Against The Gods With An Anime System - 107 Reason For Intervening

107 Reason For Intervening

The reason that the Blackwood Stronghold tried to kidnap Su Ling'er was to force the Clan Master to give up the key to treasury.

(A.N.: This back and forth of theirs goes on for like 2 whole chapters, so I have just simplified it into a few sentences.)

"How's this? Hengshan, if you can find a disciple under twenty in our clan that can defeat Haoyu; then Hengyue will never raise the matters regarding the clan's treasure ever again!" Said Su w.a.n.gji slowly.

Everyone among Su Hengyue and Su Haoyu's group began to laugh. Su Hengyue arrogantly said: "Very well! If there is anyone under twenty in my Grandwake Clan that can defeat Haoyu and prove that his natural talents isn't the greatest, then I'll immediately leave. I'll never mention a word regarding the clan's treasure ever again and I'll apologize to the Clan Master for my inappropriate behaviors today… But, what if no one can defeat Haoyu?"

"Then please Hengshan, give the key to the clan's treasure to Haoyu. I believe none of the elders and the members of the clan present here want see this matter be dragged out or bickered over." Su Wanji said very slowly.

Su Hengshan clenched his fists tightly and his fingers began to make popping sounds. But just before he wanted to angrily reprimand them, he heard a sound he didn't expect.


Looking over to the source of the sound, he saw Mesa coming towards them with an angry smile on his face, slowly clapping his hands.

"Very well! I approve of this idea and I volunteer myself!" Said Mesa as he slowly over towards them.

Seeing him coming towards them, Su Ling'er ran over to him worried: "Big Brother Mesa, Papa said you can't go over there! It's really dangerous over there."

"Don't worry about me, I can handle myself." Said Mesa rea.s.suringly to Su Ling'er as he patted her on the head.

"But more importantly, you go to my room and stay they there with the beautiful big sister and keep the windows closed." Said Mesa as he looked over towards the coup d'état group.

"You don't want to see what I am gonna do to them." Said Mesa threateningly.

Su Ling'er wanted to refute him, tell him to back to his room and stay there. But the look in his eyes gave her no room for negotiations. He wasn't asking her to go to his room, he was ordering her. Realizing that there was nothing she could say to discourage him, she did as Mesa said and left.

Walking over to them, Mesa looked over the coup d'état group and his eyes fell on one certain individual.

"You!" Said Mesa as he pointed to a man in black attire sitting on a chair with a haughty att.i.tude, who was surprised that he was singled out. This man was Heimu Qingya, Hold Master of the Blackwood Stronghold.

"You were the one who sent those three to kidnap Su Ling'er. I've got a bone to pick with you. If you're wondering where those three went and why they haven't come back yet, it's because I killed them!" Said Mesa, enraging him instantly.

"You! You were the one who strangled them to death and hung them in that tree!" Bellowed out Heimu Qingya angrily.

"I sure was." Said Mesa arrogantly.

Feeling the anger well up inside him, Heimu Qingya wanted to get up and kill Mesa himself. But looking around, he calmed down. For if he got up and killed Mesa himself, then he would be degrading himself in the eyes of his co-conspirators.

Leaning over to Su Hengyue, he whispered into his ear: "Brother Hengyue, this is the kid who hindered us from abducting that little girlie! He is the one who sabotaged our plans and killed my man. I want Su Hoayu to cripple him and cut out his tongue!"

"So this is the kid that ruined our plans." Muttered Su Hengyue's as he was staring at Mesa: "And here I was wondering where I was going to find this kid. To think he came out himself!"

Su Hengyue then sent a sound transmission to Su Haoyu. "Haoyu, find an excuse, and give this kid a good lesson! It doesn't matter if your 'hand slips' and you 'accidentally' kill him!"

Su Haoyu immediately responded. He inspected Mesa's level of profound strength, and following after, he revealed a disdainful expression. He took a step forward, and scoffed at Mesa: "Where did this wild brat come from? From the looks of it, you're not one of our Grandwake Clan's people either! This is a place where our Grandwake Clan is having a discussion regarding an important matter, it's not a place where a wild brat like you who comes from G.o.d knows where can step into, hurry and scram! If you don't wish to scram yourself, this young master can send you off himself!"

In response, Mesa just started laughing, making everyone look at him weirdly.

"Hahahaha…. I truly love arrogant d.i.c.khead young masters such as yourself." Said Mesa mockingly, enraging Su Haoyu and the rest.

"You! You're courting death!" Said Su Haoyu angrily. But just as he wanted to rush at Mesa and maim him, Mesa appeared in front of him, faster than he or anyone present could register. The next thing he felt was an immense amount of pain in his gut and all the air pushed out of his lungs. Looking down, he saw Mesa's fist buried deep in his stomach and his face right next to his ear.

