Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 517

Chapter 517

After returning to the tribe, Li Yu and Xu Xingliang went straight to the warehouse, where they stored the pork and thorns of the fire-thorned pig.


Walking out of the warehouse, Xu Xingliang saw that Hill happened to be passing by, so he asked, "Is Xiao Yao back?"

Hill stopped and said with a respectful look: "Huoshen went to Huoyunlin and hasn't returned yet."

"That's it, okay, then you'll be busy first~"

Xu Xingliang patted Hill on the shoulder with a very close tone.

During this month, they learned a lot of common terms of the Three-Eyed Eldar with Hill, and thus they were able to communicate more smoothly with their subordinates.

Hill and the other warriors were also impressed by their strength and wisdom, and they were quite respectful in their daily interactions.

After being idle and bored, Xu Xingliang and Li Yu began to walk around the tribe at will.

At the rear of the tribe, a large group of shirtless warriors were carrying out devil training. They carried huge stones behind their backs and performed push-ups in standard postures. Bean-sized sweat dripped from their cheeks. into a creek.

Although some people can't hold on anymore, their arms are shaking uncontrollably, but under Joey's "eyes", no one dares to give up easily.

"Don't talk about it~" Li Yu touched his chin and said, "The potential of the Three-Eyed Spiritual Race is really strong. It has only been a month of regular training, and almost everyone's strength has become much stronger."

"I think it has something to do with their physique." Xu Xingliang analyzed, "The power of the Three-Eyed Spiritual Race comes from itself. Compared with summoners, they have a higher degree of control and tempering of their bodies. After systematic training, there is still a lot of potential that can be developed.

"It makes sense~" Li Yu agreed.

"Let's go, go take a bath, the blood on your body is a little heavy."

"Let's go, just cool down."

dark tribe~

Meng Ge and his younger brothers hurried into the tribe, and when the people passing by saw Meng Ge, they all bowed their heads and looked respectful.

Munger ignored them and went straight to the largest stone house in the center of the tribe.

"You wait at the door~"

Walking to the door, Munger instructed, and then gently opened the door.

As soon as he entered the house, Meng Ge felt the cool wind blowing on his face, and saw several huge ice cubes placed in the corners, emitting cold air constantly, and clusters of flowers were placed above the ice cubes, which filled the house with a faint floral fragrance. .


Munger looked at the man on the rock collapse.

It was a man different from the ordinary three-eyed spirit clan, with a slender figure, handsome facial features, and an unusually fair complexion. He lay lazily on the thigh of a young woman with his eyes closed, enjoying the woman's gentle massage.

Beside him, another beautiful young woman was holding a leaf the size of a paddle fan and gently fanning the wind.

"What's the matter, my brother~"

Hades didn't open his eyes, and there was a touch of laziness and leisure in his voice.

"Hades, I have a big discovery!"

Munger said excitedly.

Hades ignored him, but picked up a small red fruit from the stone plate beside him and put it into his mouth.

"Hades, I found two aliens, they don't have elf eyes!"


Hades opened his eyes instantly, his pupils were unusually dark, like a black hole, which could **** human souls into them.


Hades slowly sat up and looked straight at Munger.

"How did you find them?"

"That's it~"

Munger told Hades the entire experience just now, and also added fuel to the part where he was bullied.

After he finished speaking, a look of interest appeared on Hades' handsome face.

"Aliens, can control spirit beasts, interesting!"

Seeing Hades showing such an expression, Munger secretly rejoiced. He knew that with Hades' temperament, he would definitely be interested in aliens.

His brother Hades can be said to be the biggest alien of the Dark Tribe.

Hades showed amazing talent since he was a child. At a young age, he broke through the shackles that plagued countless warriors and became the well-deserved strongest in the tribe.

After that, Hades became the Patriarch of the Dark Tribe of course.

But unlike other patriarchs, Hades never cared about any affairs in the tribe. He distributed all affairs to several elders, while he hid in the "cold room" and enjoyed the services of the tribe.

In the eyes of all clansmen, Hades is a very strange patriarch. He loves food, enjoys the service of beautiful women, and explores all new and interesting things, but he is not interested in managing the tribe at all.

However, when the tribe needed him, Hades would not hesitate to stand up and **** the tribe.

Due to the relationship of Hades, the Dark Tribe absorbed a large number of people in just a few years, with a population exceeding 10,000, becoming the most powerful tribe in the vicinity.

Munger was convinced that when Hades knew the aliens appeared, he would definitely be interested in them.

"Where are they now?"

Hades stood up slowly, his jet-black long hair scattered over his shawl, adding a sinister and lazy temperament to his handsome face.

"It's in a small tribe with a small population, only two or three hundred people." Meng said truthfully.

"Let's go, take me to see~"

Hades waved, and Munger walked out of the room.

"Patriarch, Munger!"

Seeing Hades and Munger walking out of the house, Munger's younger brothers immediately said respectfully.

Hades glanced at them lightly and said, "Lead the way."

"Okay, Barlow!" Munger looked at Barlow.

Barlow's body tightened, and he quickly said: "Patriarch, I will show you the way."

When he reached the gate of the tribe, Hades stopped and flicked his fingertips.


A black cloud flew out of his fingertips and quickly rushed into the sky.


After a while, the sound of a horse neighing suddenly came from the ear, and I saw a tall, dark horse rushing fast from a distance, and finally stopped beside Hades.

Touching the horse's head, Hades turned over and said, "Let's go!"

Munger looked at the war horse under Hades with admiration, and didn't know what means Hades used to make a black-maned horse listen to him like this.

Since the black-maned horse, Hades has never walked out of the house. In his words, "Never stand if you can sit, and never sit if you can lie down."

You are not angry when you hear this.

What is even more irritating is that although Hades only cared about enjoying himself after he became the patriarch, his strength has been rising steadily. Today, the top 100 warriors of the tribe are not enough for him to fight with one hand.

It is also for this reason that Munger did not call in other warriors. Against that kind of small tribe, Hades can definitely turn his hand and suppress it.

"Hadis! Munger!"

At this moment, a majestic voice came from behind.

Munger turned his head and saw that UU was reading www. uukanshu. Com is the most powerful elder in the tribe - Esta.

Esta stepped forward and asked in a serious tone, "Where are you going?"

"Relax, Esta, I'm just bored, go out for a walk!" Hades said casually.

"Munger?" Esta looked at Munger. Hades would not leave the tribe easily, so his departure must have something to do with Munger.

"Esta, we're really just going out for a walk." Munger's eyes wandered.

Esta glanced around with majestic eyes, and finally said slowly: "Come back early, Hades can't leave the tribe for too long."


Meng Ge nodded again and again, and then said: "Barlow!"

Barlow quickly walked to the front and said, "Patriarch, come with me~"