Against The Gods With An Anime System - 33 Back To Civilization Part 2

33 Back To Civilization Part 2

"Huh…... Did he now? Well I know the One Above All already knows that I would take good care of you." Said Hei

'I wonder what kind of surprise he has for me.' Thought Hei

"Alright Ophis, we need to talk. You are, as of this very moment, the strongest being in this universe. n.o.body, not even the left over G.o.ds who somehow managed to survive can stand up to you. If anyone in this universe finds out about you, there will be chaos and mayhem. And I really don't want to think about what is gonna happen to the people of this planet. So can you promise me that you won't use your powers, unless we are in great danger and I ask you for your help." Said Hei.

"Ok, I promise. But why?" asked Ophis.

"Because the G.o.ds and the devils have died out a long, long time ago in this universe. And in their place came mortals who have inherited their powers. Ever since then, the mortals who took over have come very close to gaining the power of the G.o.ds, but they were never able to truly get it. So, those mortals have become very desperate to gain that power. And so, if they discover you. They will do whatever they can to get their hands on you and I will never allow that to happen. Do you understand?" said Hei to which Ophis nodded. At that moment the door to the trial grounds finally opened.

"Ahh, challenger. It has been fun having such a wonderful challenger here, but I'm afraid this is where we must part ways. I wish you good luck in the years ahead of you." Said the Phoenix Spirit before Hei and Ophis suddenly found themselves outside the trial grounds.

"Alright than. Ophis, can you can in the Sky Poison Pearl. I'm sure you know how. Once you get in there, theirs another friend of mine inside right now. Her name is Jasmine and she is very nice, albeit a little stubborn. But I'm sure you two will be best friends. And this way you will always be by my side without people seeing you. Quite convenient if you ask me." Said Hei to which Ophis nodded and disappeared into the Sky Poison Pearl.

Jasmine was sitting at a table with a cup of tea and some cookies, reading one the books she just got. All of sudden Ophis appears inside the Sky Poison Pearl, causing Jasmine to look up to her with a look that says 'Who is that?'.

"Hey Ddraig, do you know who that girl is that just came in here?" asked Jasmine.

"Yes, that is Ophis." Said Ddraig.

"Ohh.... Ophis?? Ophis?? Why does that name sound so familiar?.....{drinks some tea while thinking} ...…. PFFFFFFFFFF!!!! *COUGH*…. *COUGH*…. *COUGH*…. WAIT!! YOU MEAN THAT OPHIS?!" yelled Jasmine out in total panic.

"Yes, THAT OPHIS!" said Ddraig.

Hearing that this little, una.s.suming girl is THE Ouroboros Dragon, one of the, if not the strongest being from Ddraig's world, a being whose ENORMOUS STRENGTH is on par with the Ancestral G.o.d herself made Jasmine so fearful that she just fainted from shock.

A little while later as she woke up, thinking it was all a dream, she stood back up and looked around only to find out that it wasn't a dream. There she was, Ophis, the Ouroboros Dragon, the single strongest being in this world right now whose strength is on par with the Ancestral G.o.d, eating her cookies and drinking her tea like it was the most normal thing in the world. When Ophis turned around and looked straight at her, she felt fear like no other, she felt like a helpless baby deer watching the jaws of a ma.s.sive tiger clamp down around her throat. And then she spoke the words she never would have expected someone of her caliber to speak in a trillion years.

"Cookies, they were delicious. Do you have more?" said Ophis.

"Hehe... hehehehe.... hehehehehehehehehehe... {nervous breakdown laughter continues on}" It was on this day that Jasmine decided to just give up trying to bring any semblance of reason to Hei and his actions. It was on this day that she just decided to go with the flow and see what else Hei would pull out the 'magic hat' that was the system. While Jasmine was having her nervous breakdown and subsequent life changing decision, Ophis was just looking at her with her trademark '?' look.

Hei was on his way back to the Phoenix Clan to remove their curses and be on his way to Blue Wind Imperial City. After walking for a while, he finally arrived at the Phoenix Clan village and he was immediately greeted with a crowd who rushed him asking him if he made it and if he found a way to remove their curse. Seeing him getting swarmed by the villagers, the village leader, Feng Baichuan, quickly comes in between Hei and the villagers in order to diffuse this situation.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there everyone! Let's just calm down first and not rush him like this! I'm sure he will talk with us, but not if we all gang up on him." Said Feng Baichuan to which the villagers hung their head in embarra.s.sment before turning to Hei and apologizing on behalf of the villagers.

