Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 682

Chapter 682

Next, Xiao Yao showed everyone the effect of the alienation antidote.

Whether ingested in advance or after taking the pills, the alienation antidote can prevent the death row prisoner from being eroded by the poison of alienation. After witnessing all this with their own eyes, everyone was completely relieved.

"Huomingshi firearms, alienation antidote." Master Ye looked at Xiao Yao's young face with a somewhat complicated expression, "King Wu, your prediction is correct, Xiao Yao is indeed the one who saved the world."

"Master Ye, how do you deal with these people?"

After the experiment was over, Xiao Yao pointed at several executioners with frightened eyes and asked.

"Kill it!" Master Ye said lightly.


Xiao Yao flicked his fingers, and several black flames fell on several people. These people did not even scream, and were burned to ashes by the fiery flames of destruction.

"Everyone, everyone has seen the horror of the alienation poison."

Xiao Yao's expression was serious: "Not only ordinary people, but even black iron-level summoners will be infected by the virus."

Among the eight death row prisoners just now, there were two black-iron-level summoners and two bronze-level summoners. Through experiments, two black-iron-level summoners would quickly transform into zombies after taking the pills, while bronze-level summoners would quickly turn into zombies. Showing full resilience, despite their painful expressions and trembling bodies, in the end they survived the erosion of the alienation poison with their strong physique.

But you must know that even black iron-level summoners have significantly stronger physical qualities than ordinary people, and this segment has the largest number of summoners. Once they are transformed, it will be more difficult for ordinary people to survive.

"Xiao Yao, do you have any ideas?" Ye Zongshi looked at Xiao Yao with a bit of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

For a time, the rest of the bosses also looked at Xiao Yao.

Many of them are in contact with Xiao Yao for the first time. They only know that the first genius of the Dragon Kingdom has a legendary talent in summoning, but the maturity of mind, ability and wisdom still makes them quite for anticipation.

"I do have an idea, and I also invite Master Ye and everyone to be right."

Xiao Yao nodded slightly, and then told the plan he had conceived in advance.

After listening to the whole plan, everyone present expressed their approval and showed emotion.

The first genius of the Dragon Kingdom is indeed well-deserved!

After half a month~

Wan's Group Headquarters

"Dad, there is bad news."

Wan Wenye rushed into the office, walked to Wan Chongshan, and said with a solemn expression: "Chenxi Group has launched a drug that can completely kill the V-type virus."

"Chenxi Group?" Wan Zhongshan frowned, "Has it started selling?"

"That's right!" Wan Wenye nodded, "It's on sale today, and the market has reacted very strongly. Many people who were going to buy our medicine turned around and bought the medicine from Chenxi Group."

"What about the drug ingredients?"

"Completely different from us! But in terms of preventive and curative effects, it is even stronger than us."

Hearing Wan Wenye's words, even Wan Chongshan, who has always been calm, his face became very ugly.

"How could it be so fast?"

There was a hint of anger in Wan Zhongshan's voice: "The V-type virus is a super virus that we have spent many years cultivating. Didn't the group of people in the laboratory swear and promise that it is impossible for any company to develop a therapeutic drug within a year?"

"What about now? Chenxi Group cracked the V-type virus in two months!"

"Trash, it's a bunch of trash!"

"Dad, what should we do now?" Wan Wenye asked, "After all, the Chenxi Group was created by Xiao Yao, and its recognition in the hearts of the public is much higher than our Wan's Group. Now that he has launched this drug, we It will be difficult to sell the medicine.

Wan Zhongshan pondered for a moment and asked, "How many of our medicines have been sold?"

"2.37 million copies."

"2.37 million~"

Hearing this number, the anger in Wan Zhongshan's eyes subsided slightly. 2.37 million is already a very high number. After all, it was not long before the drug was "successfully developed". They couldn't sell tens of millions of drugs in one go. aroused suspicion from the authorities.

What's more, he is very clear about the meaning of these 2.37 million.

"Next, we will speed up production, cut prices by 30%, and simultaneously let the media build momentum." Wan Chongshan's eyes are deep: "It is said that Chenxi Group is only a company that sells cosmetics, and their drug research and development capabilities are very weak, far inferior to our Wan's Group. "

"Select a few more people and report that after taking the medicine of Chenxi Group, they had serious side effects and almost died."

