Against The Gods With An Anime System - 32 Back To Civilization Part 1

32 Back To Civilization Part 1

"Partner, I noticed that you have been using those Phoenix flames like rocket boosters. Are you seriously trying to become a human fighter jet or something?" asked Ddraig

"Yeah, I am. There is this new thing that I'm practicing in order to fly at supersonic speeds, just like a fighter jet. Right now I am mainly practicing maneuverability and how to keep steady at high speeds. But in order to go really supersonic, I need to get the Scale Mail." Said Hei

"Hey, can somebody explain to me what a fighter jet is or what rocket boosters are? I am not from an Earth as the two of you are, so can one you explain what you're talking about?" asked Jasmine after hearing Hei and Ddraig talk about Earth thing like fighter jets and rocket boosters.

"Don't worry about that for now Jasmine. After we get out of here, I will get you those same books that I got for the Phoenix Spirit. I figured that there are gonna be a lot of things you won't know about seeing as how you are not from an Earth like Ddraig and I are." Said Hei as he went back to his training.

And so during the last week of his stay, Hei was training to fly like Iron Man. At first it took a while before he was able to even lift of the ground. By concentrating the flames to act like afterburners instead of the messy flames that usually came out he was able to get some thrust. In the beginning he had a lot problems controlling the thrust and the direction. He would use the Profound Floating Technique to lift off and then use the flames for thrust and promptly hit the ground shortly after. It took him 6 days of practicing for 14 hours a day before he finally mastered the technique and now he was able to fly around like a suit less Iron Man. On the last day, after having achieved everything he set out to do, Hei was just lying around just being bored.

"Hey, Phoenix Spirit!" called Hei out into the void, shortly thereafter two golden eyes appear in the darkness.

"Ahh…. Challenger, how have you been this past month?" said the Phoenix Spirit.

"I've been good this past month. I just wanted to ask you how long before that door opens?"

"You still have 3 hours left before that door opens." Said the Phoenix Spirit

"How the time flies when you're constantly busy." Mused Hei to himself before he spoke with the Phoenix Spirit again.

"So I was wondering. Have you read all the books that I gave you?"

"Why yes I did. And I must say, I am beyond fascinated with your universe! After I got over the fact that your universe has no Profound Energy to speak off, I was more curious to know how that was possible. And there upon I stumbled upon perhaps the greatest of all knowledge. 'The Big Bang Theory' and how your entire universe was created from a single point of infinite density and ma.s.s called the 'singularity'. After diving into that subject I came across such incredibly fascinating theories such as General Relativity, quantum mechanics, the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and how it is the leftover light that originated from the very first light that came into being in your universe. I have also read about DNA, how it the code of life itself and how everything that makes someone what they are, is all written down in their DNA. Everything about this is absolutely fascinating! And I truly can never thank you enough for sharing this knowledge with me." Said the Phoenix Spirit enthusiastically giving Hei a smile of great satisfaction across his face.

"You're welcome. And you are right. Astronomy truly is the most interesting subject of all. Even back in my previous life I would go the library or go on the internet to look up things about astronomy. I could never get enough of learning about the universe and the most extreme objects in it." Said Hei.

'Well now that I just have three hours left before I can finally get out, it's time for me to use that Character Summoning Lottery Ticket'

['Hey JARVIS, I want to use that Character Summoning Lottery Ticket. But before I do that, I wanted to ask you. Is there a limit to the character that can be summoned or can I summon anyone?']

["There is no limit to who can be summoned with the Character Summoning Lottery Ticket. The process is completely random and could very well summon someone as powerful as the Omni-King Grand Zeno or the Living Tribunal. But seeing as how those characters are much stronger than the Ancestral G.o.d, there is no way for them to be summoned. The limit to those who can be summoned are those who are as strong as the Ancestral G.o.d."]

'Ohh thank G.o.d. Having Grand Zeno or the Living Tribunal or anyone of those guys would have a f.u.c.king disaster. But this could still mean that the G.o.ds of Destruction could be summoned. Let's hope that doesn't happen.'

['Alright JARVIS. Before you use that ticket, I first want to buy those same books that I got for the Phoenix Spirit and give them to Jasmine. And after that, let's use that ticket']

["Very well sir. Seeing as how you have already bought those books before they are now free of charge. I will immediately give them to Lady Jasmine."]

{Meanwhile inside the Sky Poison Pearl.}

Jasmine was sitting on her queen sized bed just eating some potato chips when all of a sudden a mountain of books appear in front of her bed startling her. After calming down she start looking at those books and soon realizes that they are the same books that Hei had gotten for the Phoenix Spirit. And so with a big smile on her face she immediately starts opening one of those and starts reading it.

["Here you go Lady Jasmine. 4529 books on various subjects from Earth. Enjoy reading them."]

"Thank you JARVIS! And give my thanks to Hei as well."

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{Back outside now.}

DING* ["Using the Character Summoning Lottery Ticket now





Congratulations sir. You have just summoned the Ouroboros Dragon Ophis. A.k.a. the Infinite Dragon G.o.d from the High School DxD series."]

After hearing this Hei just opens his mouth wide open, completely stupefied at the one he just summoned. As this was happening a light appears in front of Hei that transformed into a little girl with black hair wearing a purple s.h.i.+rt with a purple skirt, purple thigh high stocking and a purple beret on her head. After she opened her eyes she looked at Hei and looked around her surroundings, curious to know where she was at the moment. A few second later the Boosted Gear appears on Hei's left arm and Ddraig who had sensed Ophis suddenly appearing was quite startled to say the least.

"Ophis!! Is that really you?!" yelled out Ddraig from the Boosted Gear to which Ophis looks at the Boosted Gear with a small but near imperceptible glint in her otherwise emotionless eyes.

