After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Preparation

Zhou Ying didn't think much about this, but Ma was shocked that Zhou Ying and Doctor Luo collided directly, causing the two of them to be embarrassed.

Waiting for them to sit firmly, Zhou Ying lifted the curtain and was about to blame Fang Qing when she saw that he was scrambling to stabilize the carriage, and asked, "Fang Qing, what's going on."

"Master, I didn't know about that immoral thing just now, but I threw a stone on the horse's butt, which didn't startle the horse." Fang Qing shouted while busy.

Zhou Ying was shocked when she heard it. Although she didn't know what was wrong, she found out that it was wrong.

Because even if an ordinary person accidentally throws a stone on the horse, it will not be surprised, so it can only be thrown deliberately, and the strength is not small.

Thinking of this, she immediately thought of Gu Chengrui being chased and killed a few days ago. Could it be that someone tricked her into killing him.

then said: "Fang Qing, the horse stopped after a while, turned around and walked back."

"Zhou girl, what do you mean, don't go to save Gu boy." Dr. Luo turned his head and said in astonishment.

Zhou Ying hesitated for a while, but still told him her guess: "Grandpa Luo, this trip is too dangerous, let's bring Cheng Rui back and talk about it."

Doctor Luo said with a sour heart after hearing this: "No need, since it's out, there's no reason to go back, let's go together."


"Don't be, it's not necessarily safe for me to get out of the car now."

Zhou Ying saw that his eyes were firm and she didn't refuse any more. She took out a small box from under the car seat. Inside was the self-defense thing she had prepared before, to prevent accidents on the road. I didn't expect that today Really used it.

Then he took out two paper bags, one large and one small, and handed them to Dr. Luo: "The big one is tear gas powder, the small one is drug addiction, we have more, self-protection is more important."

After he finished speaking, he handed Fang Qing two more packets, but at the same time he handed him a dagger and said, "If you have something to do, let me know in time. You don't need to save this chili powder, we have more."

"Understood, boss, just take a look." Fang Qing said after taking it.

To tell the truth, after listening to her analysis, he was more excited than afraid.

One is that he can test his own strength, and the other is that he can protect the owner in return for her care for them. The key is that maybe with this battle, he can become the owner's confidant.

As for Zhou Ying herself, she took out the delicate little crossbow and a boning knife that were placed at the bottom, and smeared a lot of magical medicine on them.

Then he put two packets of chili powder in his pocket.

The rest is placed on the side of the door, and whoever wants to use it can take it directly.

When they were ready, they also arrived in a grove.

No, it can't be said to be a forest, but a forest like a green belt by a river.

Fang Qing suddenly became vigilant. Just as they were about to leave the grove, two winds suddenly sounded.

Ma immediately fell to the ground, and Fang Qing, who had been vigilant, was able to hide.

Afterwards, the two men in black slid down the rope from a tree not far away, one rushed towards Fang Qing, while the other rushed towards the trunk.

Fang Qing was shocked when he saw this: "Be careful, my boss."

After shouting , the two of them also came to them.

The man who rushed towards Fang Qing kicked him in the chest when he reached him.

Fang Qing immediately blocked it with his hands crossed, and at the same time kicked the opponent's waist with a kick.

(end of this chapter)