"Because, putting arrogant little b.i.t.c.hes like you in their place is almost as satisfying as s.e.x." Said Mesa with a smile, whispering it into Su Haoyu's ear.

Everyone watching was dumbfounded with shock and those of the coup d'état group were even getting pale. Never in their lives had they imagined that their star pupil, the one that who they thought would dominate everyone who was under the age of twenty, being defeated like this. To make matters worse, after Mesa had let go of him, Su Haoyu collapsed on the ground and Mesa stomped on his head and was grinding it on the ground.

"That's right, this is where you belong. Right under my boot!" Said Mesa out loud for everyone to hear.

Seeing his son being treated like this, Su Hengyu became absolutely livid and rushed towards Mesa. Beside him, the middle-aged man called Li Yunji aslo leapt out, and pierced towards Mesa's chest with a sword. "You dare to harm my young master, give me your life!!"

Su Hengshan who wanted to step in and stop Li Yunji and Su Hengyu, but was too late stop it. Hearing them rus.h.i.+ng at him, Mesa looks at them very calmly and says a single word under his breath, but everybody could hear it.


As Su Hengyu and Lu Yinji were rus.h.i.+ng at Mesa and too late to stop themselves, orange colored Profound Energy starts erupting around him and coalescing into a ribcage surrounding Mesa with a skeletal attached to it. Balling its hand into a fist, the skeletal arm punches both Su Hengyu and Lu Yinji clear across the courtyard and through a bunch of trees, eventually ending up knocked out in a ditch.

Everyone looking was petrified in shock and fear. The absolute last thing they had expected was for Mesa, or anyone else for that matter, to start growing a giant skeletal arm and ribcage made of pure Profound Energy and so dexterously wield it like it was part of their own body. To make matters even worse, it didn't just stop at the ribcage and single skeletal arm, a second skeletal arm suddenly appeared, followed shortly by skull with glowing orange eyes. This thing was a whopping 20 m tall and towered all of them, looking down on them all.

Turning his head slowly in the direction of the coup d'état group, and by extension the Susanoo's skull, Mesa looks towards the group who were paralyzed in fear. Still having Su Haoyu under his foot, he kicks him away, having him land right at the Grand Elder's feet.

"So Grand Elder, I believe this means I my natural talents are greater than that piece of garbage you've got there at your feet. So, I suggest you apologize to Clan Master and stop this whole thing before things get…" Said Mesa as he evolved the Susanoo to its next level by cladding it with muscles and skin and making it 40m tall.


At this point, n.o.body dared to speak up. Everyone was as silent as mice. Su Hengshan and his group of disciples, though still filled with immense fear at Mesa's powers, were starting to become more confident that they would win.

Su w.a.n.gji, shaking in absolute fear, managed to get his head back into the game and present a confident front and with a haughty att.i.tude, he said: "Hmph! What this elder has said, I will naturally keep my promise. Unfortunately, you're not a disciple of our Grandwake Clan! So nothing that you have done matters one bit!"

"Very well then. Looks like things are gonna have to get ugly before you'll listen." Said Mesa, putting everyone on edge, ready to fight for their lives.

All around them, golden portals started opening up. Dozens of them in fact. And out of every golden portal, a weapon of immeasurable grade came out. Looking at all the golden portals and the weapons sticking out, everyone could see that every single one of them was at least a Sovereign Profound weapon or above. And suddenly, out of every portal, the weapons were shot at them.

The only sounds that could be heard, were the explosions of the weapons that were shot out and the screams of those who were dying. When it was all said and done, the only ones left alive were Hold Master Heimu Qingya, who was unconscious and had soiled his pants, and Grand Elder Su w.a.n.gji, who was on the ground huddled into a fetus position and crying.

Using the Susanoo to grab Su w.a.n.gji and bring him to himself. In a feeble and very weak voice, Su w.a.n.gji managed to squeeze out just a single word, 'Why'.

"Very simple. First off, you've decided to kidnap a little girl and if there is one thing I hate with every fiber of my being, are child molesters, abusers and pedophiles. Second, Su Hengshan was a very gracious host and you have been causing trouble for him. And most importantly of all, I have had a very long day and I wanted to take a good long nap. But you and your group of little b.i.t.c.hes decided to ruin that for me. And when people disturb me nap, I get very angry as you can see." Said Mesa.

Those who were listening, were struck with a sense of wonder, and not in the good way. They were confronting an attempted coup, that could very well turn ugly and violent. If not for his timely intervention, they would have probably been resorted to fighting and lost many people of their own. Listening to his first reasons, they sounded very admirable. But his most important reason for intervening, was because they disturbed his nap!

Looking at Mesa, there was just one question on everyone's mind: 'Who the f.u.c.k is this monster?! And where did come from?!'