"Ddraig, you're here too. Where is here?" asked Ophis as she was looking around.

"Of course, of course. Whe are inside the Phoenix Trial grounds right now. And we are in another universe al together. I was summoned here a month ago by my partner here, Hei Uchiha. And apparently you have been summoned as well. Hey partner, introduce yourself." Said Ddraig to Hei, who was still looking ahead with a wide open mouth.

"Partner! WAKE UP!!" screamed Ddraig at Hei who finally woke up from his daze.

'HOLY s.h.i.+T!! HOLY s.h.i.+T!! HOLY s.h.i.+T!! HOLY s.h.i.+T!! HOLY s.h.i.+T!! HOLY s.h.i.+T!! I have summoned the Ouroboros Dragon Ophis!! Holy f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t, she is the strongest in this entire universe at this moment! Even that Dragon King Long Bai, whose power is now second only to Ophis, is a billion times weaker than her. Sigh…... Well nothing to do now than to go with flow for now. I'll make sure that she won't have to fight and I'll do everything I can to give her a peaceful life just like she has in the Hyoudou Residence. Maybe I can let her, Hong'er and You'er play together later on when I have the Primordial Profound Ark. That way I can ensure that all three of them have a peaceful life. First things first, I cannot allow my will to get stronger to turn into greed and use Ophis for my own selfish needs.

Alright, I swear to myself that I will not allow myself to use Ophis for my own selfish needs and I will only resort to use her powers when the situation REALLY calls for it. f.u.c.king h.e.l.l man, If I ever have to resort to use her powers, s.h.i.+t better must have gone south so FAR that I've gone right past s.p.a.ce-Mexico all the way to s.p.a.ce-Antarctica.' Thought Hei to himself in a panic before Ddraig voice woke him up from his daze.

"Huh? What…? Ohh, it's just you Ddraig. Sorry, it's just, this whole situation. It really shocked me to say the least." Said Hei.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I myself never would have dreamed of ever seeing the Infinite Dragon G.o.d in this world." Said Ddraig.

While Ddraig and Hei were talking with each other, Ophis who was still standing there looking around came up to Hei and tapped him on the face to get his attention.

"You, who are you?" asked Ophis.

"Ohh, right. Sorry about that. I am Hei, Hei Uchiha. I am the one who summoned you into this world. I guess I could tell you all about myself, but it would be faster if I just showed you my memories." Said Hei as he looked Ophis in the eyes and used the Sharingan to show her his memories.

And so Ophis was brought back to the earliest of Hei's memories, from the time when he was but a little boy in New York City named Ray Thompson before he was adopted and took the name Ray Williams. She saw how he was adopted, how he lost his adopted mother and how bad life became after the loss of his adopted mother. She saw everything until the day he died and then she saw Hei talk with the One Above All. Laying eyes on the One Above All, Ophis was overcome with a sense of dread, the likes of which she had never felt before. She wanted to scream, to run away but her body just wouldn't listen to her. She was completely frozen with fear looking at the One Above All. After Hei was sent away, she still remained there. It was at this point that the One Above All looked at her. The next moment she found herself at a table sitting opposite of the One Above All.

"Ahh, there you are Ophis. I have let JARVIS summon you to that world for a very special reason. You see, Ray or Hei Uchiha as he goes by now, is a very special person. I'm sure you must have seen his life before you came here. After he died, I brought him here and fulfilled a wish of his. That wish was to go to another world and become the strongest of all and I have granted this rather selfish request of his. But you see, what he wished for is not what he truly needs." Said the One Above All.

"W-w-what d-d-does he need than?" whimpered Ophis.

"What he truly needs are friends and family who can be together with him. He needs friends and family to truly motivate him to become the strongest in order to protect them. He needs friends and family who will be with him and support him during his darkest days. So, I also have a selfish request. Will you be his friend and help him out when he is all alone and when he truly needs someone to be with him? You are not obligated to say yes. If you say no, I will bring you back to your universe and have JARVIS summon someone else instead. So, will you do this for me Ophis?" asked the One Above All.

"W-w-who are y-y-you?" stuttered Ophis who was still deadly afraid of the One Above All.

"I am the One Above All. I am the one true G.o.d who has created all of the infinite universes in the multiverse, which includes your universe and the universe from which body originally comes from. I am he who is at the center of all creation, I am he who is all knowing, all powerful and I am he who is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. So, now that I have told you about myself. What will be your answer?" said the One Above All.

Hearing all of this made Ophis think deeply, after a few minutes she nodded and told the One Above All that she will be Hei's friend.

"Excellent, thank you for indulging this selfish request of mine. When you get back to Hei, I want to pa.s.s on two messages of mine. Firstly, tell him that I said that he must take good care of you and give you all the doughnuts, cookies, candies and chocolate that you want. And second, tell him that I have a surprise for him in store when he gets to the Primordial Azure Dragon's trial." said the One Above All right before he whisked Ophis away to join Hei.

"Good, now that you have Ophis by your side. You will no longer become a devil filled with hatred and rage anymore." Mused the One Above All to himself

After the One Above All had brought her back, Ophis found herself standing in front of Hei again. Surprising everyone she suddenly hugged him. Hei, who thoroughly confused about the whole thing wanted to ask what happened until Ophis started talking first.

"I come with a message from the One Above All." Said Ophis which made Hei go wide eyed at the fact that she spoke with the One Above All.

"You've met the One Above All!! How?!"

"I saw him in your memory. And he asked me to be your friend and I said yes. He told me to tell you that you should take good care of me and give me all the doughnuts, candies, chocolates and cookies that I want. And then he told me that he has a surprise for you at the Azure Dragon Trial."