Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1892

Chapter 1892

The crowd entered the residence of the Qing Emperor Pope.

Lin Fengjie's status among many high-level disciples may not be so high, but in the eyes of these guards or ordinary disciples, he is obviously extremely respectful to him.

"Young Master Lin."

Along the way, many people spoke respectfully.

Lin Fengjie also nodded in response, and Su Han could hear the sound of many people sighing secretly.

"Hey...Compared to the eldest son, the second son is much more intimate, but it's a pity that his talent is a bit lower!"

"This time the Tianjiao Tournament, I'm afraid the second son will inevitably suffer some ridicule."

"I think the second son's future achievements will definitely be better than others. Of course, talent is important, but character should still be ranked first."

Lin Fengjie looked calm, as if he didn't hear these words.

In other words, he is used to it.

Su Han occasionally looked at him and shook his head secretly.

In the Zongmen resident, there is no heaven.

Colorful auspicious clouds floated in the void, concealed under the white cloud layer outside, and a large number of raindrops, full of rich spiritual power, poured down.

The roar of giant beasts in the distance was deafening, and the coercion in this sound made people feel thrilling.

"That's... Jiaolong?!!!"

When Ling Xiao looked up, he saw a huge figure flying by.

This figure was like a dark cloud, at least ten thousand meters in size, and the scales on his body shone with an amazing color, and its appearance was exactly the same as that of a dragon!


Lin Fengjie nodded and smiled towards Ling: "This is the wind-cold dragon, not one of the eight."

"Oh my god, it's the Qing emperor's religion, it's still raising the dragon..." Ling Xiao was shocked, and Ye Xiaofei's eyes were also shining with shocking light.

And Su Han has long been so indifferent to all this.

Even the eighth dragons are all five-stage spirit beasts, which are equivalent to the combined realm of human beings. Among the Qing emperors, the twelve ancestor emperors are all powerful in the heavenly emperor realm. What is it to raise a dragon?

Of course, this is just the most common inferior dragon.

Looking at the entire inferior star field, the number of medium-sized dragons is also rare, almost all of them are comparable to the existence of immortals, even the lowest level, they also have the terrifying power of the sub-sage level!

As he walked, Ling Xiao's mouth widened completely, and Ye Xiaofei was still a bit reserved, but from her eyes, she could see the incomparable shock.

They saw the fourth-, fifth, and even sixth-grade medicinal materials, and saw a large medical garden with various medicinal materials.

I also saw the spirit crystals piled up like a mountain of ten thousand feet. They were real spirit crystals, not spirit crystal veins. At a glance, the number of spirit crystals was at least ten trillion.

And there are dozens of such piles of spirit crystals.

I even saw the seven pieces of equipment hanging above the void, including three weapons and four defensive equipment.

Neither the weapon nor the defensive equipment could see the light clearly, but even Su Han took a deep breath for the terrifying coercion that spread from it.

There are a large number of spirit beasts, from the first rank to the fifth rank, either walking on the ground, flying in the sky, or floating in a huge lake in the Zongmen residence.

The highest grade is not only Rank 5, but with Ling Xiao and Ye Xiaofei's strength, the highest is only Rank 5.

Su Han does not doubt that there will be a sixth-rank spirit beast in the Qing Emperor's Church, or even a seventh-rank!

The entire Qing Dynasty Sect, no matter where you look at it, there is only one feeling, and that is two words-shock!

Strong shock!

Any place is not comparable to the Phoenix Sect at this moment.

This is one of the three major forces that shocked the entire inferior star field, from the side, from the front, from the back...

They are the most direct, reflecting their unspeakable horror.

Everyone knows that what he sees at this moment is only the most superficial. The things hidden by the Qing emperor's church are definitely far more terrifying than what they and others have seen.

When the sky reached noon, everyone came to a palace.

The palace is huge, but only one floor, covering an area of about 30,000 feet, like a giant beast crawling.

"This is the Qinghuangdian."

Lin Fengjie said to Su Han and the others: "Generally, if there is a major event, we will discuss it here, and let's go in too."

"it is good."

Su Han nodded and walked in with Lin Fengjie.

"No, absolutely not!"

"In the second stage, everyone's time is extremely urgent. Why should the eldest son waste time to protect the second son? This is a battlefield of evildoers. If a little time is wasted, the ranking will be greatly lagging behind. The current strength of the young man, going on his own, should be enough to win the top 20 in the second stage, but if there is a second young man...huh, the top fifty are enough!"

"Elder Wang, you also know that in the second stage, it is extremely dangerous. No one will know what happened inside. The second son is still low in strength. If there is something wrong, can you explain to the ancestor?"

"Lin This is not a question of not explaining. Everyone knows that the second stage is dangerous, but you can not participate. Who has forced you to participate?"

"Wang Chuyi, you are farting! Why did the second son participate? Isn't it also for the reputation of our Qing emperor? According to you, in the entire Qing emperor, can only the first one participate? It's ridiculous! "

Before entering the Qinghuang Palace completely, there was a fierce debate inside.

Lin Fengjie's face immediately became ugly.

He heard these words clearly.

Su Han also understood that the so-called "Second Young Master" should refer to Lin Fengjie, and the "Old Young Master" was naturally Lin Jian.

In a few short words, everyone could hear that it was Wang Chuyi who felt that Lin Fengjie was a cumbersome, and that Lin He was obviously on Lin Fengjie's side, worried about Lin Fengjie's mistakes in the second stage. So I hope Lin Jian can protect Lin Fengjie.

Before he even met, Su Han already knew what kind of torment Lin Fengjie suffered in the Qing emperor.


Su Han sighed softly in his heart: "Living in this kind of force, it is better to be a casual cultivator, free and unconstrained by anyone."

Others only know that Lin Fengjie is the son of the ancestor, but they don't know how many insults and ridicules he has suffered, which is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At this moment, Su Han finally understood why Lin Fengjie had to ask himself like that, at least to enter the top 20!

"Let's go."

Su Han patted Lin Fengjie on the shoulder, and everyone walked straight into the Qinghuang Palace.