Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1190

Chapter 1190

Little Say Net], Little Say Net],

Su Han's body burst into pieces, and his soul collapsed, which everyone saw.

What does the collapse of the soul mean?

Both form and spirit are destroyed!

And what does it mean that the body and spirit are destroyed?

There is no chance of reincarnation!

Everyone understands that under normal circumstances, when the soul is collapsed, it is a complete death, and there is no chance of resurrection.

Therefore, they have such sorrow, such pain, such regret and sigh.

Su Han endured so much pressure and encountered so many crises, but all survived, and it was this catastrophe that ultimately put him to death.

Thinking about it, it feels ridiculous that a generation of Tianjiao will fall under the catastrophe.

The sky gradually became clear, and the colorful colors began to dissipate, becoming thinner and thinner...

And every time of indifference, everyone's hearts will sink.

Even the tribulation is going to dissipate, Su Han, is it really dead?

"No, he will not die, he will never die!"

Xiao Yuhui shook her head frantically, "I can feel that he is not dead yet, I can feel it!!!"

Looking at her expression, everyone secretly shook their heads. In their opinion, Xiao Yuhui was caused by excessive sadness.

Not only Xiao Yuhui, but also Xiao Yuran, Su Qing and Su Yao, and all the members of the Phoenix Sect!

They are all looking at the void, as long as the robbery hasn't completely dissipated, then they still have hope.

Regarding this, the Xuanyuan family and the ancient family shook their heads secretly, but they couldn't comfort them.

And at this moment--

"Everyone, all enter the saint son Xumijie!"

A familiar voice suddenly resounded through the void.

The moment they heard this sound, everyone was taken aback, and they suddenly raised their heads, searching continuously.

"Su's Su Han!!"

"Hahaha, the lord is not dead, not dead!!!"

"I knew that the Sect Master would never die that easily. He is a god, the five super sects cannot kill him, and the extraterritorial demon cannot kill him. This colorful supreme calamity still can't help him!

"The Sovereign will not die and will never die!!!"

The endless laughter came out at this moment, the eyes of the Xuanyuan family's people were bright, and the ancient family's people also showed their smiles.

"Enter the saint son Xumijie!"

Su Han's voice came again, a little anxious.

Everyone was excited just now, only then did they react, and immediately entered the Saint Son Xumi Jie without saying a word.

And the moment they entered the Saint Son Xumijie, a bracelet emerged in the void.

This bracelet is not big, it looks like an ordinary bracelet, placed in the huge void, almost invisible.

But such an inconspicuous bracelet, after it appeared, it exudes countless golden lights.

These rays of light are extremely rich, and at the moment it radiates, there is a soul that directly condenses.

It is Su Han's soul!

And after the first Dao Yuanjin, the second Dao, the third Dao, the fourth Dao... until the eighth Dao Yuanshen, all condensed!


Su Han muttered to himself, holding the bracelet in his hand, the corner of his mouth slightly lifted.

This bracelet is exactly the Nine Extremes Open Soul Chain!

This thing was obtained from the dwarves in the ancient times, and even the dwarves regarded it as a treasure.

The Nine-pole Open Soul Chain has no attack power and no defense power. Its only function is to be able to fuse the soul, so that the person holding this chain can remain immortal!

Su Han had nine primordial spirits, he had all merged before, but at the moment when the colorful light beams condensed, Su Han felt the crisis, so he directly separated a primordial spirit and integrated it into the nine-pole soul-opening chain.

As long as this primordial spirit does not die, the Nine Extremes Soul-opening Chain will absorb all Su Han's destroyed primordial spirit's power, and then... recondensed!

Just so moment.


Su Han put away the Nine Extremes Soul-opening Chain, and the magic elements from his body condensed, plus the magic fruit, its flesh quickly condensed.

As for the third deity, the flesh condensed with the flesh and blood of the beast and ant has never been attacked.

The primordial spirit that entered the Nine Extremes Soul Opening Chain was also the third deity!


The moment Su Han's body condensed, the colorful light that was about to disappear, seemed to sense that Su Han was not dead, and it hummed again at this moment, quickly condensing.

In the blink of an eye, the endless colorful light formed the beam of light before, and without any hesitation, it bombarded Su Han.


Su Lengren snorted, his body switched directly, the first deity disappeared, and the third deity appeared again!

At this moment, all the eight primordial spirits merged, and the last primordial spirit entered the Nine Extremes Soul-opening Chain again.

As long as the Nine Extremes Opening Soul Chain is not destroyed, Su Han will never die.


The eight primordial spirits merged, and Su Han's breath increased sharply.

The **** nine clears and the fourth clear unfolded, and his strength increased eight times, and his breath surged again!

The three cultivation bases merged instantly, and its breath surged for the third time!

Up to this moment, Su Han's strength, which can be improved, had all been improved, completely reaching its peak.

He didn't hesitate anymore, as his eyes flickered, a bell appeared.

"Zhan Shen Ling..."

Su Han took a deep breath, looked at the bell, and muttered to himself.

This bell, naturally, is the same as the Nine Extremes Opening Soul Chain, it was derived from the God Slashing Bell among the dwarves in the Primordial Era!

These two items were the stunning treasures of the dwarf clan, but they were drawn from the mirror by Su Han.

"Although I can only use the power of the God Slashing Bell, but such a treasure, a small amount of power, it is also earth-shattering."

When the words fell, there were three rays of light surging in Su Han's body.

These three rays of light are not the rays of fusion of the three cultivation bases, but a kind of red, a black, and

This is the three origins!

Fire attribute origin, thunder attribute origin, destruction origin!

"This is my peak strength!"

Su Han held the God Slashing Bell The three origins were surging in his body, his head raised, and he looked directly at the colorful beam of light that was bombarding him.

"You are the last blow, so is Su!"

"This is Su Mou's pinnacle power, all means are exhausted, but it is still no match for you, then Su Mou...

Failure to cross the robbery is the same as death, and the body and spirit are destroyed.

Although the Nine Extremes Soul-opening Chain exists, the Tribulation of the Day will always chase and kill Su Han. As long as Su Han does not die, the Tribulation will always follow.

How is this different from death?

The only way is to blast out this colorful beam of light, slaying the tribulation, and condensing... the colorful supreme shadow belongs to Su Han!


In the next instant, as Su Han roared, he waved his palm, and the monstrous flame rushed out first!