Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1191

Chapter 1191

Little Say Net], Little Say Net],


The flames overwhelmed the sky, surging out, like layers of huge waves, burning this place, the void made a sneer sound, the air was quickly evaporated, and even the space directly turned into nothingness.

Where the flames pass, everything is annihilated!

This flame is not a color, and most of it is fiery red. In this fiery red, there is also a lavender, deep purple, and... thick black!

Below the black, there is more blue, like flashing thunder and lightning, and the temperature above it is simply shocking.

At the moment Su Han bombarded, this endless flame directly formed a huge fist. That fist could not be described in words. After bombarding the beam of light, the two shook fiercely, and the flame fist disappeared directly. The colorful beam of light smashed into pieces with a click!

Seeing this scene, Su Han's eyes lit up, and while laughing, the origin of thunder and lightning appeared again.

"The thunder and lightning are also a kind of thunder and lightning. Today, Su will use the origin of thunder and lightning to destroy your colorful supreme calamity!"

Su Han opened his mouth with a bitter expression. When he waved his palm, the flame disappeared in an instant, and then what appeared was a monstrous thunder and lightning!

The origin is the final product of the evolution of all rules, and it is the origin of all rules derived.

If it were not for the fact that Su Han's cultivation base was still low at this moment, and his control of the source hadn't reached a very deep level, I was afraid that this colorful supreme tribulation could be annihilated by waving his hands.

But even so, it is enough.

The origin of the fire attribute can annihilate the colorful beam of light, and the origin of the thunder attribute is even more terrifying.


The endless lightning hit the top of the colorful light beam. At the moment of impact, the lower half of the colorful light beam dissipated with a bang, turned into an endless light, and was directly absorbed by those lightning...


Su Han laughed even more when this scene appeared.

That colorful beam of light has collapsed in half here, and the remaining half is nothing to worry about.

"Is Wucai Supreme Jie?"

"What about Longwu Continent's strongest Heavenly Tribulation, in Su Mou's hands, it will also be destroyed!"


When his voice fell, a black light flashed out.

In this light, there is an indescribable power of destruction. The moment it appeared, everything around it disappeared. Even the multi-colored beam of light, when the black light appeared, was stunned. The remaining half, unexpectedly There is another one-fifth of it, and it dissipates directly.

"Destroy the origin, one of the strongest origin..."

Su Han took a deep breath, looking at the black light in his hand, even he felt a little frightened.

"Just to destroy the origin, to destroy you...!"

In the next instant, Su Han didn't hesitate, and directly threw out the source of destruction, and went straight to the last colorful beam of light.

When the source of destruction rushed out, a black crack crossed the sky, like a long rainbow, clearly visible.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment, but it seems like an instant, countless years have passed.

I don't know when, destroying the source and the colorful light beam, finally collided.

At the moment of the collision, there was a silence between heaven and earth.

Immediately after...


The unspeakable loud noise exploded from the sky and the earth, and the monstrous storm swept away in an instant, with a radius of ten miles, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles...

Up to a million miles, all swept away! ! !

Those extraterritorial celestial demons who have been watching around have no possibility of escape at all. They are completely unable to rush out a million miles away in an instant, but this storm can do it.

An astonishing blood mist burst out in the muffled sound of bang bang bang. Between the day and the earth, there was an instant blood red, and a strong **** aura continued to be heard. The blood crystals gradually condensed out and spread out. Ground.

Even Su Han was slightly stunned when he saw the blood crystals on the ground.

The number of blood crystals is really too much. When I looked down, a blood-red crystal flickered, which was very attractive.

And the five thousand-foot-high, huge demon master-level extraterritorial demon, its figure also turned into a blood mist just moments ago, but this blood mist did not directly condense into blood crystals, but condensed into it. The original figure.

But at this moment, this hideous figure looked a little illusory, it didn't seem to be the essence anymore, but like... the soul of a monk.

Not only this one, but dozens of extraterritorial celestial demons all reunited after turning into blood fog.

These are all extraterritorial demons at the demon master level!


Su Han secretly said in his heart: "As long as you reach the level of the demon master, there must be some means, just like the human dragon king realm, which is very difficult to kill. However, the few demon master level extraterritorial demon I killed before. , Certainly not as strong as these, because they did not re-condense, but died directly."

Obviously, the devil's level is also strong and weak.

"As for these blood crystals..."

Su Han looked down, his eyes flickering, a little excited.

"If all are swallowed by me alone, how much does my physical strength have to be?"

Having said that, Su Han gave a wry smile to himself.

It's completely impossible to hold them all by yourself, there are still so many people waiting eagerly among the saint son Xumijie.

Su Han didn't think much about the blood crystal matter.

He looked up at the sky, but seeing the colorful beam of light, finally at this moment, annihilation truly appeared.

The last remaining multicolored beam of light burst into a loud noise at the moment it collided with the source of destruction. Its huge size was completely shaken at this moment, and gradually turned into a colorful light, floating in the void. on.

At this moment, the sense of crisis in Su Han's heart receded like a tide. He knew that he had... successfully overcome the catastrophe!

Colorful Supreme Tribulation Successfully crossed the Tribulation!

In Su Han's hand, there was still a bell, which was Zhan Shen Ling.

This God Slashing Bell was his last resort, but the source of destruction had already caused the colorful beam of light to collapse, and God Slashing Bell was no longer needed.

"It doesn't matter if you don't need it, this is my temporary background." Su Han secretly said in his heart.

Between the sky and the earth, there was a blackness, the void was completely collapsed, and it was impossible to recover.

The blood crystals on the ground flickered, and a crimson appeared in the darkness that was reflected.

On the ground, the soil was completely gone, as if black holes were formed one by one, which was formed by the final impact.

This is why Su Han let Liuyun and others enter the Saint Son Xumijie.

If they are still standing here, then in the last few attacks, the storm will surely sweep them, especially the impact of the final source of destruction and the colorful beam of light, the power of terror will definitely cause them to suffer heavy casualties!