Against The Gods With An Anime System - 106 Disturbance At The Grandwake Clan.

106 Disturbance At The Grandwake Clan.

Hearing her voice, Su Ling'er's father comes rus.h.i.+ng over and picked her up with tears of joy streaming down his face: "Ling'er! You're safe! Thank goodness you're safe! I was so worried about you!"

Once the excitement had died down, did Su Ling'er's father approach Mesa, obviously grateful for everything: "Thank you for rescuing my daughter! I am truly grateful for everything you have done for her!"

"There's no need to thank me. I just did my duty as a human being to in helping out another." Said Mesa humbly.

"Well, at least let me show my grat.i.tude for everything you've done. By the way, this one's named Su Hengshan." Said Su Hengshan.

Looking at Xia Qingyue, who was unconscious on Mesa's back, he frowned a little: "That person on your back, is she alright?"

"Yes, she is alright. She just collapsed due to exhaustion. Just before we ended up here, we went through something exhausting. We just need to find a place to stay the night and rest up." Said Mesa.

"Well then, you are welcome to stay at our Grandwake Clan. It's the least I can do after what you have done for my daughter." Said Su Hengshan.

"Thank you very much for the great hospitality than. It would be a pleasure to accept your invitation." Said Mesa as he followed Su Hengshan back to the Grandwake Clan.

On the way back to the Grandwake Clan, Mesa and Su Hengshan were talking about what happened prior to their meeting. He found out that Su Hengshan was the master of the Grandwake Clan and Su Ling'er was the princess. The Grandwake Clan was without a doubt the number one sect, as well as the biggest power east of the Supwake Country's river. Their status was similar to New Moon City's Xiao Sect's Branch Sect, and they relied on Grandwake Mountain for its incredibly generous amounts of natural resources and minerals.

However, even in the east of the Grandwake River, Grandwake Clan still had enemies: The Blackwood Stronghold!

"To think this has escalated to such degree. This should be just some grudges between rival sects. This was never supposed to happen. This is unforgivable!" Said Su Hengshan angrily thinking back to the attempted kidnapping of his daughter.

"Forgive me for saying this, but this obviously reeks of a conspiracy. You and Su Ling'er just happened to go out for a stroll and you just happened to be ambushed by the Blackwood Stronghold who were planning on kidnapping your daughter. It's clear that somebody has sold you out and is trying to sabotage you." Said Mesa seriously.

"Sigh!" Su Hengshan sighed: "I know about all it. It's just that I don't want to suspect anyone on my side."

"I don't you think you have that luxury anymore. If they have tried to have your daughter kidnapped, then they will obviously not shy away from other, more severe actions. Especially if they hear that their previous attempt has failed." Said Mesa.

At this time, they had arrived at the Grandwake Clan. Looking at its size, it was far greater than the Xiao Branch Sect Mesa went to when he emptied out their vault.

Walking inside, they were greeted by a young man coming towards them and shouting: "Father! Ling'er, you're back! I heard rumors that you guys were ambushed by the Blackwood Stronghold. Father, Ling'er, are you all right?"

"No problem, just a bit of a scare. We were thankfully helped by this young man here." Said Su Hengshan as he introduced Mesa.

"Mesa Uchiha, this is my son, Su Haoran. Haoran, this is Mesa Uchiha. If he didn't save Ling'er, Ling'er might have been captured by those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds from Blackwood Stronghold. They had traveled from far and need a room to stay for a few days."

"What! Blackwood Stronghold's people did what?! This is unforgivable!" Said Su Haoran in fury.

Looking over to Mesa, he smiled amicably as he expressed his grat.i.tude for saving his sister: "Brother Mesa, thank you for saving my sister."

Walking inside, Mesa with Xia Qingyue on his back were led to their room. Along the way, he noticed Su Haoran stealing glances at her and purposefully but very unnoticeably walk slower, so he could be behind Mesa and look at Xia Qingyue. At those times, Mesa would also walk slower and make sure he was walking behind him at all times. Obviously, he was smitten with her beauty and tried all kinds of ways to get close to her. Every time he looked at her, his eyes would be filled with a l.u.s.tful desire to get her and his fingers would tremble.

When they reached their room, Mesa had put her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. From behind, Su Haoran came up and tried to approach Xia Qingyue's bedside: "This lady is in a coma and isn't waking up. Looks like her injuries aren't light. I just happen to have some medical expertise. Let me examine a bit, then grab some spirit medicine, and she'll be awake in no time."

But before he could get next to her, Mesa stuck out his arm and blocked his way and said in a monotonous tone with a threatening undertone: "There's no need for that, she is just exhausted and needs some rest. Thank you for your concern, but there's no need to trouble yourself over this. You may leave now."

Realizing there was no way Mesa would let him get any closer to Xia Qingyue, Su Haoran politely left the room and closed the door.

"Dream on boy. She is mine and I will never let anyone else, and especially you, get her." Mumbled Mesa to himself as he took out the Emperor Awakening Heart Lotus. Using the Sky Poison Pearl, he refined the Emperor Awakening Heart Lotus into a blue-green bead, the size of a marble. Gently opening up her mouth, Mesa put the pellet in and made sure she swallowed it. Letting the Emperor Awakening Heart Lotus do its job, Mesa patiently waited for Xia Qingyue to wake up.

