Age Of Empires From Scratch - Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 My goal is the sea of stars

David's method is very straightforward, and he doesn't need to consider various messy changes in the situation, and it doesn't conflict with what he is going to do next.

You only need to develop step by step to find out who your enemy is.

"Whoever stops you from upgrading Cold Winter Village to Cold Winter Town is the biggest enemy." Mark turned his head and looked at David. This method seems to be no problem, but it is difficult to really test out the enemy: "Forrest The family seems to be very powerful in Iron Tree Castle."

"If it's just the Forrester family, then the application to upgrade Cold Winter Village to Cold Winter Town will not be rejected, and other families will not just watch the Forrester family continue to grow." Only the Forrester family, Not enough to get David's application denied.

"If many nobles join forces to boycott, wouldn't it be impossible to upgrade the village?" Mark looked at David. He had long wanted to ask David what kind of plans he had for his village and his own future. ? Do you simply want to be a small lord on the remote frontier of the Kingdom of Tilan? Is there any grander blueprint?

He doesn't think that people like David will keep him in the lower reaches of the aristocratic class. This conclusion can be drawn from David's reluctance to be an ordinary commoner before.

Then the question is, where does David want to be to be satisfied? Great lord? Separate one side? Or is it to become a king in the true sense?

Maybe, through this 'crisis', Mark can get an accurate answer.

"If the situation in Iron Tree Castle is really so bad, then I can only go to the capital Tilan."

At that point, David can only choose to serve His Majesty the Kingbecause the king and the nobles of the capital do not have any direct contact with Lindong Village, David thinks that they will not care about the upgrade application of a remote village, As long as everything is carried out in accordance with the formal procedures, even the most rigorous review is more reliable than the "enemies of all" Iron Tree Fort.

"Does this mean that you want to be loyal to His Majesty the King?"

"It was originally allegiance to His Majesty the King." David didn't care about this kind of thing, and if he had to make a choice, it was much better to choose to be loyal to the King than to the nobles of Iron Tree Castle. At least His Majesty was far enough away, and His Majesty was generally Under the circumstances, he has no time and energy, and he can gain the greatest degree of freedom by managing a remote small territory.

If you are loyal to the iron tree castle nobles who are close at hand, you will encounter all kinds of troubles.

Now that there is a follow-up action plan, everyone will no longer discuss this matter. Whether David's plan succeeds or fails, we will never know until it has been done.

If you want to find out the assassin's behind-the-scenes instigator, you have to wait until you get more accurate information after this operation.

Right now, what they have to do is to protect themselves and let the village continue to develop.

Everyone disperses and continues to do their own things. Steve will build a new log house with Peggy and Sharon to prepare for the many craftsmen who may come.

Mark and Laura didn't leave, they sat at the table and looked at David. When there were only three people and a turtle left, Mark finally asked the question he had wanted to ask for a long time: "David."


"Have you ever thought about what to do in this world?" Mark raised his eyebrows while talking, with an expression of "you understand": "You are not satisfied with just being an ordinary lord, are you?"

David looked at Mark's funny expression, and casually expressed his true thoughts: "Of course I thought about it, I hope to build my territory into an extremely advanced city."

"How advanced? Is it the same as the earth?" The conversation between Mark and David aroused Laura's interest, and Laura suddenly wanted to know what David wanted to build Cold Winter Village into: "A highly modernized big city City? London? Paris?"

"It's much more advanced than that." It's not sarcasm, David really doesn't think those two cities are any advanced, not to mention his ultimate goal is far beyond the level of the earth civilization he lived in in his previous life: "Being able to colonize aliens Degree."

"..." Mark Watney opened his mouth, wondering if this goal is too ridiculous? Don't forget that they are still living in a world similar to the European Middle Ages. Even the water supply equipment needs to be transported by Laura from the earth. Even so, it is only a public water intake facility assembled, which is far from the real water supply network.

In this situation, David is actually looking forward to something like 'break out of the earth and go into space! ', Mark suspected that David was joking with himself.

But want to open your mouth to refute? He found that he couldn't refute it, and the smart Mark immediately thought of the crux of the matter: the development speed of David's village has nothing to do with the stage of civilization in the world, it mainly depends on the appearance of David's village. A new resident of which world.

