Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2076

Chapter 2076

No, Shinten!

When he heard these words, Su Han's eyes shrank.

He didn't understand whether it was the spirit of the altar or the person behind the altar.

He also didn't understand what the word 'sintian' meant.

But he knew that this voice was reminding himself.

Don't be reckless, don't die, don't... believe the sky!

"Thank you senior!"

Taking a deep breath, after Su Han clasped his fists again, he finally stepped out and entered the exit.

outside world.

Countless people are staring at the Shinto altar.

Obviously, nearly tens of millions of people have been surrounded, but at this moment, there is no sound.

The whole scene was silent.

But all of them have excitement, trembling, and intense fanaticism on their faces.

They are waiting, waiting for that record to be broken, waiting for the opening of the Shinto altar, the first person to have walked through a hundred layers!


At a certain moment, the dark blue channel vibrated, and the heartstrings of the people throbbed.

Among the crowd's attention, a figure walked out of the passage and appeared in front of everyone.

Still the burly figure, still the slightly ugly face...

Obviously they were extremely familiar, but at this moment, when they saw it again, their hearts seemed to jump out.


Countless people clasped their fists and bowed in salute at this moment.

The monstrous roar came from the mouths of thousands of people, forming a storm, sweeping around!

"I'll wait, and see Grand Master Alchemy!!!"

Su Han raised his eyes and looked at the crowd.

Not only the disciples of Shintoism, but also Venerable Blood-clothed Venerable and Venerable Yulin, both bent slightly at this moment.

They admire, look forward to, and are full of envy for the method out of nothing!

At this moment, their bending is not because of martial arts, but only because of alchemy!

Even though Su Han is only an alchemist who has refined a fifth-rank pill, the anti-heaven method that is born out of nothing is enough to make a sixth-rank alchemy salute him!

Only two people stood there straight.

Sunflower Emperor, Holy Pill Emperor!

Su Han can tell at a glance that these two people must be strong in the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Judging from the clothes on their bodies, it was obviously not the bishop in gold, but the second of the nine bishops in purple.

"Everyone, it doesn't have to be like this."

Su Han knew that everything that happened in the Shinto altar must already be known to outsiders, otherwise, he wouldn't behave like this.

After saying this, he landed again, and saluted the Sunflower Great Emperor and the Holy Pill Emperor.

"Junior, I have seen two emperors."

"Genius... genius!!!" Emperor Sheng Dan stared at Su Han with bright eyes, as if staring at a rare treasure.

In contrast, even though Sunflower Great admired Su Han, he didn't have the excitement and uncontrollable emotion of Emperor Sheng Dan.

Regarding the alchemy, the Sunflower Emperor is one of the few people who are not interested in Shintoism.

Because of this, she is clearly a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, but her alchemist rank is only fifth.

Not interested in the alchemy, naturally did not understand what kind of method is born out of nothing to the alchemist, and therefore, she is not as excited as the emperor of the elixir.

"Your cultivation base... has already broken through Shenhai and reached the second rank?"

What Sunflower Great looked at was Su Han's cultivation base!

She also paid a little attention to Su Han, and had heard a lot.

During the Tianjiao Hegemony Tournament, the Fourth Stage Void Heaven Realm swept all Divine Sea Realms!

Before entering the Shinto altar, with the combat power of the Seventh Stage Void Heaven Realm, he took two shots to capture Han Junjie in the 3rd Stage Divine Sea Realm, so that the latter had no chance to resist or escape.

Now, it has broken through the Shenhai and reached the second rank!

The Great Emperor Sunflower couldn't help asking: "Little guy, with your current combat power, what kind of power can you compete with?"

Su Han pondered slightly, and said, "Under the combined state, there is absolutely no match."

"Nonsense, I knew you were invincible under one body!"

The Great Emperor Sunflower glared at Su Han and then shook his head: "No matter, this is your privacy. This emperor shouldn't ask you. If you don't want to say it, then forget it."

Su Han smiled slightly and stopped talking.

In the presence of so many people, how can he expose all of his own background?

The mask, perhaps under the divine thoughts of these two Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses, could not conceal the original face, but they couldn't see through the true combat power.

"Little guy, are you willing to worship Emperor Ben as a teacher?"

Emperor Sacred Pill came directly in front of Su Han, with the look in his eyes as if he was about to eat Su Han.

"The emperor promises that as long as you worship the emperor as a teacher, then, from the alchemy, what you want, the emperor will get you something!"

"If anyone dares to move you in the future, this emperor will cross the entire inferior star field and will find it!"

"All the conditions, as long as the emperor is not harmful, as long as the emperor can do it, the emperor, all promises to you!!!"

At this moment, the look of Emperor Sheng Pill can be described by the four words "Wang Chuan Qiu Shui".

He is really too urgent.

As the Celestial Emperor, as the seventh grade alchemy master, as one of the general presidents of the lower-level star domain alchemy association, doesn't the holy pill emperor have any disciples?

Yes, and more than one, some are!

There are more than 30 disciples in person alone. As for ordinary disciples, there are even tens of thousands, and named disciples are countless.

Not all of these disciples are Shintoism, and most of them come from various places in the lower stars.

Even when he was wandering around, some mortal cultivators had extremely strong alchemy qualities, and they were all regarded as named disciples by him.

However, to the emperor of the Holy Pill, those who were originally considered to be extremely talented in his eyes, compared with Su Han... but they are simply weak!

"To be honest, this emperor has lived for nearly 200,000 years in his life, and has never seen someone as good as you!"

The voice of Emperor Sheng Dan was It seemed that Su Han would not agree.

His old palm stretched out and grabbed Su Han's arm. With that strength, even Su Han, a second-grade Divine Sea Realm, felt a little painful.

"You must be my disciple, you must!!!"

Looking at him like this, Su Han refused intentionally, but didn't know how to speak.

"It's crazy, it's crazy..."

The Great Emperor Sunflower smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said to Su Han, "If you don't agree today, I'm afraid he will keep you on this Fuxi star even if you use it strong."

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched.

It seems that I must agree...

However, it seems to be a good thing to have such a peak power in the Heavenly Emperor Realm as a master.