After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 456

Chapter 456

Chapter 456 Reaction 11

"No, didn't my cousin go to the military training? He said that the training will be over....

But now. "Sun Miaoke replied intermittently while crying.

"Just what, everything is too late." The grandmother said angrily.

Originally, she liked the third prince, because he had the strongest personal ability among the princes. She thought she had a good son-in-law, but she didn't expect to make trouble again.

then persuaded: "This is the end of the matter. During this time, take care of your mood at home and marry the third prince in a month."


"It's too late to say anything, if you don't want the whole Sun Mansion to bury you with you, then you can marry honestly.

Besides, the third prince is not only capable, but also looks good. He is a rare good boy. "

"But he's too cold."

"Yan Hengdong has a good temperament, but he has an intercourse, and he is not as infatuated as you think.

Now that the imperial decree has been issued, you should sort out your emotions and marry the third prince. "Scholar Sun came in at this time.

"Father, you..., when did you come?" Sun Miaoke looked at Sun Da Shidao with a guilty face.

"Let's follow you back and forth.

Father also admits that Yan Hengdong is good, but he is not worth it, let's risk our family's life to take risks with you. "


"Think about it for yourself, if he really likes you, will he have a room?"

"Yes, Miaomiao, whoever loves deeply will also hurt deeply in the end. He has a concubine now and will have a concubine in the future, so you are willing to serve men with so many women." Mother Sun said.

"But there will be three princes in the future."

"But you don't have such deep feelings for the third prince, and as long as you manage your marriage well, you can get a complete marriage."

After the grandmother finished speaking, she went out with Grand Master Sun.

Leaving Sun Miaoke alone in the house crying silently for a while, then calmed down and started to be in a daze.

Finally, Zhou Ying found the Yang family, and the family is still waiting for the arrival of Eunuch Li.

But they obviously got the letter, so Yang Wanyu was very happy, but Cui's was mixed. As for Yang Shicheng's expressionless face, he really couldn't guess.

And the old lady sitting in the porter was leaning back on the chair and dozing.

About a quarter of an hour later, Eunuch Li and his party finally came to announce the decree.

After sending Eunuch Li away, Mrs. Cui directly stepped forward to support the old Mrs. Cui and said, "Mother, Wanyu is about to get married. You can come up with some good things to marry Wanyu."

"This is definitely a side concubine. It can't be too shabby." Old Cui said with a smile.

Yang Wanning stepped forward and said, "Grandma is right, Wanning's dowry is still up to grandma to worry about."

"It's embarrassing for an aunt's family to ask for a dowry." Mrs Cui turned her head and gave her a dissatisfied glance.

"My biological mother is gone, and you are busy preparing Wanyu's dowry, so I can only ask my grandma for help."

"What are you in a hurry? Your wedding date will be after Wanyu, and it won't be too late to prepare for you when she gets married."

"It's only less than half a month away, and I'll be there by then.

If you are too busy, why don't you give me my mother's dowry, and I will prepare it myself. "Yang Wanning suddenly said with a straight face.

"You..." Mrs Cui was stunned for a moment, then said angrily, "You, what do you mean, are you afraid that we are greedy for your mother's dowry?"

(end of this chapter)