Age Of Empires From Scratch - Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Enemies Hiding in the Shadows

David once again confirmed one thing, he is not good at playing tricks at all, and in this world, he is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of intelligence, so he does not have the basis for playing tricks in this case.

"Let's keep it simple and rough!"

Standing in place and waiting for the flames to go out, David took a closer look after making sure that the enemy was dead. Because he was burned to death with flames, almost all the things on this person's body were destroyed by the sacred fire, leaving no useful clues, but after careful observation, David still found something.

"What's this?"

Fiddled twice with the ax in his hand, and finally dug out the metal piece 'hidden' in the forearm muscle. David felt some energy fluctuations from this thing, but he didn't know what the specific energy was. It can only be judged that it is not Holy Light.

So far, David has only been exposed to the energy of holy light. He has never really seen the legendary arcane, elemental, and natural forces.

Holding the metal piece in his hand, David waited quietly for a moment, the holy light on the land under his feet gradually dissipated, during this time he did not discover the existence of other enemies by virtue of the holy light.

Turning around and returning to the village, he told Laura, Peggy and the others what happened to him just now, and soon everyone gathered at the shooting range.

"Are you sure it's not an assassin sent by the Forrest family?" Steve squatted down and observed, the body had been burned to charcoal, and there was really no clue, and all the things he carried were burned: "Are you still alive?" Are there any other enemies?"

"I don't think so, but who can say clearly about this kind of thing?" David suspected that his Winter Village had been targeted by some noble families.

This is not surprising. If there is one Forrest family, there can be another one. There are not only one or two top noble families in Iron Tree Castle, but there are even more weaker or relatively ordinary noble families. No one can Make sure these people are not eyeing Cold Winter Village.

"If you are killed, who will Cold Winter Village belong to?" When it is difficult to determine who the enemy is, directly looking for someone who can benefit from it will lead to some breakthroughs. Several people present understand this truth, so Sharon's question is logical.

"Under normal circumstances, it belongs to the Kingdom of Tilan, but most of the time it will be dealt with nearby." David was also thinking about this issue, and explained the situation to everyone by the way: "That is, let Dudley-Marquis Morgan of Iron Tree Castle see for himself Do it."

As for how the Marquis will arrange it, it is uncertain.

Maybe he will treat Lindong Village as his own territory and entrust someone he trusts to manage it; he may also award Lindong Village to a certain subordinate and become the territory of a certain nobleman; there is a small probability that it will be reported to the king's capital, and the king will come Decide what to do with this new area.

"That is to say, once you die, there is a possibility that Lindong Village will be taken over by anyone?"


"Will there be more assassins in the future?"

Sharon feels that David's current situation is like an animal strayed into the hunting ground of the nobles. All the nobles present want to take this prey as their own.

"No, in such a vast land on the northern plain, it is definitely better for those nobles to send some cronies over to establish a village than to assassinate me directly. Because even if I are killed, the instigator cannot ensure that the village of Winter Winter will fall into his hands "I learned from Gregory earlier that many nobles will come to the northern plains to establish villages and towns in the spring of next year. Under such circumstances, what is the purpose of assassinating him? There is so much unowned land that can be occupied, there is no need to rob his small village.

"The so-called temple, do you understand?" Steve's brain has been operating at high speed. He did not miss any details of David's description. Based on the analysis and judgment of the existing information, in David's opinion, most of the noble families Without being behind the scenes, he felt that this so-called temple was a key piece of information.

"I only know that the temple is a place and a sect. It is very influential in the human kingdom and is located in the Holy Kingdom of Gaunt." David carefully recalled all the information about the temple: "But the specific beliefs and teachings I don't know, the Temple has no influence in the Kingdom of Tilan, and the missionaries and believers of the Temple are completely invisible from Iron Tree Fort."

Just such a little information, or what Addis casually mentioned when he told him about his "knowledge" back then, for the civilians of Iron Tree Fort, the temple is a very strange existence, and many people don't even know that there is such a religion.

"Why do I always feel that this so-called temple is more suspicious?" Mark Watney has not said much. He feels that he can't help in this regard. He stands here just to express his spiritual support. .

After listening for a long time, he still couldn't help expressing his opinion, and Laura agreed.

"I also have this feeling."