"Sorry about that. We have just been very excited for your return is all. Haha…..." Said Feng Baichuan with an embarra.s.sed laugh while scratching his head.

"Don't worry about it. I completely understand why everyone would be so excited. Now, I have some good news for everyone. I have found a way to rid you all of this curse!" said Hei to the villagers causing everyone to get so happy that they swarmed him again, but this time Hei flickered away to create some distance between him and the villagers.

"Whoa! Calm down everyone! ... SHADOW CLONE JUTSU…. Now everyone, I want you to gather every villager and form an orderly line in front one of my clones. And there will be no cutting in line, everyone's curse will be removed eventually so please be patient and follow my instructions." Said Hei after he summoned 20 shadow clones and the villagers eventually all gathered and formed neat lines in front of every clone.

'Must be Has.h.i.+rama Senju bloodline that I can summon more clones now. I'm pretty sure 20 is nowhere near the maximum amount of clones that I can summon, but that is for another day.'

And so a few hours later, everyone was cured of the curse that had been plaguing them for many generations. Suffice to say that everyone was crying tears of joy after their curse was removed. After a tearful farewell to everyone, Hei finally left the village and was on his way to Blue Wind Imperial City.

He summoned Articuno out of the Sky Poison Pearl once he was a good distance away from the village and then started flying towards Blue Wind Imperial City.

'Better if I fly with Articuno to Blue Wind Imperial City. If someone sees me flying, they'll immediately know that I'm at the Sky Profound Realm. It would make the tournament boring if everyone was afraid of my strength. I'd rather make them believe I'm weak and then defeat them. Really makes those looks of disbelief on their faces priceless when they are all being defeated by some 'weakling'.' Thought Hei while snickering.

And so Hei travelled towards Blue Wind Imperial City. At night he would go an inn for some shut eye and start the journey over the next day. On the third day of travel, Jasmine came out of the Sky Poison Pearl with a sorrowful look on her face.

"Hei, can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure. What's the matter?"

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry about how I acted that day back at the Purple G.o.d Crystal mine. I acted like a…... well... I just acted like a b.i.t.c.h to you. You have done so much for me, you saved my life, you gave me the most delicious food I have ever had, you gave me books with so much knowledge from your universe and you've let me meet beings from another universe, one of which is as strong as the Ancestral G.o.d herself. After I got over the initial shock of meeting Ophis, we started talking. I told her everything since the day we met and about that day at the Purple G.o.d Crystal mine how you gave me these two powers. Do you know what she said?... She said that I was very mean to you and that got me thinking. She was right. So…. Please take back these two powers, I don't deserve them." Said Jasmine as she hung her head down in shame. Hei just looked at her for a few moments before he finally spoke up.

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"I forgive you Jasmine. And those powers, you can keep them. Let me tell you right now. I don't plan on using Ophis powers if it's up to me. The only time that I will ever use Ophis her powers, is when we are in such great danger that Ophis is the only way out for us. Other than that, I will not use her powers or let anyone else use them. Besides, with you having those two powers, we can have a very great advantage against those of the G.o.d's Realm who have any kind malicious intent towards us." Said Hei causing Jasmine to frown.

"If you did not summon her to use her powers. Why did you summon her in the first place then?" asked Jasmine.

"It was a random summon that JARVIS did. I didn't know who would be summoned until I saw her. And let me tell you one thing, I was shocked beyond belief that I summoned her. But after that she told me that she had a message for me from the One Above All. Apparently he told me to: take care of her and give her all the sweets she wants. So that's what I am gonna do. You have had to chance to get to know these past few days, what do you think about her?" said Hei.

"She…... is a very pure, kind and incredibly curious girl, albeit a little naïve, but that's not a problem. In fact, it's like she is a little sister who want to learn about the world and it's up to me to make sure she learns everything she can. It's just that the first day that I met her I was just so frightened of her that I could barely look in her general direction without fearing for my life, but Ddraig told me a lot about her and I than I started to talk with her. After that, we just started playing a lot of those card games together, playing a lot of ball games and eating sweets all day long. Which brings me to my next question: Does that girl have a stomach or a bottomless pit where her stomach should be? Because I swear, she eats at least ten times as much as I do and she still hungry for some reason." Said Jasmine causing Hei to laugh.

"Hahahahaha... I expected that much. Guess we could chalk this up to her Dragon G.o.d physiology to explain that insatiable appet.i.te of hers." Said Hei.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Well since you're not taking back those two powers, let me at least give something back in return. Even though it's nowhere near enough to settle this debt of grat.i.tude I have with you, it's at least a start."