Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2451

Chapter 2451

"You girl..."

Su Han smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Obviously, the former Xiang'er had heard some rumors about Su Han, but Su Han didn't care about these rumors, but she did.

For her, in this world, apart from the destruction of the Queen, the closest person is Su Han.

Even if it was the father who was left to her to pass on, but was never seen before, it was incomparable.

Moreover, Xiang'er was rescued by Su Han. To a certain extent, Su Han's position in Xiang'er's heart was no worse than that of Destroying the Queen.

There is no other reason for Su Han's action, just two words-show off!

She must be in front of the Shenmeng Sect, in front of the 72 Sects of the Three Sects, Nine Sects, and let them know that Su Han today is no longer the one he used to be. Man again!

All their insults to Su Han should be thoroughly returned today!


After pondering for a long time, Su Han lightly raised his eyes, and a light flashed across his eyes.

"Phoenix Sect has indeed endured for too long too long."

"This trip to the Three Emperors Mountain has yielded a lot of rewards. It just so happens that these disgusting things are here to stop me from waiting."

"Xiang'er is right, it is indeed time to let them know the weight of the Phoenix Sect."

Hearing this, Xiang'er couldn't help showing excitement on her face.

The rest of the Phoenix Sect were also extremely looking forward to it.

Even people of the Shenmeng Sect, including Yin Yang Dao Sage, want to see how powerful Su Han is now!

They clearly remembered that before entering the Three Emperors Mountain, Su Han only possessed the power of the Emperor of Heaven only with the cultivation base of the Five-Rank Combination Realm.

Now that it has reached the sixth-rank Taoist priest, to what extent will its true combat power reach?

"The sword is coming!"

Su Han spoke suddenly, grabbing his palm to the side, and immediately there was a transparent long sword that appeared in Su Han's hand while rolling in the blood red liquid.

His eyes turned, through the crowd, and landed on Xin Leng.

"Next, this sect will use three swords, you must be optimistic."

"The first sword, this sect will tear up the light curtain of their formation."

"The second sword, this sect will slash all their defenses, including the four of the Dark Witch Taihuang... Immortal weapons!"

"The third sword, this sect is bound to take the life of one of them!"

Xin Leng's body was shaken, his eyes showed strong expectations.

He knew that Su Han was extremely concerned about himself, and that the use of these three swords could even be said to be for himself!

"This sword, this sect won't want it, it will be given to you after other fairy tools are available."

Just listen to Su Han again: "If you can understand something from these three swords, even if it's just a little bit, you will benefit a lot."

"The subordinates will definitely not live up to the expectations of the suzerain!" Xin Leng took a deep breath.

"That's good."

Su Han nodded slightly, retracted his gaze, and said nothing more.

In fact, what he wants to use is the 'Three Swords of God's Sword'.

It's just that the knife at this moment has become a sword.

Swordsmanship and swordsmanship, although they are of different levels, are both great ways. It is not surprising that swordsmanship can be understood from swordsmanship.


Seeing Su Han grasping the hilt of the long sword, Ling Xiao immediately spoke, and many of the Phoenix Sect disciples stepped back at this moment.

This is respect for Su Han.

"The first sword!"

While Su Han's eyes flickered, he suddenly shouted.

In its body, the nine deities immediately merged, and the physical power of the sixth-rank Dao Venerable and the martial arts cultivation base were superimposed at the same time, so that Su Han's breath directly increased!


The huge roar sounded like a storm dispersing.

People like Du Tianlin and others from the Dream School deliberately felt it carefully.

However, when they felt this breath, their faces paled directly!

The body couldn't help it even more, and it took a few steps back!

"This... how is this possible?"

Du Tianlin opened his eyes wide, and even the look of the Yin and Yang Saber Saint became serious.

"This breath is already at the level of a Kambyah!!!"

Sixth-rank Dao Sovereign Realm, with a sub-xian-level aura?

This is completely a fantasy! ! !

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, even if 10 million people told them, they would never believe it!

However, just the breath of the sub-xian rank is not the end.

When Du Tianlin and the others were shocked, Su Han's **** Nine Qing and Fourth Qing were revealed again.

The aura that was already extremely terrifying, once again increased by a factor of ten!

"The Sect Master is mighty, hahaha... The Sect Master is mighty!!!" There was a loud laughter, apparently coming from the mouth of the Phoenix Sect.

Compared with the Dream School, their faces are only excited!

On the side of the Shenmeng Sect, without waiting for a reaction, behind Su Han, a huge colorful figure as high as 700 feet suddenly appeared.

It is Wucai Supreme Shadow!

There is no doubt that after nine deaths in the first time, after the multicolored supreme calamity, the multicolored supreme shadow obtained is the most terrifying thing that enhances Su Han's combat power!

The original increase of sixteen times, at this moment, suddenly increased.

Thirty-two times, forty-eight times, sixty times...

Until the moment it stopped, a full one hundred and twelve-fold increase in horror caused all the people of the God Dream Sect to change!


Du Tianlin's eyes stared out, and there was a wave of waves in his mind.

He finally knew that before leaving the Three Emperors Mountain, what Su Han said did not deceive himself.

This kind of aura completely surpassed the Yin-Yang Sword Sage, and was already comparable to the Supreme Master of the Supreme Master!

This is the pinnacle and most invincible breath among the inferior stars! ! !

If Su Han is willing, then it is true, you can kill the Yin Yang Sword Saint!

"He is the Sixth Stage Dao Venerable Realm!!!"

Du Tianlin roared in his heart: "This level of cultivation can compete with the Supreme Master Taixu at the level of combat power. If it reaches the seventh-rank Dao Venerable realm again? If it crosses the Dao Venerable again and steps into the Emperor of Heaven?"


These two words, without any hesitation, came to Du Tianlin's mind.

Not to mention the current comprehensive combat power of the Phoenix Sect, just Su Han, the Sect Master, is already invincible among the lower-level star regions.

And with him, under that fairyland, there will be no people, no power, how can it be the Phoenix Sect!

"I'm afraid, he is not the only strongman in the Phoenix Sect..."

Du Tianlin's gaze suddenly turned towards Ling Xiao, Ye Xiaofei, and Xuanyuan Qiong, the later sub-xian-level.

"In the Three Emperor Mountains, what good fortune did they get!!!"

"After today, the sky on the hundreds of billions of land, I'm afraid I really want it, completely changed..."

The muttering voice, mixed with disbelief, slowly spread from Du Tianlin's mouth.

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