An hour or two later, with quivering eyes, Xia Qingyue finally woke up. After blinking a few times to see clearly again, she was surprised to find that she was lying with her head on Mesa's lap and looking at him. He, seeing that she woke up, smiles at her warmly and says: "Well good morning there beautiful, hope you've slept well."

Surprised at what happened, Xia Qingyue quickly got herself of off Mesa's and was looking around in confusion: "What is this place? Where are we?"

"Don't worry about that, we're in a safe place right now." Said Mesa as he went on explaining how they got here. He told her that the Gate of Babylon had an automatic treasure retrieval function and that it collected a s.p.a.ce attribute treasure from one of the beasts that he defeated. He told her about how she was exhausted after this whole debacle and shortly after they talked, she just started to lie down and fell in a deep sleep. After she fell asleep, Mesa had tried out the s.p.a.ce attribute treasure and they ended up here on the Azure Cloud Continent.

As Mesa gave her this explanation, the Emperor Awakening Heart Lotus was steadily releasing its power inside her. She didn't notice this when she was talking with Mesa. But after the talk was over, did she notice the power inside her body growing at a steady pace.

"You…gave me the Emperor Awakening Heart Lotus?!" Said Xia Qingyue as this was the only possibility she could think of.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I. It's not like I would have had any use for it, so that's why I gave it to you." Said Mesa, shrugging his shoulders like this was normal.

Opening her mouth to say something, Xia Qingyue was unable to refute his point. After seeing everything he has done and what he told afterwards, she couldn't fault him for giving her the Emperor Awakening Heart Lotus. Mainly because it's basically useless to him.

"So, I will go and get something for you to eat. You just stay right here and focus on refining that power." Said Mesa as he got up and left the room.

Just as he stepped out of the room and locked the door, he b.u.mped into Su Ling'er. Apparently she came for him: "Heh, Big Brother Mesa, father told me to tell you that at dusk, there will be many people coming to the clan and some bad things are going to take place. When it's time, you have to shut your room door tightly and not leave for any reason."

"Alright, I understand." Nodded Mesa and walked to the kitchen to prepare something to eat for him, Su Ling'er and Xia Qingyue.

Later on, after he came back to his room and found Xia Qingyue sitting on the bed in a meditative state. Realizing that she wouldn't be eating the sandwich right now that he made for her, he sat down on the bed himself and started playing with her hair.

"What are you doing?" Asked Xia Qingyue. She still had her eyes closed and was focused on refining the energy inside her body, but she could feel Mesa playing with her hair.

"Nothing, you just focus on refining that energy. I just wanna see how you will look like with a braid." Said Mesa while he was playing with her hair at his own leisure. Deciding to just ignore it, Xia Qingyue focused her full attention on refining the energy from the Emperor Awakening Heart Lotus.

A few hours later, as dusk had fallen, the quite Grandwake Clan was starting to get noisy. Mesa could hear the sounds of footsteps. Listening to it, he heard many people rus.h.i.+ng towards a certain place. After the footsteps had died down, raucous laughter and angry shouting followed it. Opening the window in his room, he saw many people gathered in front of the Grandwake Clan's Conference Hall. And from the way they were standing, it was obvious that a confrontation was happening right now.

On one side stood Su Hengshan with his daughter hidden behind him and the Grandwake Clan disciples, all of them looked pretty p.i.s.sed. On the other side stood a group of 300 men dressed in black. Amongst them were ten middle-aged men dressed in a different attire who had these arrogant looks on their faces, as if all this was nothing to them. Knowing that s.h.i.+t was about to go down, Mesa stood up and prepared to leave.

But before he left, he turned to Xia Qingyue and gave her a piece of paper.

"I know this piece of paper may not look like it, but it's a very important piece of paper. So make sure you keep it with you. This piece of paper is called a Vivre Card. It is a special waterproof and fireproof paper that will move towards the pieces that have torn off from each other." Said Mesa as he showed her a bigger piece of Vivre Card paper and how it moves on its own towards the piece of Vivre Card he gave to Xia Qingyue.

"These Vivre Card pieces will always move to this original Vivre Card. This way, you'll always know in which direction I am. But more importantly, these Vivre Card are a representation of the owner's life force. If my life force starts to fade away, the paper will represent that by burning. So if anything happens to me, just check the Vivre Card. If it starts to burn, it will mean my life force is fading. If it's okay, it'll mean that I'm okay as well." Said Mesa before he left the room.

"Where are you going?" Asked Xia Qingyue as Mesa stood by the door.

"Apparently some people have come to cause our hosts a lot of trouble. And more importantly, they have disturbed our rest. I will go out and show them what happens when you disturb my rest." Said Mesa threateningly while looking back and looking Xia Qingyue in the eyes and transforming his black eyes into Mangekyo Sharingans. Looking at Mesa's eyes transform, Xia Qingyue was a bit disturbed at the feeling she was getting looking into those eyes of his. After he said this, Mesa opened the door and left to go and take care of business.