Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 681

Chapter 681

In the silent room, Xiao Yao sat on a chair, Tong Kong tightened, and his heart was like a river overturned.

"Alienation Poison~"

He murmured, with a faint trembling in his voice.

Just now, Tucci told him that when the virus combines with this medicine, it will form an extremely hidden toxin. If there is no other incentive to activate, this toxin will be permanently lurking in the human body and will not cause any harm.

However, once activated, the toxin will directly destroy the will of the human being, making it a walking corpse-like existence. At the same time, the toxin will also cause unknown mutations in various organs of the human body, and can spread rapidly through the blood.

Tucci gave this poison a nameAlienation Poison.

However, when Xiao Yao learned about the effect of the alienation poison, a word popped into his mind instantly


Destroying the human will, organ mutation, blood transmission

It's not a zombie, what is it?

He had seen dozens of zombie movies in his last life, and he knew all too well the horror of zombies.

Bloodthirsty, brutal, not afraid of casualties, rapid infection

The most terrifying thing is that the Wan's Group's drug has spread to the whole country, and at least millions of people have taken this drug, and this number is expanding rapidly.

Once the alienation poison is activated, the Dragon Kingdom is bound to face a devastating disaster.

Even if there are many summoners in the Dragon Country, who can quickly destroy the tide of zombies, the losses caused by this disaster and the terrifying memories left by the people cannot be healed for decades.

"No, it must be reported to the master as soon as possible." Xiao Yao picked up the phone, found Ye Zongshi's number, and was about to dial out.

But just as he was about to call out, he suddenly stopped, his eyes flickered, he turned to look at Tucci, and solemnly asked:

"Tuqi, can you solve this poison?"

Tucci grinned: "Are you underestimating Tucci?"


Xiao Yao immediately threw the phone on the table, put his hands on the edge of the table, and widened his eyes excitedly:

"Can you really figure it out?"

Tu Qi raised his head, shook his index finger in front of Xiao Yao, and said proudly:

"There is no poison that Tuqi can't solve."

"I am the source of all poisons!"

After taking the poisonous fruit, Tucci not only successfully promoted to diamond level 3, but also had tens of thousands of terrifying toxins in his body. In addition, after the transformation of the light of evolution, his ability to detoxify and detoxify has reached its peak. degree.

If it was placed before, it may take some time for Tuqi to prepare the antidote of the alienation poison, but for him now, wanting to come up with an antidote is just a matter of randomness.

"Tucci, I have two needs for the antidote."

Xiao Yao said quickly: "First, the antidote must be able to be mass-produced or multiplied by scientific means."

"Second, the antidote would ideally also prevent and treat the malaria virus."

"Can it be done?" Xiao Yao's eyes were full of anticipation.

Tuqi grinned: "Small meaning~"

Xiao Yao's eyes lit up, and at this moment, he could not wait to hug Tu Qi and kiss him fiercely.

It's still the most powerful of our family Tuqi!

"How long will it take to dispense the antidote?" Xiao Yao asked again.

Tucci raised his index finger, and a gray, water-like substance lingered between his fingers.

"This is the antidote."

"So fast?" Xiao Yao's eyes widened.

He didn't expect that Tucci could prepare the antidote he needed so quickly, which is amazing!

Xiao Yao quickly used a bottle to put the antidote prepared by Tuqi into it. Through the information from Tuqi, he also learned the composition of this antidote.

According to his request, the antidote prepared by Tucci is mainly synthesized in the form of super bacteria. Super bacteria can multiply rapidly under the cultivation of nutrients, which can not only resolve the poison of alienation, but also prevent malaria virus. and healing effects.

"Okay, Tucci, you really did a great job this time!"

Xiao Yao rubbed Tucci's little head fiercely and said excitedly.

Tuqi grinned and smiled, his expression becoming more and more smug.

"Next, it's time to report to Master Ye."

Xiao Yao clenched the bottle in his hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

Shadow Society, this time, you will still be carried into my hands.

Empty underground military base

Xiao Yao and Ye Zongshi stood side by side, with more than a dozen people standing behind them.


The door rang, and a group of soldiers with live ammunition pressed eight prisoners in prison uniforms and quickly approached here.

"This is, Master Ye!