People from ordinary earth civilizations like myself and Laura can help David's village to achieve huge facility upgrades. If you come to a few newcomers living in a higher civilized world, it is not impossible to achieve leapfrog development.

Even so, it is not easy to achieve the level that David said.

"Will it be too far away?" Mark originally thought that it would be a very grand ideal for David to establish a civilized country that is more advanced than the backward countries on the mainland in this world. In the end, David's goal was even deeper than he thought. Yaoyuan: "Even if it is really possible to do it, I don't know how many years it will take."

It is not easy to upgrade from the European medieval civilization to the interstellar civilization, even if it is turned on, Mark feels that there is no one who can't even touch the edge for decades. Even if David can firmly work towards the goal, everything will go smoothly. But how to solve the problem of longevity?

"Life span?" David didn't think it was a problem: "I didn't worry about it."

Since Fording appeared, lifespan is no longer a concern for David. The appearance of extraordinary power basically shows David that he will definitely have many ways to extend his lifespan in the future.

Even if no one related to him appears in the next few decades, David doesn't have to worry and struggle. He can live for many, many years with only the Holy Light.

"Even if there is no other choice, only relying on the Holy Light can greatly extend the lifespan."

Turalyon relied on the power of the Holy Light to live for a thousand years. As long as David steadily promoted the Holy Light, even if he had no other choice, his lifespan would not be the same as that of ordinary people.

"Does this mean that I can live for a long time?" Although Laura has searched for relevant information, she has not studied these details. She first learned and used the holy light purely out of curiosity about the mysterious power. There are unexpected surprises.

Mark's reaction was even more exaggerated, and he immediately grabbed David's arm: "I think my body can hold more holy light, why don't you fill it in more?"

David looked at the reactions of these two people dumbfounded. In his previous life, he had seen the protagonists in various film and television themes, all of whom looked down on longevity and immortality. There are many related legends and practical examples.

At the same time, the vast majority of normal people will only be happy when they learn that they can live longer, as long as they are not repeatedly tortured by any disease, and they will not feel that it is a curseit can only be said that the screenwriters of those film and television dramas Not a normal person.

"Don't be in a hurry, and if you want to gain a longer lifespan with the Holy Light, you still have to truly master the Holy Light. In your current situation, Mark, you can prolong your life by at most a few decades, and it cannot be longer."

"I think it's a lot to live for decades." Mark was overjoyed at first, and then he looked helpless: "I may lack the talent in holy light, and I still can't really control the energy in my body."

"Maybe you are really not suitable for the Holy Light? Or if I ask Fording to collect some other knowledge, there will always be one that suits you." Azeroth has many kinds of mysterious powers, and many occupations that use mysterious powers have been derived. , even if Mark can't be a priest or a paladin, he can try other paths.

Considering Mark's status as a scientist, maybe he is more suitable to be a mage who studies arcane energy?

Or druids who study the ways of nature? A shaman who communicates with elemental spirits? After all, Mark is a botanist, and his major may be more compatible with these two professions.

"I heard you say that, so I'm not in a hurry." What Mark is thinking now is that when he returns to Earth, he may slowly move his family to Winter Village. He really can't resist learning all kinds of things. The lure of arcane knowledge. Considering that his lifespan might be greatly increased, he had to make some preparations in advance to avoid being caught and sliced for research.

Just when Mark began to think about whether he could become a powerful archmage, a phantom appeared in the open space not far away.

"Tirion is back!"

David is sitting here, just wanting to see if Tirion will come back. Although Tirion had to wait for Van Cleef's reply in the Deadmines for a long time, he had to go back to Winter Village from time to time to check on the situation and replace the battery of his laptop by the way.

However, the figure that appeared was not Tirion, but a blond woman in a blue slim military uniform. This woman in a miniskirt military uniform seemed to be avoiding something, and she was still looking back while running. Coupled with the unsuitable pair of iron-gray stiletto high-heeled leather shoes, the blond female officer couldn't maintain her balance and fell firmly to the ground.

The tragic scene of the chest brake made David and the others stunned for two seconds before they could react. They hurriedly got up and prepared to help this unlucky newcomer up.

"Are you okay?" Laura was the closest to the blonde woman, so she moved the fastest. After noticing the panic on the other's face, she immediately said that she was not a bad person: "Although I don't know what trouble you have encountered, but you are safe now. "

(end of this chapter)