Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2418

Chapter 2418

Just a word fell, but it was like a storm roaring, sweeping the world!


The huge blade light seemed to extend from the sky, and fell directly toward the front light curtain amidst a cry of exclamation!


The first light curtain, without any accidental fragmentation!

Then, the second, third, fourth...

Up to the nineteenth path, they were all destroyed, like a sweeping sweep, and all of them fell apart!

Even the twentieth channel only lasted three seconds.

The blade light dissipated, and together with the light curtain, it seemed as if they were all gone, dissipated between heaven and earth!

Su Han took a step forward and directly crossed two hundred meters, standing at three thousand meters, standing side by side with Ling Xiao, Ye Xiaofei and others.


Ling Xiao's eyes were staring out, and the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely as she looked at the figure in white clothes not far away.

"Then the last light curtain, I tried my best to blow it open, but the lord,...with a single knife, cut it all open? Is it too abnormal?"

If it weren't for the horror of Su Han, Ling Xiao really wouldn't believe that Su Han's cultivation was only at the Fourth Stage Dao Venerable Realm!

Obviously, although Su Han's aura is the same as himself, Su Han is still enough to crush himself in terms of overall combat power!

He had just cut open the light curtain, and the weapon he used was only the magic sword Jiye of the highest quality underworld weapon level.

In Su Han's hands, there was the fairy round tripod and the fairy long sword obtained from the Devil Dragon Cavern.

Wouldn't it be easier to cut off these light curtains if Polar Night were replaced by these?

"Sect Master is so strong!" Ye Xiaofei also smiled.

"How do you feel that your brother's combat power is almost equal to me?"

Xiang'er tilted his head and said, "Xiang'er has to practice hard, but she can't be caught up by her brother. After all, Xiang'er wants to protect her brother!"

"Soon, it will become him to protect you." The Empress of Destruction glanced at Su Han.

"Father is the best!"

On the ground, Su Qing and Su Yao's voice came at the same time.

They are proud of Su Han!

Xiao Yuhui, Xiao Yuran and others were also looking at Su Han with a smile.

They did not show how surprised look, it seems that no matter how strong Su Han is, it should be.

And here Su Han, while hesitating, looked at Ye Xiaofei.

"I said before that you will definitely be able to come over, and as long as you come over, then not only will I be able to reward you with one thing."

"No need for Sect Master, Xiao Fei is already very..."


Ling Xiao was more anxious than Ye Xiaofei, so she interrupted Ye Xiaofei and asked for her.

"It's your shit, go away!" Ye Xiaofei glared at him.

Ling Xiao's face was obviously thick, and he complained: "Sect Master, you can't do this. We have all come here. If you only reward her, it would be unfair!"

Su Han did not speak and fell silent.

To be honest, he was also a bit entangled in who he was going to distribute the ten Holy Spirit Pills for good fortune.

To be fair and unfair, the key is to use the blade.

How to allocate it is mainly for the 72 schools of the three religions, nine schools, and how powerful it is!

"From their current point of view, the strongest person on the surface is the Supreme Master of Taixu."

Su Han secretly said in his heart: "Taixu teaches the leader, I can solve it, even if I can't kill him, at least it will be restrained, there is no problem."

"Apart from him, there are the Nine Snakes of the Saintess Palace, and the old woman of the Jingshen Sect."

"Their cultivation bases themselves are not ordinary sub-xian-level. They are between the Dark Witch Taihuang, Guifeng Immortal Emperor and others, and the Yin-Yang Sword Sage. With the addition of immortal implements, it can be completely comparable to Yin-Yang without immortal implements. Swordsman rivals."

"But, we also have Xianger here, and the Queen of Destruction."

"With the power of destroying the empress, as long as you give her an immortal weapon, let alone one person, it will contain all the old woman and the Nine Snake Saint Immortal, there is no problem."

"Xiang'er needs fairy tools such as a staff, and it can also contain several people."

"However, among the 72 sects of the Three Religions and Nine Schools, there must be a hidden background!"

"They are extremely arrogant and feel that they can already destroy my Phoenix Sect. This is one reason."

"After the Phoenix Sect is destroyed, they still have to contain each other. This is the second reason!"

"When I was in the inferior star field in my last life, they already existed. Up to this moment, hundreds of millions of years have passed, how can there be only these methods? This is the third reason!"

"Combining these three reasons, I'm sure, they must have hidden background!"

"These hidden backgrounds are either sub-Xian-level powerhouses or immortal weapons. As for the Heavenly Emperor Realm, although the number of my Phoenix Sect is still inferior to them, there are so many peak Heavenly Emperor Realms. It is not a problem for one person to contain several people. Above the Heavenly Emperor Realm, fear them."

"In the case of Dao Zunjing... My Phoenix Sect will not be afraid!"

"So, what I have to consider now, should I create the Heavenly Emperor Realm, or should I create the Peak Subxian level?"

The medicinal effect of the Holy Spirit Pill of Good Fortune is that under the fairyland, any cultivation base swallowed, you can add a small grade, including the sub-xian!

But at the sub-xian level, there is no grade, how can one see the improvement?

These are the several grades that Su Han roughly divided before-the Dark Witch Taihuang, Yin Yang Sword Sage, and Taixu Sect leader!

At this moment, Ling Xiao is equivalent to the Emperor of the Dark Witch. If he swallows one of the Holy Spirit Pills of good fortune, it is likely to rise to the level of the saint of Yin and Yang. Comparable!

But if the two good fortune holy spirit pills given to him were given to Xuanyuanqiong and other seven-rank Heavenly Emperor realms, then there is no doubt that could create two sub-xian levels!

This is where Su Han struggles!

If Ye Xiaofei and the seven members of the war clan can swallow a good fortune holy spirit pill, then eight sub-xian-level powerhouses will appear in the Phoenix Sect!

Eight! ! !

In terms of quantity, it can absolutely crush any power, even if it is the Star Alliance and the Fourth Avenue Institute, among the sub-sages in the lower star domain, Su Han is sure that there are no eight!

But if two were given to Ling Xiao, it would be equivalent to losing two sub-xian levels and creating a top sub-xian level.

Is the top celestial class useful or the ordinary celestial class useful?

"In addition to the seventy-two sects of the Three Religions, Nine Schools, and the Seventy-two Sects, what I want to watch out for is the Sage of Yin and Yang!" Su Han secretly said in his heart.

He didn't have much contact with the Yin and Yang Sword Sage, but only from the fact that he can ignore his life for the sake of the fairyland, it can be seen that he is an unscrupulous person, even a cruel person!

If he can really reach the fairyland, then he will definitely pave the way for the Divine Dream Sect during the period of time he stays in the lower star field.

The Phoenix Sect, it is very likely that it will become one of the stepping stones!


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