"And Xiao Yao?"

When the eight prisoners in uniform saw Ye Zongshi, they almost **** their pants.

No, although we are executed prisoners, what is the matter with you bringing me to Master Ye?

Does the death-row prisoner have to be executed by the master himself?


The eight cowardly executed prisoners were brought to the front of the crowd. All the soldiers saluted in unison, and the officer at the front said loudly:

"Report Master Ye, and bring all the prisoners."

"Okay, you all go down first!" Master Ye nodded lightly.


All the soldiers responded in unison, and then the group took a neat pace and quickly left the base.

At this time, there were only eight death row prisoners and many elders left at the scene.

"Xiao Yao, it's time to start!" Zongshi Ye's expression was calm, but many elders behind him could see that Zongshi Ye's lowered hands were tightly clasped.

Start, what start?

The death-row inmates turned pale, and they immediately realized that they and others were going to become some kind of experimental guinea pigs like they did in the movie?

No, I don't want to be a guinea pig.

The death row prisoners were terrified and wanted to escape from here, but they found that their bodies were completely out of control, as if they had been petrified, and they could not even turn their eyes.


Xiao Yao first turned around and looked at the people behind him:

"Everyone, first of all I want to declare that these death row inmates are infected with the X virus."

Virus X is the name for the malaria virus.

"Yeah!" Many elders nodded. They also knew the situation. These death row prisoners were brought here because they were infected with the X virus.

"Okay, next, I will let one of them take the Wan's Group's drugs first."

Xiao Yao walked to the nearest death row prisoner, put **** together, and opened the other's mouth. Then, under the terrified eyes of the death row prisoner, he flicked his fingers and put a pill into his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yao stood and waited for a few minutes, until after the drug and the virus were combined into a poison of alienation, he looked at the crowd and said:

"Next, I want to summon my war beast and let him activate the alienation poison."

As soon as the voice fell, Tucci appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this the plague demon rat?"

Looking at Tucci's unique and weird shape, the eyes of many elders fluctuated slightly.

The plague...the devil rat.

No wonder he can find anomalies!

"Master Ye, I need to put them in a confined space."

Xiao Yao pointed to the man who had just taken the pills and another death row prisoner.

"Okay!" With a wave of Ye Zongshi's big hand, the two of them flashed to the open area 50 meters in front of them like a space transfer, trapped by the gray space walls on all sides.

After everything was ready, Xiao Yao looked at Tucci: "Activate the poison of alienation."

Tuqi nodded, and a greenish mist emitted from his thin fingers, passing over the wall of space, and finally got into the man's nose.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

After waiting for a few minutes, there was no response from the man, but the elders were all calm people. They stared at the death row prisoner with extreme seriousness without blinking.

Soon, however, the death row inmates reacted.


I saw a sudden crackling sound from the joints of his body, the black and white eyeballs were covered with a layer of white substance, covering all the child's holes, blood spots appeared on the skin, the straight body was slightly hunched, and the whole person seemed to be Like a beast, it kept roaring.


When seeing the changes in the man, even the well-informed elder could not help but feel chills all over his body.


The man turned his head first to look at the place with the most people, with sticky saliva dripping from his mouth, roaring loudly, and rushing towards the crowd like a hyena.

However, the space barrier blocked him stubbornly. After several unsuccessful attempts, the man who became a zombie turned around and looked at the executed prisoner who had already wet his pants.

At this time, Master Ye released the prisoner's imprisonment.

Feeling the body regain consciousness, the executed prisoner gave a strange cry and ran away.


The zombies roared and filial piety, chasing after the man and began to circle in the space wall.

"Ah ah ah!"

The condemned prisoner screamed frantically, walked very fast, and ran desperately in circles within the space wall, while the zombie followed closely behind him, his back was hunched, and his mouth opened to reveal two rows of sharpened teeth.

bang bang bang~

In the empty underground base, only screams and footsteps continued to echo.

Xiao Yao stared at the zombie, and this was the first time he saw a zombie under the poison of alienation.

"The speed has slowed down~" he made a judgment.

A few minutes later, the condemned man ran out of breath, his face flushed red.

Finally, he was exhausted and fell down in front of the space barrier, watching the zombies approaching him step by step, he turned around, patted the space barrier, and shouted desperately:

"Save me, save me!

