A Different Kind Of Journey - 56 Arc 3: Phase 2: Tenchi Bridge Part 2

56 Arc 3: Phase 2: Tenchi Bridge Part 2

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: This is the second part of the Tenchi Bridge Incident.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 3: Phase 2

Chapter 21: Tenchi Bridge Part 2

Everything seemed to be going smoothly as plan. It was probably one of the first time since the Team had actually cooperated with each other without any fights or hindrances. So far, it was the three main members and their captain who were working very hard towards the next step of the mission.

"Mokuton: Transformation!"

It all started with Yamato performing a single handsign which transformed him into the former Akatsuki, Sasori. It was in his Puppet Armor form to which he specifically transformed into. He needed to get that exact detailed appearance of him so that the spy would not get suspicious.

The smoke cleared and the trio find themselves staring at their now disguised sensei. It was the exact same copy of the Hikori puppet that Sasori donned during the rescue mission long ago. Both Naruto and Sakura thought that they were facing an enemy because on how it brought them the still fresh memories of the mission.

"So do I look good?"

Yamato had to asked first because he wasn't sure if he copied the appearance correctly. In addition, he doesn't even have a mirror nor the other members, so he had to depend on their comments and judgement.

For Naruto and Sakura, they were just amazed and fastly approved of the matter. Both gave their thumbs up and began to share their comments about the appearance.

"For a second I thought it was Sasori himself Dattebayo!"

"It's a jackpot Yamato-sensei!"

Yamato gave a sigh, he thought he did the wrong thing." Alright, now let me adjust the voice and tell me if it sounds right." He added, while the rest simply nodded.

By this time, he began to adjust his voice. It was pretty much a very hilarious yet difficult task to do. The challenge was to find that particular deep husky intimidating voice to which the original Akatsuki member possessed. Naruto and Sakura contributed by helping the man pin point the exact the tone and quality.

After a couple of minutes of adjusting, Yamato finally was able to find the voice. "Shall we start the operation?" He said in the old Hikori puppet voice.

Sakura raised her eyebrow as she noticed a small error in the way her diguised sensei spoke." Uhmm, Yamato-sensei, it sounds way too polite." She gave her feedback.

Naruto scratched his chin and gave his own feedback." We need something scary or violent!" He said, with hand gestures.

Yamato nodded. "Okay, how about this?" He then cleared his throat.

"I'm Irritable, and hate waiting and being kept waiting!" He gave all the emotion that he had, just to bring the Sasori persona to life.

Naruto was amazed yet again. " You got it Sensei! That's the voice we're looking for Dattebayo!" He exclaimed. Even though he had been transforming into different diguises much like these throughout the years, He still can"t get over the excitement that he was feeling right now.

Yamato gave another sigh before putting on his serious persona." Alright! the enemy should be alert by now, Let's split up and go to your positions!" He instructed.

"Always observed cooperation and Teammwork, especially you Naruto." He added.

Naruto simply nodded in understanding. There was no reason to forget the main values of this team, he lived for it throughout these years and he'd always stuck to the code. The only thing that was hindering him from using those values was Sai, but as of now he must discipline himself to cooperate.

With all the preparations finished, it was finally time for the team to move forward to the main task.

As the main members finally split up from their sensei, a thought came into Naruto himself as he looked behind." Hey! what happened to Bolt and Sarada?" He wondered to himself while observing the forest.

"Why are they taking so long?"


It was something that definitely came out of the blue. A unknown situation that both of the teens never expected that they're going to be thrown into. It was also eyes and ears at the very moment, as they listened to the Miyuki's a.s.set, Showtaro and his whole reason for being here.

They were currently at an area in the forest were it was considered to be the safest place from the enemy's watchful eyes. Showtaro stood and observed the two teens, he also began to wonder yet again if Miyuki really was serious on choosing these teens, but as of now, there was no time to dwell on those thoughts. He cleared his throat as he began to open his mouth and spread the information to them.

"Alright, let's go back to the beginning." Showtaro said as he took another deep breath before giving the two a calm look." As both of you teens already know that I was sent here by Miyuki to informed you two about the current situation that you're in right now." He said.

"So we are not aware on what is happening right now?" Boruto asked, curiosity and alertness was growing inside his mind. He really wanted to get to the bottom of this.

Sarada kept quiet as she observed and carefully listen to the ongoing information being pa.s.sed down to her and the blonde. The information must be very important and urgent for them to hear.

