Age Of Empires From Scratch - Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Winter and the Dragon

Because of the symbolic meaning of the Holy Light in Azeroth at this time, Van Cleef paid more attention to this invitation, not to mention that the person who brought him here was actually the famous Tirion Fordring.

At the same time, he also had a question: "Is this the Kingdom of Lordaeron?"

He didn't know what method Tirion used to bring him here from the dead mine, but in his opinion, it was nothing more than the means used by the mages. The power of magic is not so rare in Azeroth. Diffie There are some people (creatures) in the Asian Brotherhood who can perform some simple magic.

However, to be able to teleport to such a long distance without him noticing must be a very powerful spellcaster... Edwin Van Cleef glanced at David in front of him again.

"No, this is not the Kingdom of Lordaeron, not even Azeroth." David is not afraid that Edwin Van Cleef will not understand. For Azerothians, the alien plane is not difficult to understand Something: "Just as the orcs came from another world, you are now in another world."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Van Cleef didn't even think that he would run 'that far', but this distance is not a bad thing for him. After all, there is no room for them to live in the Stormwind Kingdom. If they were not forced to a desperate situation, their craftsmen would not Raise the anti-flag.

He didn't bother about why the famous Tirion Fordring and the outsider came together. Now he kept comparing the two options in his mind, trying to judge which one was better.

Following Fording silently and leaving Cold Winter Village, Van Cleef's back gradually disappeared in David's eyes.

Recalling Van Cleef's thoughtful look before he left, David felt that his plan had a high probability of success: his goal was to recruit as many people as possible, even if only one person was successful.

Now thinking about Van Cleef's various reactions, maybe his harvest is much better than the estimated best result.

Standing by the river and pondering for a moment, David took a look at the river to see if there was any food worth fighting for. Unfortunately, before he had time to find a suitable target, Fording came back.

"I think he will most likely agree." Fording had a smile on his face, and his trip was not in vain: "But if people from the Defias Brotherhood want to come to Cold Winter Village, I'm afraid it will not be an easy task .

"It was just a bit of a hassle at first."

Because David didn't expect too many people to come at the beginning, he thought it would be a good result to recruit a few craftsmen and bring their families to Cold Winter Village.

What if all the craftsmen from the Stonemasons Guild want to come? Could it be that at that time he said that Lindong Village can't accept so many people? At that time, Van Cleef may turn against himself, and then half of himself will not be able to receive it.

"It's unlikely that they all choose to move to Cold Winter Village." Fording couldn't hide the joy on David's face, and poured some cold water on him appropriately: "Not everyone is willing to leave their hometown to live , not to mention going to another world.

Difficulty leaving homeland has never been a unique characteristic of earthlings.

"For this kind of thing, we can only take one step at a time." If the top craftsmen of the Stonemasons Union want to move, they will basically choose to come to Lindong Village.

Those who can't leave their homeland are basically low- and middle-level craftsmen. Maybe they think that after Van Cleef gave up fighting against Stormwind Kingdom and left Westfall, they can completely return to their identities as ordinary people and continue to live in their familiar hometownafter all, their identities are different. Gao, the big shots in Stormwind don't even know them.

These people never imagined that even if Van Cleef leaves Westfall, the organization of the Defias Brotherhood will not die out, because Onyxia hopes that these people will continue to harm the Kingdom of Stormwind. Will continue to work to the end, or can only leave Stormwind Kingdom, whether it is to Winter Village or somewhere else.

"By the way, you don't have any difficulty reading this chronicle, right?"

Van Cleef's matter was put aside for the time being. Before the artisan and assassin made a decision, it was meaningless for him to think about it here.

David pointed to the book in Fording's hand. It was the first chronicle that David asked Laura to buy. It was the book that Fording read in the cabin just now, directly from the book in the world of Azeroth. The birth begins.

"This book... simply opened up a new world for me." Fording looked at the book in his hand, without doubting that it was something David made up casually, because David making up these things was meaningless and would waste a lot of energy. With that time, wouldn't it be more useful to make up more 'stories' about the fall of the Kingdom of Lordaeron than these contents?

"It's fine if you're satisfied. In addition to a few chronicles, there are also a few games, which are all installed in the laptop. You can play them when you have time... Oh, if you think it's too troublesome, you can ask Mark to teach you how to use them. modifier."