However, the expressions of everyone present did not change at all.

In the Dragon Kingdom, only the criminals who committed extreme cases were sentenced to death, and the crimes committed by these eight people were worse than each other, and the direct shooting was a kindness to them.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, the man became more and more desperate. When he turned his head, a large mouth filled his entire line of sight.


Loss grabbed the man by the shoulders, his teeth biting directly into his neck.


The man screamed in pain, his limbs struggled frantically, and his fist slammed on the zombie's head.

However, zombies are like robots, indifferent to the rain-like fists, not even blinking their eyelids.

Soon, the man stopped struggling completely. Gradually, his body began to relax, his head was lowered, and blood spots quickly appeared on the exposed skin.

Finally, when the transformation was completed, the man stood up, pushed away the zombies, raised his head, and revealed those eerie eyes that could not see a trace of Tong Kong.



The second zombie turned around, constantly hammering the space barrier, and roaring filial piety towards the crowd.

Seeing this scene, everyone seemed to be weighed down by a huge rock, and they were speechless.

"This is the poison of alienation I'm talking about, or~" Xiao Yao paused and said solemnly, "The poison of zombies!"


Hearing this name, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

There are also many movies or TV series about zombies in this world. Even if these elders have not seen them, they have at least heard of them.

And the performance of the two death row prisoners just now was almost exactly the same as the zombies in the movie.

Unlike the corpse of the undead battlefield, the corpse can only tear people to pieces at most, while a zombie can infect dozens or even hundreds of people, and hundreds of zombies may even destroy a city in a short time.

"Xiao Yao, let's continue~"

Master Ye said with a serious expression: "We have to investigate the full capabilities of these zombies."

"Yes!" Xiao Yao nodded heavily.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yao selected a few more executed prisoners for the test, but this time, he provided these people with some weapons, and after the test, everyone's mood became heavier.

After being transformed into a zombie, in addition to a slightly slower speed, the strength and perception will be greatly increased, and even if the gun is shot, the hands and feet are cut off, or even the belly is dismembered, the zombie can continue to move, and once bitten by the zombie, the injured will be Transform into new zombies in a short time.

The easiest way to kill zombies is to cut off or blast their heads.

"This is the drug of Wan's Group." Xiao Yao said in a cold voice: "In addition, the other two drugs have the same effect."

"Sun Jian~"

Master Ye looked at a gentle middle-aged man calmly: "How do you explain this matter?"

For a time, the eyes of all the elders were focused on Sun Jian.

At this moment, Sun Jian was soaked all over his body and his face was pale. He was the top leader in charge of drug supervision. He couldn't escape the blame for this incident.

"Master Ye, I..." Sun Jian lowered his head, his voice trembling: "This matter is my responsibility, I didn't supervise it properly."

He knew about the Wan's Group's drugs, and he could even be approved for marketing in more than a month, and he also made great efforts in them.

But he has absolutely no selfish intentions in this matter, but for the sake of national stability.

This malaria has spread to all parts of the country, affecting millions of people, far exceeding the capacity of domestic medical resources. If one more day delay, tens of thousands of people may be infected.

So after many rounds of experiments, he was 100% sure that there was nothing wrong with the three drugs, and he made an exception to approve them.

But who would have thought that these three drugs were so terrifyingly toxic, if Xiao Yao hadn't discovered it in, the Dragon Kingdom would have suffered a devastating disaster, and he would have become a national sinner , nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

"Master Ye, I take the liberty to say something." Xiao Yao said: "The poison of alienation is an extremely hidden poison, which cannot be detected even with the most advanced technical means. In this world, except for my plague demon Outside of the mouse, I am afraid that there are no more than one-handed people who can detect the poison of alienation."

The last sentence is just his guess. There may be many monsters and war beasts who can detect the poison of alienation, but at this juncture, who is so concerned about this matter and has the ability to detect it, basically only Tuqi .

As soon as the words fell, Sun Jian immediately cast a grateful look at Xiao Yao.

Master Ye glanced at Sun Jian dazedly, and then said, "Xiao Yao, let's take a look at the antidote you have prepared!"

Xiao Yao nodded heavily: "Okay!"

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