Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2075

Chapter 2075

In the Shinto altar, when Su Han's footsteps began to step out from the ninety-first floor, drops of golden liquid quickly formed in front of him.

Ten drops, twenty drops, thirty drops, fifty drops, one hundred drops!

This is the reward given from the ninety-one to ninety-fifth floors.

Twenty drops, fifty drops, one hundred drops, two hundred drops!

This is the reward given from the 96th floor to the 100th floor!

Add up to...

Five hundred and eighty drops! ! !

What kind of concept is this?

Five hundred and eighty drops of golden liquid can increase your comprehension two hundred and forty times!

Two hundred and forty times, if you add one hundred and fifty times the previous increase, it will be... three hundred and ninety times! ! !

It's horrible!

Su Han himself couldn't imagine, if he had really improved his comprehension so many times, how clear would his judgment of everything be?

However, he did not swallow all the golden liquid.

"One hundred and fifty times the savvy, for me, temporarily enough..."

Su Han looked at the many liquids in front of him and muttered to himself: "At this moment, I only need to swallow a little more liquid to raise the cultivation base of the first-grade Divine Sea Realm to the second-grade. As for the rest..."

While talking to himself, Su Han's mind showed the faces of Su Qing and Su Yao.

That's my own child...

"The talents of those two little guys should be said to be not low. If you can add a little more understanding to them, not to mention how great achievements will be in the future, at least for certain things, you will see more thoroughly."

Thinking of this, Su Han grabbed the palm of his hand, and immediately there were a hundred drops of golden liquid that were thrown into his mouth.

"My cultivation base has reached the extreme. These are enough for me to break through to the second-grade Divine Sea Realm."


The power of a hundred drops of liquid exploded in Su Han's body as before.

Almost instantly, it turned into an invisible torrent, violently impacting the barrier to the second-grade Divine Sea Realm.

Just once...just once!


Under this impact, above the barrier, a crisp sound was immediately heard.


Everything was completely shattered, the breath of the Second Stage Divine Sea Realm raged violently from Su Han!

However, breaking through the Second Stage Divine Sea Realm did not allow all the 100 drops of golden liquid to be used up.

That power immediately filled Su Han's enlarged Shenhai, and then quickly flooded it, until it pushed Su Han's cultivation base to a certain level, and then stopped.

If there are early, middle and late stages in the second stage of the Divine Sea Realm, then Su Han at this moment is the second stage of the Divine Sea Realm!

"This feeling..." Su Han murmured, his eyes flickered.

When the cultivation base was mobilized, I felt that the entire Shenhai was trembling, and it seemed that a random trace of strength could make the sky collapse and the earth destroyed!

That is a terrifying force that is at least ten times stronger than that of the First-Rank Divine Sea Realm! ! !


Loud laughter came from Su Han's mouth.

At this moment, his hair was flipped, his clothes swollen, and his whole person looked like a monster.

"The ancestor of the Wang family, you give to Su... just wait!"

"With Su Mou's combat power at this moment, he can completely crush you without strong alcohol!"

It is indeed crushed!

Su Han knew exactly how powerful the combined realm was.

And at this moment, how strong he is, Su Han knows more!

He has great confidence that he can crush any first-grade combined state, that is, second-grade combined state, he can fight a battle and remain invincible!

If you drink the spirits, your combat power will increase sharply again, and you will not necessarily be Su Han's opponent even in the Second Stage Combination!

This is the horror of the nine deities!

Although the resources needed are far too many than others, each time it will cause Su Han to be extremely troubled.

But every breakthrough will also increase Su Han's power too much than others!

Effort is proportional to hard work.

Under the second stage of the Divine Sea Realm, after performing the fourth step of the Nine Steps of the Dragon, Su Han's one step can span four million miles, and one second can span eight million miles, double the previous!

And this kind of speed can only be achieved if it is above the Sixth Stage Combination Realm, and can be used to shrink the ground.

In other words, in terms of speed, if Su Han escapes first, it will be considered as a sixth-grade combined realm and will not be able to catch up!

"There are four hundred and eighty drops..."

Looking at the golden spirit liquid in his hand, Su Han put it away in silence.

He knew that these liquids could no longer allow himself to break through again and reach the third-rank Divine Sea Realm, at most, he could only allow Su Han to reach the peak of the second-class Divine Sea Realm.

As for the pinnacle, although it can also enhance some of Su Han's combat power, in comparison, Su Han feels that it might as well be used by Su Qing and Su Yao.

Up to now, his understanding has increased two hundred times.

Although Su Han is not too much, after all, Su Qing and Su Yao are their own children. Since they have chosen the path of cultivation, Su Han must consider them.

Of course, Su Han didn't intend to give these 480 drops of liquid to the two of them.

There is also Xiao Yuran, and Nangongyu, and Yun Qianqian, and Xiao Yuhui...

Perhaps, there is Ren Qinghuan.

Thinking about it this way, Su Han couldn't help but patted his head with a headache.

It seems that no amount of liquid is enough...

In the Phoenix Sect, there are a lot of Tianjiao, like Ye Xiaofei, if you can get a little liquid, your understanding will be improved, and the speed of cultivation will definitely be faster.

But if she really gave her such some liquid, Su Han would not be willing...

"Forget it, be selfish."

Su Han smiled bitterly and shook his head: "When you should be selfish, you still have to be selfish. Otherwise, if there are so many people in the Phoenix Sect, dividing these liquids into ten parts is not enough."

Putting away his thoughts, Su Han looked around for a moment.

He has reached the end of the Shinto altar.

Today is also the last day of the opening of the Shinto altar.

If you continue to stay here, you won't get any benefits.


Looking at the exit Su Han breathed a sigh of relief.

"Here, my comprehension has increased two hundred times, and my cultivation has reached the second stage of the Divine Sea Realm. If I want to leave, I am really reluctant..."

In the silence, Su Han clasped his fists and bowed towards the Shinto altar.

He didn't know if anyone controlled it, but he knew that the Shinto altar had spirit.

If someone really controls, then this worship is towards that person.

If no one controls, then this worship is the spirit of the altar!

And just when Su Han got up and planned to leave, the voice that didn't carry any emotion before that rang again.

"You are a person against the sky, you have the imprint of ancient times on your body, and you are on your way back..."

"Don't be reckless, don't die, don' the sky!"