost completely shattered by the shock!

If it were not for the primordial spirit to support the body, just one blow would be enough to cause them to die directly!


The Dark Witch Taihuang and others roared, full of anger and unwillingness in their eyes.

After preparing for a long time, the formation is full of confidence, so it collapsed directly under the opponent's sword?

Although they were not injured, they also felt the force of the counter-shock, which was enough to suppress them for a long time before expelling them from the body.

"I don't believe that Su Palliu is making the shot, I don't believe it!"

"In my eyes, he is nothing more than an ant. How can he reach this level in a mere ten years!"

"Yes, there must be other strong people showing up!"

Even though the four of them were all in the mood of sub-xian-level powerhouses, they still made a huge wave at this moment.

They didn't admit it, but in their hearts, they couldn't get rid of it.

That voice, a short word, was obviously the voice of Su Palliu! ! !


Immortal Emperor Guifeng suddenly raised his head, and while his heart was beating wildly, he looked at the sword glow that came the second time, his pupils contracted and his scalp numb!

He sees clearly and feels clearly!

This second sword light was obviously stronger than the first.

Because the first one is only one hundred thousand feet, and this one...

It's a full 200,000 feet! ! !