Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1891

Chapter 1891

Obviously, even if Lin Fengjie had confidence in Su Han in this kind of enchanting event, he did not dare to expect too much.

The first twenty is Lin Fengjie's heart to bear the bottom line, and the first ten... is a great surprise!

Tianjiao is really too much, what ten great princes, ten fairies, ten gods, ten demons.

There are also the geniuses on the four rankings of Xuan, Earth and Yellow, and the dark horses among countless casual cultivators...

The inferior star field is so big, some people who are against the sky, even Su Han himself dare not to be big, so they have to try their best to raise the cultivation base to the third stage virtual world, let alone not know Su Han's true strength. Lin Fengjie is now.

If Lin Fengjie knows that Su Han is the legendary Nine Shadows, I am afraid that the bottom line in his heart is not the top 20, at least...the top three!

"When is the exact opening time of the Tianjiao Contest?" Su Han asked again.


"Where is it?"

"Wild fairyland."

Lin Fengjie explained: "The Wilderness Immortal Territory is a realm created by the power of the three religions. When the Tianjiao Contest is opened, in order to prevent the influence of other casual cultivators, only the people and sects participating in the Tianjiao Contest. To enter the wild fairyland."

"So..." Su Han nodded gently.

"This year's Tianjiao Tournament is still the same as before. There are four stages in total."

Lin Fengjie said again:

"The first stage: test qualification."

"The second stage: Obtain quest items."

"The third stage: a trip to the fairy bridge."

"The fourth stage: the ring match."

Su Han did not speak, and waited for Lin Fengjie to follow along.

He had only heard of the Tianjiao Tournament, but he had never participated in it. He really didn't know much about the details.

"The first stage of the qualification test is the same as the qualifications tested when the casual practitioners joined a certain sect."

Lin Fengjie said: "Of course, many people think this is a bit tasteless, but in fact it is not the case, because this kind of test is tested under the eyelids of 72 sects of the Three Religions and Nine Schools. It is impossible to make any mistakes. The results of the test will most directly eliminate those who are not enough to participate in the next three stages. At the same time, it will also have a general position in the hearts of the seventy-two schools of the three religions and nine schools."

Su Han nodded.

To put it bluntly, if you want the seventy-two sects of the Three Religions, Nine Schools, and Seventy-two Sects to draw their hearts together, then this qualification test is the most direct!

Because the people participating in the Tianjiao Hegemony Tournament have different cultivation bases, the final champion, although it must be extremely strong, but the others who are eliminated, at least have the opportunity to show off their style.

It's like a Seventh Rank Divine Sea Realm who won the championship of the Tianjiao Competition, but only has red qualifications, and the eliminated ones are golden qualifications. Can it be said that the future achievements of the champion are definitely Older than this person?

Impossible, although qualifications cannot determine everything, it does determine most of them!

"The second stage, get the task items."

Lin Fengjie explained: "In fact, many sects have done this kind of assessment. It's just the difference in obtaining quest items. In each session of the Tianjiao Tournament, the quest items needed are the same. What do I need for this session? I don't know, but I can be sure that the more people who get the task items, the more likely it is to be promoted."

"As for the third stage of the trip to the fairy bridge... it depends on personal understanding."

Lin Fengjie took a deep breath and said, "In the previous Tianjiao Tournament, many geniuses were planted on it."

"In the final arena, you don't need to say much, you should know a little bit."

Su Hanji nodded slightly in his heart.

While speaking, everyone has arrived at the place where the teleportation array is located.

After a full ten times of teleportation, close to two hours, Su Han and the others only saw the place of the Qing emperor.

There are endless clouds and mist floating over the Qing Emperor's Church, and under the cover of these clouds, it is a bit invisible to the Qing Emperor's Pope's residence.

However, one can vaguely see a huge statue standing in the center of the Zongmen residence.

Even if Su Han and the others had raised their eyes, they could only see the knees of the statue. As for everything above it, they could not be seen at all. Even the divine thoughts would be blocked by those clouds.

However, just looking at it faintly like this gives people an extremely shocking, and can't help but raise a sense of respect.

"This is the first ancestor of my Qing emperor-the ancestor of the empty god!"

Lin Fengjie had a strong respect and enthusiasm on his face, and said: "The ancestor of the imaginary **** has not fallen. He has already entered the middle star field many years ago. It is him who created the Qing emperor. , And brought it to the level of one of the three religions in the inferior star realm. Many people say that the Void God Ancestor may have entered the sanctuary now, but he has never returned, and no one knows whether it is true or not... "

Su Han glanced at Lin Fengjie, wanted to speak, but finally did not say it.

He knew that the ancestor of the virtual god... was dead.

In the last life, in the sanctuary, Su Han had seen the ancestor of the imaginary god.

He was upright and straightforward, and Su Han had a good impression of Xu Shen Zuhuang.

At that time, I felt that planned to focus on training the ancestor of the virtual god, but he did not expect that the ancestor of the virtual **** once went out to obtain good luck, but in the end, he never returned.

It was the Sword God Yaoyang who brought back his news and...the corpse.

Perhaps in the eyes of all the people of the Qing emperor, the ancestor emperor will survive forever, so Su Han absolutely cannot'nonsense'.

"Let's go, let me in."

Lin Fengjie smiled and said: "The day after tomorrow is the day when the Tianjiao Tournament begins. Tomorrow we will be on the road. Today, all foreign aid and all the people of the Qing emperor who are going to participate in the Tianjiao Tournament have gathered together. Good, so as not to hurt yourself in the Tianjiao Contest."


Su Han responded and followed Lin Fengjie to the Qing Emperor's Church.

As it gradually approached, the aura around that day became more and more intense. When it came to the Zongmen station, it was like Pluto, with a majestic rain rain pouring down from the top of the head.

"It's so cool!"

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand, followed Ling Yu, and said in shock: "If I cultivate here for a long time, even if I don't use the soul, my cultivation speed will be very fast!"

"If you don't speak of the soul, you are inferior to her." Su Han pointed to Ye Xiaofei.

"I really want to admit this..."

Ling Xiao glanced at Ye Xiaofei, smashed her mouth and said: "Such a pure little girl, but the cultivation speed is so terrifying, really abnormal!"

Ye Xiaofei's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't help but groan: "You're a pervert!"


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