After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Uniforms

The man was startled, his waist rolled over in the air with force, and then he abandoned the rope and fell steadily to the ground.

But at the moment of landing, a packet of tear gas powder in Fang Qing's hand also arrived and hit him directly on the forehead.

Although he closed his eyes in time, the choking smell of mustard made him sneeze continuously, and cursed at the same time: "Despicable."

"How strong are you." Fang Qing did not bother with him after he finished speaking, because with the short move just now, he knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, so he could only attack first.

So taking advantage of his inconvenience, he took out a dagger and stabbed him directly. The man's ear moved and he immediately blocked it with a knife.

But the smell of chili peppers made him unable to open his eyes at all.

Fang Qing saw this secret joy, it seems that the owner's tear gas powder is still very effective, thinking of this, he relaxed his steps and began to fight with him.

After a while, three cuts were left on the opponent's body, and one of them even cut into the knife's hand holding the knife, so he was quickly subdued and stunned.

On the other end, the man in black kicked the roof of the car over after getting off, and then slid over.

Doctor Luo was startled and immediately avoided his feet. When he came back along the rope, Doctor Luo quickly threw a handful of chili noodles out.

Unfortunately, it just threw it on the other's stomach, but it didn't have any effect, instead it choked myself.

And Zhou Ying was obviously prepared, she blocked it with a cushion on the stool, dodged, and at the same time took out the crossbow and shot the man's chest.

The man in black was taken aback and hurriedly made a quick spin around the rope, but the arrow still shot on his arm.

had no choice but to fall off the rope, and then charged directly towards Zhou Ying.

Zhou Ying was afraid that it would affect Doctor Luo, so she dodged a front flip and landed smoothly, and turned around and aimed the arrow at the man in black.

The man in black seemed to sense her intentions, and instead raised his knife and slashed at Doctor Luo.

Zhou Ying was naturally not polite and shot directly at his hand holding the knife.

The man had to dodge when he saw this, jumped out of the carriage, turned somersaults forward and attacked Zhou Ying.

Zhou Ying showed a sweet smile when she saw this, then threw the tear gas powder between the two of them and shot them with a crossbow.

Turn around and run at the same time.

Sure enough, a scream came from behind, followed by a sneeze, but soon there was no movement.

Only then did Zhou Ying turn her head to look at the man in black who was motionless on the ground. She used a bow and crossbow to jump forward and kicked him. After confirming that there was no movement, she said, "Sure enough, the faster you move, the better the medicine will work. quick."

But just in case, she pulled down the curtain of the car, divided it into four, and tied his hands and feet like pigs.

At this time, Fang Qing also came over with the other one and asked, "Master, what about the two of them?"

"What should I do?" Zhou Ying was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Dr. Luo, who had finally recovered her strength, and said, "Grandpa Luo, give them some medicine and let them sleep for a day."

"You stinky girl, you don't even know how to remind me, it really killed me." After Dr. Luo finished speaking, he sneezed again, and then came over with a bag of drugs.

Looking at the man in black with a hot red nose, Dr. Luo said with a sinister smile: "Hey, girl, come back and give me two packs of tear gas for self-defense. I found this to be very useful."

"No problem, just give you a sack." Zhou Ying nodded.

"It's about the same." After Dr. Luo finished speaking, he stepped forward and squeezed the black man's chin and poured a small amount of the drug into his mouth.

then poured some words into the other: "Okay, I'll leave the rest to you."

(end of this chapter)