Age Of Empires From Scratch - Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Leonard

The man in glasses had a look of disbelief at first when he heard the words of the young man in front of him, and then he suddenly laughed: "Hehe, hehe, you are joking, right! I was almost deceived by you."

"not at all."

"This sentence is also a joke!"


The man in glasses continued to laugh awkwardly for a while, and found that the young man in front of him didn't seem to be joking, so he stopped laughing: "Seriously, is it really far from Pasadena? How far is it?"

"I don't know exactly how far it is, because I don't even know how far it is from the earth." David briefly introduced himself: "I am the village head of Cold Winter Village, David."

"Your sentence sounds more like a joke. If I understand correctly, you mean that I am not only far away from Pasadena, but I am not even on the earth." Seeing David reaching out, the man with glasses immediately extended his hand and said David shook hands and said a lot before remembering to introduce himself: "Leonard Hofstadt, just call me Leonard."

"Hello, Leonard!" David nodded and affirmed the other party's words: "You understand correctly, this is indeed not the earth."

"How is it possible!" Leonard still didn't believe David's words: "Did I accidentally pass through a space wormhole while walking on the street?"

"Not too much."

"It's very creative!" Leonard felt that things became more interesting: "This idea is really great, and the environment here looks very good... Is this a new experience activity? But in Pasadena It's hard to come up with a scene like that, all those fake sets in the distance? It looks real.

Leonard looked left and right, trying to see some flaws.

As for why he went to another world, as a physicist, he didn't believe it at all. He felt that he might have accidentally walked into some newly opened experience hall.

"The layout here is awesome, and the air is very fresh." Leonard ran to the distance while talking, and he was going to touch those 'background boards' with his own hands to prove that he had seen through everything: "You here... are better than me ...Thinking...a lot..."

After running for dozens of meters, Leonard, who still couldn't touch the background board, bent over and supported his knees, panting heavily, and hurriedly took out his sprayer and took a deep breath.

"Okay! I admit defeat, tell me what experience items you have here!"

Leonard felt that the other party didn't want him to leave, but he just wanted him to stay and spend, at most, he would play here for a while before going home. Anyway, he didn't have anything urgent to deal with.

"Hey, Mr. Leonard Hofstadter, this is actually not an experience game, and this is not a specially built experience hall." David walked to Leonard and made sure he was fine. , asked him if he wanted to drink water or something, and explained the situation to him: "This is indeed not the earth. If you don't believe it, you can think about returning to your own world in your heart, and then go to the distance."

"Is this also an experience project?" Leonard has recovered after using the sprayer, looked at David uncertainly, and then looked at the 'distance', a large piece of grassland: "Still, agree I left?"

He walked a few steps away uncertainly, then stopped and looked back at David: "Can you really leave?" Seeing that David did not come over to stop him, Leonard continued to walk further away , walked for a while before slowly turning into a phantom.

"I don't know when I will come again?"

David did not directly expel Leonard because this Leonard Hofstadter from the Big Bang world is a physicist. Although he is an experimental physicist, David does not need it now What high-end knowledge, and some basic physics knowledge Leonard has mastered, and has a certain hands-on ability.

Such a scientist has come to your door, how could he drive away? A scientist who understands all kinds of scientific knowledge will greatly promote the development of Lindong Village.

Moreover, if Leonard can be kept in Cold Winter Village, those scientists who are his buddies are likely to be taken down by David, which is equivalent to picking up a scientific team for nothing.

Among them, Howard Wolowitz is an excellent engineer, Sheldon Cooper can rub a reactor with his hands at a very young age, and Rajesh Kusapari, an astrophysicist...he can Find out how far you are from Earth.

Just as David was thinking about what role these people could play, Leonard's figure appeared in front of him again.

David was a little surprised. He thought that Leonard would come back. After all, as a scientist, Leonard couldn't ignore the real time-traveling experience. His return was inevitable.

But I didn't expect this guy to come back so quickly. After traveling back to the earth, I immediately realized that what David said was true. For unknown reasons, I went to another world, so I immediately tried it and wanted to know Can I travel through again.