"Well, it allows you to watch the plot better. After all, what you care about is what is going on? Not whether the game is fun or not."

"It seems that I have a lot to learn." Fording doesn't care about this little trouble, because he will not only have no important things to do in the next period of time, but he will also be guarded by the dead mine and cannot leave casually - Van Cleef Once the promise is made, he will be responsible for bringing those craftsmen to Lindong Village.

"Indeed." This is beyond David's plan. He originally thought of a one-off deal, but now it may become a long-term cooperation project: "It would be great if someone could have the same shuttle ability as you."

David thinks he can try it. It was because of his "permission" that Will triggered the function of bringing other people over.

If it is not complete, can it give others the function of freely traveling between Lindong Village and its own original world? It's just that I haven't studied how to use it yet?

Walk to his wooden house with Fording, Fording is going to him to take away the remaining few books and the laptop with the game installed - he will use the laptop a long time ago, and he mainly used it before today Come to the movies.

On the way, Fording also asked about the situation in the Lower Winter Village, knowing that Laura had brought a large amount of ammunition. In addition, there are powerful fighters such as Peggy and Sharon stationed in the village, and David's strength has also been greatly improved. He doesn't have to worry about the safety of the village. Fording decided to stay at the death mine for the next time.

"I want to investigate the internal situation of the Defias Brotherhood by the way." Regarding the matter of the Defias Brotherhood and Onyxia, David just mentioned a few casually before, without going into too many details.

Now that Fording has obtained the 'full set of strategies', he is going to investigate while researching, and see if he can solve the troubles of the Stormwind Kingdom, so that when the Lordaeron Kingdom is in crisis, he can free up his hands to help. In the original history, the Kingdom of Stormwind was a mess ravaged by Onyxia, so it did not appear in the plot story during the third war (the plot period of Warcraft III).

"Be careful to provoke that black dragon."

"I'm not afraid of that black dragon." After Fording took the notebook, spare batteries, and several chronicles into his bag, he waved at David and left.

David stood in front of the wooden house, looked at Fording's firm footsteps, and knew that the paladin had found the direction of "strengthening" again, and he turned back into the Lord of Hearthglen, the strongest paladin in Azeroth one.

"Is Onyxia going to be unlucky?" David touched his chin: "It would be great if I could see that black dragon is unlucky..."

Thinking of the black dragon, David also remembered the resentment he once had: 'Onyxia's Reins'.

David thought it would be great if Onyxia could be captured as a mount. After all, there is a cold winter village, how can there be no dragon? He is not greedy, he doesn't need three heads, this one is enough.

"I think too much, it's better to think realistically."

Looking up at the position of the sun, before it was time for lunch, David wondered whether he should practice **** and spearing for a while, or practice bow and arrow and gun shooting? As a result, a phantom suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Yo~ It's finally here!"

Since he expelled the free version of Laura last time, he has been waiting for another newcomer to arrive, but he couldn't wait for it, and he couldn't wait for it. He began to suspect the cheating finger of this foreigner, and there was no specific number of people at all. , is purely random. As a result, just when I was about to let go of this matter, a newcomer came.

"Should be a newcomer?"

David looked back, and Will, the little blacksmith, seemed to be busy in the blacksmith shop; Steve came at a fixed time every day, and it has not yet reached that time; Laura didn't sleep much last night, and she spent a lot of energy , I should be catching up on sleep now; Mark is checking the crops with the Squirrel on the other side of the field.

Ninety percent of them are sure to be a newcomer. David is full of expectations. Although he doesn't know what to expect, he still hopes that a newcomer will surprise him.

As the figure gradually became clear, a man with black curly hair and glasses who was not tall, wearing casual clothes, appeared in David's sight with a shoulder bag on his back.

The man with glasses didn't seem to realize that he was 'crossing', and he walked forward a few more steps in thoughts, but he sprained because the dirt road that had just rained heavily was too muddy and slippery, and almost walked in front of David. The five-body prostration.

The man with glasses looked down at his feet, then looked up and looked around in surprise.

"This... how far have I come?"

After being stunned for a few seconds, he finally noticed David who was not far away from him, so he came to David: "Hello, what is this place?"

"This is Cold Winter Village."

The man with glasses was still full of question marks, so he asked again: "How far is it from Pasadena?"

"Pasadena in Los Angeles?"


"That's pretty far."

(end of this chapter)