After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 457

Chapter 457

Chapter 457 Dowry

"That's not certain." Yang Wanning replied without hesitation.

Although she can't say that she is completely clear about the situation of the Yang family's repayment, she does understand to a certain extent. It can be said that 70% of the expenses of the Yang family come from her mother's dowry.

The key is that the Yang family has only developed for more than a dozen years, and it can be said that the foundation is quite thin.

It is impossible to prepare a decent dowry without touching her mother's dowry.

When they took away the big head, what would she do, what would her brother do.

She won't be fooled by them like in her previous life. In the end, they spent her mother's dowry and abused her children in different ways.

"You..." Cui Shi still wanted to say something, but Yang Shicheng interrupted with a roar: "Enough, what's the quarrel, your sisters are also side concubines, and the family has the same dowry."

"Hopefully." Yang Wanning glanced at them with distrust, then turned and walked towards her small courtyard.

"Look, how does Mrs. Gu teach the children, does she talk to the elders like this?" At this time, Mrs. Cui looked at her back and yelled loudly.

Yang Wanning was too lazy to pay attention to them after hearing this, but continued to walk forward.

Yang Zhicheng was also very angry, but he didn't want his servants to see a joke, otherwise, how could he be in the officialdom if it was spread out.

After that, he stepped forward and said, "Okay, let's all go back and discuss the dowry. I have to go to the yamen to change my clothes."

After he finished speaking, he hurried back to the house.

Cui's aunt and nephew looked at each other and didn't say anything, but went back to the old lady to discuss the dowry.

At the same time, Cui Clan also made up her mind that in addition to Yang Wanning, if she paid two expensive dowries, their family's good days would come to an end.

After this Yang Wanning went back, she asked Chunxi, her personal maid, "Chunxi, have you found Mammy Qian?"

"I found it and was assigned to the hot spring village. Now I am in charge of raising chickens on the village."

"As long as it's safe for the time being, by the way, did I let your development staff develop?"

"Well, basically every hospital has them, but it's not easy to arrange for the master's side."

"I don't care about him for the time being. Let's deal with the Cui family first, especially the fact that they hollowed out the Yang family to subsidize the Cui family must be verified."

"Understood, I've been watching this for a while."

"Well, recently, I asked the people in the courtyard to be careful, especially on the food. Be sure to check it before entering." After Yang Wanning finished speaking, she paused and asked, "Is the eldest young master going back to the manor tomorrow?"

"Yes, the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow have a rest."

"Then you help me prepare some polished rice and noodles tomorrow, and I have to make some snacks the day after tomorrow to take him to see my cousin and sister-in-law."

"Yes." Chunxi replied.

Finally, Zhou Ying glanced at Zhou's house again, and sure enough, because Zhou Jiaqing had a rash all over her body, she couldn't rush to Zhuangzi, but she just stayed in the house to copy the female ring.

After Zhou Ying looked around, Gu Chengrui also came back, got up and asked, "Have you seen the emperor?"

"No, I'm tired, so I can only reschedule." After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he glanced inside and outside the house, and then asked in a low voice, "Does it have anything to do with you, Your Majesty's fainting this time?"

Zhou Ying shook her head and said, "I don't know, maybe it's because of the distance, I didn't feel it.

But it could also be true, the timing is so coincidental. "

Gu Chengrui didn't think any more after hearing what she said, but asked, "How's the harvest today?"

Zhou Ying told him in detail what he heard about several families, especially the eldest prince and the fourth prince, about the emperor's views on them.

(end of this chapter)