As for Showtaro, He was a bit sweating because of the little pressure and urgency that he was feeling right now. He was not sure if this was excitement or nervousness or maybe just both right now, but he had to make sure that he would relay the information to them in a proper and understandable way.

He was a professional.

"Alright, the situation that you two are in right now is a little bit dangerous, because the enemy or at least one of them is present in this whole area." He explained.

"Wait a sec, so there are more than one?" Boruto asked again. He was surprised to know that they will be dealing a number of them.

"How many are they exactly?" Sarada spoke this time.

Showtaro then scratch the back of his feathery neck." Well, I'm not really sure about their numbers but according to the my reports, it's estimated that the enemy is consist of a group of eight to nine individuals or maybe even above that number." He informed the two about the existence of this mysterious group.

"Man, that's a lot." Boruto commented as the blonde scratched the back of his head, He even managed to give a little chuckle after that. He hoped that these group of individuals would not be that like of the Kara Organization.

Showtaro nodded as he continued." Just to give hints about their background, these people in hooded cloaks are from the Pure Land and their pretty dangerous." He said.

Boruto raised his eyebrows in surprised." Wait a sec, so we are dealing with dead people here?" He asked yet again.

Showtaro then raised a hand to calm him down." Not exactly dead people, but they were formerly dead before they've been illegally brought back to life!" He added.

There was a bit of silence that took over amongst them. Showtaro knew that the truth was hard to believe but it was actually the truth to begin with. The only thing that he's worried about is on how the two teens will handle them when they crossed paths.

"What do you mean by illegal? Did they used the edo something tensei to bring them back to life." Boruto asked, he was a bit confused on that part.

Showtaro took another deep breath." Uhmmm no, It's actually part of the Pure Land rules, there are more powerful ways that everyone in this world is not fully aware off." He explained." It's a kind of power that can bring an individual to life, not as a zombie or undead but full flesh and blood." He then paused to catch his breath.

Another set of quietness enveloped the two teens, Boruto was in disbelief and scratching his head while Sarada kept calm but was more in her thoughts. It seemed that the two was facing something very different this time and who knows on how will they handle it.

Sarada nodded on the other hand." So this group of individuals, do you have any idea on what they looked like or maybe a hint of their appearance?" She asked, She wanted to know their appearance so that they may have an idea on how to distinguished or identify them.

Showtaro cleared his throat yet again." Well, according to my reports these people are concealed in some form of diguised when they were sent here and the closest possible appearance is that of hooded cloaks." He explained, finally giving a hint of their actual appearance.

Boruto then turned his head towards his teammate and vice versa. He gave the Uchiha girl a look which mean't that his suspicions were about the enemy were fact true.

"Look, I know there is still a lot of things to be explained and questions to be answered, but it's really important that you two should be aware of this." Showtaro said. He also felt bad for them since all those information were tough to absorbed in one go.

"And you really need to be careful and must avoid them at all cost." He added. He would then explained that chances of risk would be high if they decided to face the enemy and that is why he is warning the two teens.

Another several moments of quietness took over, even though it was a tough decision-making process, they still had to do something about it or else the enemy might found his or herself harming his dad and the rest of team. A small smile then formed around his lips as the blonde then looked at the two.

Boruto then smirked." Ya know, why should we even worry about this? We're the freaking protaganist in this story!" He exclaimed as he expressed his eagerness to help.

He then calmed himself down and gave a smile." We'll help the team no matter what or even we are just observers." He added.

Sarada simply nodded, she already knew that her teammate would say things like that. They've been teammates for a long time now and no one could really stop the blonde from saving his loved ones. It's already a part of his character.

The Uchiha girl then turned to Showtaro and gave him a smile." Uhmmm, Is it okay if you can guide us throughout this mission?" She politely asked." We really need the help that we can get right now."

Showtaro could only stare at the two he didn't expected that he would get a reply like that. However, he really had no choice, it was not his decision to make, but of theirs. He was only here to relay the message and guide them. He just sighed in the end and simply nodded.

"Thank you." Sarada smiled, she really appreciated the help and they really needed right now. She then gave a look at her teammate nodded at him.

Boruto grinned confidently." Alright let's do this! Dattebasa!"

As they began to leave the area along with Showtaro, there was this sudden changed in the atmosphere that the two immediately felt thereafter. They knew that they were gonna need to be alert on finding the enemy and they were entering an unknown territory.


"We both knew that danger is going to be ahead of us, at this point in time, our goal is to focus on saving the rest of the team.