"This matter should be done as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if others suspect us. Commercial smearing is just a normal phenomenon. Now we can sell one more copy."

"Okay! I'll do it now."

Wan Wenye nodded, and was about to turn around and leave when his phone suddenly vibrated, and when he opened it, his expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Wan Zhongshan leaned over and glanced at it, his face became extremely ugly.

"Master Ye, what do you think of this medicine launched by Chenxi Group?"

On the TV, Master Ye, dressed in black, faced the camera with a faint smile:

"I know something about this medicine, and my family is also using it. You can buy it with confidence."

As soon as the voice fell, a wave of barrage immediately ushered in the live broadcast screen.

"Damn it, Master Ye's family is also using this medicine, brothers!"

"Hey, I've already bought it, brothers, I'll use it first as a tribute!"

"As expected of the Chenxi Group, even the drug research and development capabilities are so awesome!"

"I am an employee of Chenxi Group. Everyone in our company has already taken this medicine. You are welcome to order online!"

After what Master Ye said, this medicine of the Chenxi Group has a direct reputation.

Originally, people tended to prefer Chenxi Group among several drugs. After all, Chenxi Group was created by Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao was known as the first genius of the Dragon Kingdom and the fifth master in the future. How could his business not be? Is it reliable?

What's more, Chenxi Group launched a free ALS drug half a year ago, allowing hundreds of thousands of terminally ill ALS patients to regain their lives. After that incident, Chenxi Group has become a conscience in the eyes of the public. enterprise.

And now, Master Ye has also personally endorsed the Chenxi Group, so what else do they have to choose?

Linshu Pharmaceutical, Baishan Pharmaceutical, Wanshi Group?

Has any of the master's family ever taken your medicine?

If not, go as far as you can!

Ye Zongshi's interview made domestic headlines within a few minutes and was broadcast on the news. In just half a day, almost everyone in the country learned the news, so they began to frantically buy morning medicine.

"It's done~"

In the office, Xiao Yao snapped his fingers happily while watching the headlines.

The drug launched by Chenxi Group was of course also formulated by Tuqi. However, it is not an antidote for alienation, but a drug that can only prevent and kill the X virus.

This time, all major state-owned pharmaceutical companies have cooperated with the Chenxi Group to produce drugs at full capacity, which can meet the needs of more than one billion people in a short period of time.

Once all the people have taken this drug, permanent antibodies will be generated in their bodies to kill the X virus, and without the X virus, the alienation poison cannot be synthesized.

In this way, the number of people who contain alienation poison will be controlled within millions.

However, this medicine is only a means on the surface in his plan. In addition to preventing the spread of alienation poison, he must also attract the attention of Wan's father and son to this medicine.

Secretly, the Dragon Kingdom has multiplied super bacteria antidote in large quantities, and dispatched secret troops to integrate super bacteria into water plants, farms, and grain reserves in major cities. Insecticides and disinfectants containing super bacteria are sprayed on a large scale in urban public places, streets and other places.

These actions are both quiet and upright. The Wan Group, including the shadow behind them, would never have thought that a catastrophe they worked so hard to create has gradually disappeared.


At this time, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared in the office, and a black hole the size of a disc suddenly appeared. Then, a white and plain hand stretched out from the black hole and placed a letter on the table in front of Xiao Yao. .

Seeing such a scene, Xiao Yao didn't have a hint of meaning on his face, he quickly opened the letter and read it carefully.

The letter wrote about the next arrest plan for the three generations of the Wan clan. Knowing that Wan Chongshan, Wan Wenye, and Wan Jiabao were all members of the Shadow Society, Master Ye gave special approval to let Xiao Yao also participate in the operation. Because only Xiao Yao in the whole world can crack the dark magic seal of the Shadow Society, so as to probe their memories.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this time, the three of you can't escape."

After reading the contents of the letter, Xiao Yao's mouth evoked a slight arc.

As Xiao Yao thought, after the launch of Chenxi Group's drugs, Wan's Group and the other two companies' drugs could not be sold at all. Although they took a series of measures, almost all people would prefer Chenxi Group.