In fact, David also felt that the so-called temple was the key to the assassination. After all, the assassin's few sentences were all related to "temple" and "faith"when the assassin misunderstood him as a priest of the temple. , tended to close his hands; questioned whether David had abandoned his faith and turned to the embrace of the "Old God"; judged that he was not a temple priest and shot decisively.

"The so-called old god, do you know what it refers to?"

"I don't know at all." David didn't know what the old gods were, and he heard the name as a group of existences eliminated by history: "Maybe Addis knows this information."

Adis is the person in Cold Winter Village who knows the most about all kinds of information about this world, but the old hunter is not in the village at present, and he has not returned from collecting information from Iron Tree Fort.

"It seems that I can only ask Addis after he comes back, hoping to get more information." David also considered taking the initiative to investigate some clues, but now there is no direction to attack. Where is he going to find clues? Could it be that he ran directly to the Holy Gunter Kingdom, went to the base camp of the temple and asked, 'are you going to kill me? '.

Just thinking about it makes it unreliable-if you go with a bomber fleet and a tank and armor group army, it will be more reliable.

Everyone discussed for a while, and the corpse was disposed of according to the usual practicethe little blacksmith Will Turner threw it into the Caribbean Sea.

The only thing left is the metal piece that David dug out from the arm of the corpse. He will not keep this thing for long. When Fording comes back, he will let Fording take it to the world of Azeroth and find it. A mage or the like asked, what is the nature of the energy on this thing and what function does it play.

This thing is the only reliable clue. If they are lucky, they can use this thing to determine whether it is the Iron Tree Fort nobleman who attacked David this time, or what kind of temple?

"Do you think there is a possibility?" After returning to the village, the people did not disperse directly, still thinking about who was behind the scenes.

The few people staying in the village now like this village very much, and they have a good relationship with David, and even have personal interest disputes. No one wants David and the village to have accidents.

Especially Mark, who is counting on the survival of Cold Winter Village and waiting for rescue, he seems to take this matter more seriously than Laura.

"What's possible?"

"The mastermind behind the scenes is not only the nobles of Iron Tree Castle, but also the temple." After thinking about it, Mark realized that this possibility is not impossible, even to some extent, it is not low.

Laura also immediately understood what Mark meant. After all, this kind of thing is not uncommon in history. Laura, who is proficient in multi-civilization history knowledge, also wanted to understand the key point: "David just said that the temple is very important in the human kingdom. Influence, but the Kingdom of Tilan is an exception."


"Then is there a possibility that the Temple wants to enter the Kingdom of Tilan?" Laura also mentioned the assassin's question: "He asked you 'how many years have you been lurking in the Kingdom of Tilan?' Only the trap actually reveals some information, that is, the Temple wants to enter the Kingdom of Tilan and has already taken action."

"Then what's wrong with my answer?" If that sentence is not purely a trap question, David feels that there is nothing wrong with his answer?

"Is there a possibility?" Laura immediately let David understand what went wrong with her answer: "The high priests of the temple don't need to 'lurk'? There is still some difference between missionaries and pure spies."

"..." David suddenly felt very tired. The brains of these people were too complicated. He suddenly had the idea of guarding his own Winter Village honestly and not going anywhere.

Steve may have made a conclusion in order to alleviate David's embarrassment: "So, some nobles in Iron Tree Fort had contact with the Temple, and the assassination of David was actually a cooperation between the two parties?"

In this case, the reaction of the assassin when he discovered that David had cast the Holy Light and misunderstood him as a priest of the temple seemed to make sense. It's one of our own.

"So, what does the old god's words mean?"

"Think David as a traitor to the Temple?"

After Mark, Laura, and Steve analyzed it, the whole matter seemed to become clear.

But neither Mark nor Steve can guarantee that their analysis is correct, and there are even some contradictions and unreasonable points in it.

"If you want to know if someone from Iron Tree Fort did it, there is a way to test it." While listening to the analysis of Steve and others, David also broadened his thinking, and thought of a way that might be able to get the answer , and he didn't make a fool of himself, and directly stated his own method: "As long as Van Cleef goes well, after a large number of craftsmen move to Rinwinter Village, the upgrade of Rinwinter Town from Rinwinter Village will be officially put on the agenda."

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, David made the point: "As long as I go to Iron Tree Fort with various documents and apply to upgrade Rinwinter Village to Rinwinter Town and let me be promoted to the lord of Rinwinter Town, then it will be We can get the answer from Iron Tree Fort's reaction."

(end of this chapter)