"Oh~ I bought it!" After confirming that he could really travel through time, Leonard's reaction was normal: "It's actually true!"

After looking around and pinching himself hard to make sure that he was not hallucinating, Leonard turned around and tried to return to Earth...disappearing, appearing, disappearing and reappearing, Leonard was sure that he really had the 'traversal' 'The ability is not that I accidentally walked into some space wormhole.

"You said this is Cold Winter Village?" After repeated attempts to confirm this amazing fact, Leonard, who became extremely emotional, finally remembered David: "Are you the village chief here?"


"This is really not the earth?"

"Yes, this is indeed not the earth."

"Why do you speak English?" Leonard's IQ was as high as 173. After confirming that what David had said before was true, he immediately thought of many questions: "Is it because you have met other people on Earth that you can speak English?" Know English and not be surprised by my previous reaction?"

"You are right, and there is more than one person from Earth in the village."

"Is there a place other than the earth?" Leonard thought of more questions. He is now full of curiosity about this magical place, and he can't wait to know all the answers immediately.

"Yes." Seeing Leonard's various reactions, David felt that the goal of keeping the scientist in the village should not be difficult to achieve, and was planning to invite him to visit the Lower Winter Village, and meet several other earth fellows by the way When we met, another phantom appeared not far away: "Wait a minute, someone is coming."

"Is there someone?" Leonard was looking around curiously. Just now he thought that these were the scenery, so he just glanced at them for a while. Now that they are the real scenery, he was immediately attracted by the surrounding natural scenery Yes, the reaction was a bit slow when I heard David's words, and I turned around in a circle before I noticed what David meant by 'someone is coming': "This shadow... I just appeared like this?"

"That's right, the scene when I left is similar to this scene reversed."

"Oh~ it's really amazing!"

Soon the phantom turned into a real person. After seeing the other person's appearance clearly, Leonard was surprised. This person's appearance...he turned his head to look at David next to him, and swallowed back what he wanted to say.

David noticed Leonard's reaction, but he didn't rush to 'explain what', but greeted the visitor: "You came so early today?"

"Today's class ends earlier, and there is no need to continue to go to that cram school." The person who came was Steve, with a relaxed smile on his face, and he could see that he was very interested in the class that he had to go to every day. 'Tutorial Class' is a headache: "Is this the newcomer?"

"Yes, I just came to the village." David pointed to Leonard beside him: "This is Leonard Hofstad, and this is Steve Rogers."

"Just call me Leonard." Reaching out to shake hands with the other party, Leonard, who was a little cautious at first, noticed the other party's name, smiled and wanted to make a joke: "Steven Grant Rogers (Captain America's full name) name, which is the legal name)?"

"You know me?" Steve didn't realize that the other party was joking with him, and simply thought that the other party knew his information: "But you don't usually call me that."

"..." Steve's response left Leonard confused as to how to answer the conversation. Isn't this reaction different from what he expected? And what does the other party mean by this answer? Is this really the name of this person? Are his parents fanatical Marvel fans?

Or is the other party joking with me? In that case, shouldn't this guy call himself Johnny Stone?

Leonard's head turned in a big circle, and he didn't want to understand what was going on in the situation before him?

In fact, he thought of several possibilities, but in his heart he felt that none of them could be the correct answer.

The last reaction shown was an embarrassed smile. Fortunately, David made the siege in time at this time, so that Leonard didn't have to continue to struggle there and say something to ease the embarrassment.

"I'm going to show Leonard around the village, are you going to find Peggy?"

"No, I just came here to see if there is anything that needs help in the village?" Steve not only came to the village to practice with Peggy and Sharon, but also often helped the village with various tasks, basically When he sees a busy place, he will help him. In Steve's words, these seemingly ordinary and boring daily tasks can make him feel "alive".

"Recently, the village is mainly staring at those farmlands to see if they can finish the harvesting work before the weather completely turns cold. There is nothing else." David and Steve briefly talked about the situation in the village: " However, it may be very busy after a while, Tirion's progress is very smooth, and many people may move in after a while."

(end of this chapter)