Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2417

Chapter 2417

Although Su Han was eager to know, the face was never mentioned again.

Su Han stared at him stubbornly, trying to say something, but he seemed to be thinking of something, the words that reached his throat, he swallowed abruptly.

And for some reason, no one else but the old man was aware of the conversation between Su Han and Human Face.

Su Han was clearly speaking, not transmitting, but other people did not hear it.

Slightly pondering, Su Han looked at the old man again.

The latter couldn't see his face, nor his expression. He could only see that the figure hidden under the golden light seemed to be curved at this moment.

And this crooked object... is a huge human face!

"What do you mean? He is saluting silently?"

Su Han guessed in his heart: "He heard the conversation between us and knew who I was, but why didn't he salute me, but salute this person's face? Is it because my cultivation is too weak? Because I am reincarnated. Reincarnated? If so, then this human face..."

Thinking of this, Su Han suddenly looked at the face.

"He's still alive!"

Su Han had seen human faces more than once.

He always thought that this is a soul, it should be a relative of Ye Xiaofei, hiding in Ye Xiaofei's body, guarding her.

But at this moment, with these associations, Su Han is 80% sure that this face is still alive!

Since he is alive and knows his identity, then who is he?

to be exact

Is it an enemy or a friend?

"He can't be my enemy, otherwise, I am afraid that Yuan Ling would have discovered it a long time ago." After a long while, Su Han came to such a conclusion.

And when he guessed this, there was a transparent place above the face, slowly falling.

At first glance, it seemed to be a complete company, with one missing piece.

The falling transparent thing entered Ye Xiaofei's knife, and the knife, which he had been unable to hold on, suddenly brightened at this moment.

The light curtain at the distance of three thousand meters was even louder, and it collapsed in the eyes of everyone in the Phoenix Sect who couldn't believe it!


Others can't believe it, and Ye Xiaofei can't believe it!

She looked at the shattered light curtain and muttered to herself.

Although she was extremely weak, she still looked at Su Han, as if she wanted to get an answer from Su Han's mouth.

However, Su Han did not give her an answer, but took a deep breath and whispered: "The light curtain has been broken, you can walk past the three thousand meters."


Ye Xiaofei frowned and looked at the old man again.

The old man said immediately: "I didn't help you, and I won't help you. I dare not disobey the three emperors."

The answer, after all, was not obtained.

Ye Xiaofei stepped into the three-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-square place in silence, level with Ling Xiao.

"You hide quite deep!"

Ye Xiaofei said incredulously: "Obviously, the cultivation base is lower than mine, but the limit is equal to me. Can you teach me your methods?"

"I have no means." Ye Xiaofei said absently.

"Cut, really stingy~" Ling Xiao curled his lips.

After three thousand feet, Ye Xiaofei's face disappeared.

At this moment, the only people still standing at the place of two thousand eight hundred zhang are Su Han, Empress Destruction, and Xiang'er.

To destroy the empress and Xianger's cultivation base, naturally needless to say.

Stepped three thousand feet, not to mention easy, but not so difficult.

After reaching three thousand feet, the Queen of Destruction left the bridge directly.

She cares only about the Ming and Enlightenment Stone Tablet, the emperor's secret technique, and the eternal Taoism.

As for the cultivation base reward mentioned by the old man later, not to mention whether she can walk a distance of four thousand feet, even if she could, she would not do it.

If she wanted to enter the middle star field, she would have already entered. Why wait until now?

As for Xiang'er, she smiled and said to the old man: "Old predecessor, if I can cross four thousand feet, can you increase my cultivation level?"

"Senior is the senior, why do you have to add an'old'? The old man always feels that the three words'older' are derogatory terms." The old man muttered.

Upon hearing this, everyone in the Phoenix Sect almost laughed.

Old man?

What they want to say, it's obviously the old stuff...

"As long as you can pass, the old man will naturally reward you with the corresponding cultivation." Only the old man said again.

"Then I'm relieved." Xiang'er patted her small chest and looked back at Su Han.

Only Su Han stood still.

He was thinking, thinking about the words of the huge human face, thinking about the meaning of the words'dominate and control the sky'.


It wasn't until Xianger's voice came that Su Han woke up.

"It's your turn."

Hearing this, Su Han took a deep breath and suppressed many thoughts in his heart.

There are too many doubts, from the Longwu Continent to this moment, almost none can be solved.

No amount of thinking is useless.

Only by working hard to improve the cultivation base and reaching the peak can we solve the many doubts one by one.

And right now is the best time to improve.

The nine great deities merged, the blood of the Nine Qings and the Fourth Qing unfolded, and the six-hundred-zhang-high multicolored supreme shadow appeared again!

Ninety-six times the increase, at this moment, completely burst out.

The pressure of the Emperor of Heaven is no longer there, and the aura of Kambia's immortal level has turned into a storm and swept away on the bridge!

"This guy"

Looking at Su Han on the bridge, the old man murmured in his heart: "It was so perverted before, reincarnation, or so perverted! If he returns to the peak, can he force Yuanling as before?"


The magic sword Jiye appeared in Su Han's hands.

It has been a long time since he has not used the Extreme Night and at this moment, the Extreme Night is still just a Supreme Underworld Artifact, even the ancestors have not reached the level.

From the level above, too much behind.

Touching the blade of Ji Ye's blade, Su Han whispered to himself: "I have obtained the materials for the fairy artifacts. I also have a few of the eighth-level blood crystals. I will give you a good improvement when I return."

Extreme night seemed to be alive, and upon hearing Su Han's words, there was a blast of swords on the blade.

"Sure enough, you are the most handy weapon in my life." Su Han smiled slightly.

Obviously there is no tool spirit in it, but it can make a sword sound, and the connection between Su Han and Ji Ye has almost reached the point of consonance.

"Use you to cut this three-thousand-meter road for me!"

Taking a deep breath, Su Han's eyes flickered, his hands grasped Ji Ye's knife handle and slowly raised it.

Until a certain moment--


The sword light that soared to the sky expanded rapidly at an indescribable speed!

The length is hard to tell, until Su Han felt that it was enough, the hands filled with the power of cultivation did not slam it down!



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