This situation makes Wan Wenye extremely anxious. He is very clear that this matter is an important part of the divine envoy plan. Bear the brunt of the brunt, step into the realm of doom.

"Do not worry!"

Wan Zhongshan took a sip of tea and said calmly, "The envoy has his own arrangements, we just need to obey."

"Dad~" Wan Wenye couldn't hide his anxiety: "What did the envoy think, and what is the next plan?"

"I don't know~"

Wan Chongshan shook his head, his eyes were deep: "We are just a **** of the divine envoy, will you reveal the whole of the pawn?"

"But..." Wan Wenye pressed his hands firmly on the solid wood table, and pressed a few fingerprints directly, his voice became tense and dry: "You said, will the above already know!"

"Impossible!" Wan Chongshan asserted: "You should be very clear that even with the most advanced methods at present, you cannot detect that thing."


"Wen Ye!" Wan Chongshan shouted in a deep voice, "The more we get to this time, the more we need to calm down, and we must not lose our balance."

Wan Chongshan's scolding was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, and suddenly Wan Wenye calmed down again. He took a deep breath and nodded his head: "Understood!"

"Dad, what should we do next?"


"Wait?" Wan Wenye frowned, "Just wait like this?"

Wan Zhongshan said calmly: "Everything we can do has been completed, and then we can only wait for the orders of the gods."

"However, how is the preparation for what I asked you to do?"

"It's already been prepared!" Wan Wenye said: "As soon as there is a slight disturbance, the three of us can leave the country as quickly as possible."

The three naturally refer to Wan Chongshan, Wan Wenye and Wan Jiabao, while his wife is no longer considered.

Although the relationship between him and his wife is not bad, even if there is one more person in this kind of thing, it will greatly increase the risk of exposure. When necessary, even his son Wan Jiabao can be abandoned at any time.

"Where's the Kirin?"

"The unicorns are also arranged!" Wan Wenye's face showed a rare soft color when he mentioned the unicorns: "Even if we have an accident, the unicorns can live a prosperous and prosperous life."

"That's good!" Wan Zhongshan said quietly: "I hope everything goes well."

At this time, Wan Wenye received a message, he opened it and said, "Dad, there is something going on, I'm going to deal with it."

"Go!" Wan Zhongshan waved his hand.


At the moment when the door was closed, a deep worry flashed across Wan Chongshan's unwavering eyes.

"God, what are you planning?"

ten days later~

"are you ready?"

Master Ye looked at Xiao Yao: "You are the most critical part of this operation, and you must not miss it!"

Xiao Yao nodded heavily:

"Don't worry, the mission is guaranteed to be completed."

"Okay!" Master Ye said solemnly, "Everyone, start taking action!"


In the room, everyone responded in unison.

"Wan Shao, the chairman has something to ask you."

"Secretary Wang, do you know what's going on?" Wan Jiabao frowned slightly.

Secretary Wang shook his head:

"I really don't know about The chairman only asked me to pick you up."

"Okay~" Wan Jiabao nodded. Secretary Wang has been with his grandfather for many years and has won the trust of the Wan family. He didn't think much about it and got into the car.

However, just after the door was closed, a mental shock broke out in the car, Wan Jiabao's head went black, and he fainted.

Secretary Wang sat in the co-pilot, his face changed, and finally changed to another face, took out the walkie-talkie and said in a low voice:

"Number one is in place."


The door opened, and Wan Chongshan and Wan Wenya walked into the conference room, preparing to participate in a political and business exchange conference held in the city.

However, when they entered the room, they found that there was only one man standing by the window in the conference room.

"This figure looks a little familiar~" Wan Wenye's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

"You are finally here~"

The man smiled lightly and turned around slowly.

When they saw the man's true face, Wan Chongshan and Wan Wenye's pupils almost shrank into a needle.


Before they finished speaking, the two suddenly felt their heads go black, as if they had been hit by a heavy hammer, and suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.


With a wave of Ye Zongshi's big hand, the bodies of the two disappeared instantly.

"Xiao Yao, it's up to you next!" Master Ye murmured.