Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 516

Chapter 516

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Xu Xingliang ordered in the language of the Three-Eyed Spirit Race.

Soon, the fighters began to split up. Some people pulled out the spikes on the back of the fire-thorned pig, which would be used as a weapon for everyone in the future, while others dismembered the body of the fire-thorned pig.

Now there is no shortage of meat in the Huoshen tribe, so everyone will only take the highest quality parts of the Huoshen pig, such as tenderloin, front legs, and hind legs.

Just when everyone was in full swing with the spoils, they didn't find that a goshawk with sharp eyes in the sky saw everything in his eyes.

"Munger, I have a big discovery!"

A fat three-eyed spirit clan closed his spirit eyes and shouted excitedly.

"Barlow, what did you find?" Beside him, a fierce-looking, burly man with a large scar on his chest asked.

"I found two aliens. They don't have spiritual eyes, and they seem to be the leaders of a group of three-eyed spiritual clan." Barlow said with great excitement.

"Aliens, no spiritual eyes?"

Meng Ge was shocked and immediately became interested.

"Where are they, take me there."


Barlow took the lead, took Meng Ge and eight other clansmen, and ran quickly in the direction of Xu Xingliang and others.

"Almost, get ready to go back!"

Li Yu and Xu Xingliang put the spikes and the processed pieces of meat into the broken empty ring, and then waved their hands to signal everyone to return to the tribe.

But at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps entered the ear, making everyone instantly enter a state of alert.

After a while, ten strange three-eyed spirits appeared in front of everyone, the leader was a tall and burly man with a long scar on his chest.

"Really alien?"

When he saw Xu Xingliang and Li Yu's appearance, Meng Ge's eyes lit up and shouted loudly.

"Which tribe are you from?"

Xu Xingliang and Li Yu naturally couldn't understand Meng Ge's question, and of course they didn't want to reply.

Just a strange barbarian, no time to pay attention to him!


With a flick of Li Yu's palm, a sharp spike shot out and stuck ten meters in front of Mengge's feet.

This is a very obvious warning sign, which is to tell the other party - don't approach, leave quickly.

"Scare me?" Seeing the spikes that almost sank into the ground, a strong anger flashed in Munger's eyes.

As the younger brother of the Patriarch of the Dark Tribe, no one has ever dared to treat him so arrogantly.

"I'm Munger from the Dark Tribe, which tribe are you from?" Munger blushed and said angrily.

Dark tribe?

Hearing this name, the soldiers were shocked.

The Dark Tribe is a famous medium-sized tribe nearby. It is extremely powerful. It is said that the population has exceeded 10,000 people. The number of warriors in the Dark Tribe alone is several times more than that of all the members of the Vulcan Tribe combined.

A soldier gently tugged at the corner of Xu Xingliang's clothes and said, "Dangerous!"

Xu Xingliang and Li Yu could understand these simple words, their expressions remained unchanged, and they gestured for the soldier to lean on their side, then slowly backed away.

"Dare to ignore me?" There was a touch of impatience and anger in Meng Ge's eyes, and he saw a flash of red light in his spiritual eyes, and a ray of flame quickly a soldier.

He was very interested in these two aliens, and decided to take them back to the patriarch to see. These two will not be killed for the time being, but everyone else will be killed!

The flame ray was extremely fast, and it was about to hit the soldier's body.

At this moment, a large green shield stretched out from the side and blocked in front of the warrior in time.


The flame ray hit the green shield, making a dull sound, the surface of the green shield melted slightly, and a light green liquid slowly flowed.

"court death!"

Killing intent flashed in Li Yu's eyes.

Fortunately, Zach used [Elastic Body] in time to stretch his arm into a large shield to block Burke in front of him, and saved him, otherwise this man who has been with him for a month and has formed a deep friendship. The younger brother was directly penetrated by the flame ray and died.

"Zach, beat him!"

As soon as Li Yu's words fell, Zach immediately waved his fist.

The arm stretched more than ten meters and sent the huge fist into Meng Ge's arms.

Extended Strike


Hit by a fist, Munger immediately bowed like a shrimp, his eyes popped and his face flushed.

Seeing Munger attacked, the Three-eyed Spirit Race behind him instantly entered a combat state, and a dangerous light radiated from the Spirit's eyes.

Just as they were about to attack, a purple and evil figure suddenly appeared.


The arm blade was waving, just right on Munger's neck, the icy edge made Munger's hair stand upright, and his heart stopped suddenly.


He swallowed and swept away from the corner of his eye, and saw a monster with a strange shape, like a praying mantis standing beside him, his eyes were extremely cold and ruthless, as if his head would be cut off in the next second.

"Kill him directly!" Li Yu said coldly.

Xu Xingliang hesitated for a moment, and said, "Forget it, they are not guilty enough to die."

"You... ah, okay~"

Li Yu shrugged helplessly. He knew that this was Xu Xingliang's character. He was kind and honest, and he would not kill people at will unless he had to.

Of course, this kind of character is also related to Xu Xingliang's growing environment. He comes from an ordinary family. He has been taught to be kind to others since he was a child. over one person.

But if it was him just now, he would definitely let Kha'Zix cut off the man's head, and the others would also be slaughtered.

Anyway, they are all a group of savages. If you kill them, you will kill them. There is no surveillance in this place. Who knows they killed them?

Alas, Liangliang is still too soft-hearted, which is not a good thing!


Kha'Zix retracted his arm blade, glanced at Munger with cold eyes, and then disappeared in front of Munger strangely.


Meng Ge's pupils shrank, and he resolutely gave up the idea of revenge in his heart.

"Udaya!" Xu Xingliang shouted in a deep voice.

This means retreat.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Meng Ge and others, Xu Xingliang and others quickly left their sight.

"Mong, are you alright!"

Seeing the enemy leave, Barlow and the other younger brothers immediately asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" Munger gritted his teeth, and there was a trace of suffocation and hatred on his face.

"Barlow, keep an eye on them, I want to see which tribe these aliens are sheltered by."


Barlow raised his head, and there was a slight light in Ling's eyes.


A goshawk spread its wings, hovered in the air for a while, and quickly left in one direction.

"Liangliang, UU reading I think your mentality is about to change."

Walking on the road, Li Yu finally spoke his mind.

"Kindness is a good thing, but it also needs to be divided. Some people should be killed, otherwise they will cause trouble for themselves."

Xu Xingliang was silent for a while, and said, "I... I understand, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Li Yu patted his shoulder and said, "I know it's difficult to change some ideas, but don't worry~"

He showed a cheap smile: "Dad will help you!"

"Fuck you uncle!"

Xu Xingliang laughed and scolded Li Yu's shoulder with his fist.

"Don't worry, I will change."