"We were really eager to go there to save Mama and the guys, the only thing that was really getting on our nerves is the enemy that Showtaro informed about us. Who knows what we may encounter when we get there.

I just really hope that it would not led to a worsening situation."


"I really didn't expect that I would be going to a situation where I can be literally roasted (Chuckles) but hey! It's been a long time since I've been doing this thing."



Patience was always the key to every mission's success. It depends on the situation on how much patience would a person used. As for the main members of Team seven, it seemed that Patience was a virtue on this one. An hour and a half has pa.s.sed since then and they were still waiting from their current positions.

High noon was very much windy and the loud rustling of trees could be heard all over the forest. Naruto, Sakura, and Sai hid behind a set of bushes on spot where a good view of the bridge could be seen. They were tasked to wait for the event to begin and the arrival of the spy.

"Do you really think that spy jerk is gonna show up?" Naruto asked, his patience was slowly wearing thin.

Sakura gave sigh." I'm not really sure, Naruto, but we really just gonna have to wait until the spy arrives." She explained.

Naruto slightly gave an annoyed face, he really can't wait to pulverize the spy that he's gonna make him admit about the teme's whereabouts. He then felt a little boost of confidence as he began to survey the bridge and its surrounding area more to looked for the spy.

Eventually, it was Sai himself who was the first one to noticed a shadowy figure walking and emerging from the other side of the bridge. "Is that him?" He said, catching the attention of the the two.

Naruto couldn't believed his eyes as it was the real thing happening in front of his eyes. "It's really him!" He said.

Meanwhile, Sakura turned to her left and saw Yamato, who was diguised as the Hikori Puppet, finally making a move as he walked towards the bridge to meet with the spy, who was concealed in a black hooded cloak.

Silence dominated the area, the main trio continued to stay in their position as they watched the scene unfolding. Tension had risen back and was now growing in the atmosphere. For Naruto and Sakura, they could only hope that all goes well.


Yamato knew that he was heading for danger, in fact he was used to this already there was some little confidence left in the tank for him. Whoever this spy is, he's going to make sure that he's going to get all the important information as he can from the spy.

As He walked through towards the bridge, he could feel the tension rising. His heart beating faster as he took every step. Even though, he was already an experience s.h.i.+n.o.bi, he still had that nervousness in him.

It didn't took long as he found himself walking along the wooden steps of the bridge. It was only him and wind as of now. He activated his mind as he began thinking about the words that he had to say and all words must be careful when he let it out of his mouth.

A few moments had pa.s.sed as he found himself nearing the spy, who was standing in the middle of the very bridge. Yamato was at his calmest self as he took the final few steps to reached the spy.

Once he got to his position, a voice then was heard coming from the spy himself.

"It's been a long time hasn't it Sasori-san?" The Spy said as he then turned his head around to the s.h.i.+n.o.bi in disguised, hence revealing his concealed face.

To Yamato and the rest of everyone's shock, the mysterious spy's ident.i.ty was finally revealed to be a very familiar face from the records.

Kabuto Yakus.h.i.+, the spy and the right handed man of the Snake sanin, Orochimaru.

"How is this possible?" Yamato thought to himself. From inside the Hikori puppet, the man was much shocked. He never expected the spy's ident.i.ty to be that of a known enemy from the snake.

He then secretly took a deep breath and immediately began his interrogation.

"How are you doing?" He let out his first words since.

Kabuto kept quiet for several moments before speaking up." I still feel a bit strange." He said." From when I remembered who I was when your jutsu broke, I still feel very heavy headed." He finished his sentence with a very unsure voice.

"Please, I don't have enough time, I risked my life on sneaking out of Orochimaru's hands." He added.

Yamato simply nodded through his disguised, He wasted no time of firing out his questions." I want to know the information about the exact location of his hideout and Sasuke's whereabouts." He demanded.

Kabuto sighed but smiled.

I'm very much not sure about that." He said." There are several different hideouts throughout the land, and we move out each week when one of them is ready to be abandoned." He explained." And also not to get discovered."

"But there are means of transport, so they are also very difficult to tracked down." He added.

The the disguised Yamato slightly narrowed his eyes." Where is it then?"

"So far we are in hideout from the north where a small lake is located." Kabuto replied." And we'll be moving out again in three days."

"Sasuke Uchiha is there as well."


From the hiding spot in the bushes, the main trio was still shocked from the events that had unfolded. As of right now, the conversation from the bridge was still ongoing.

Naruto gritted his teeth in annoyance as the blonde wondered on why the man was not taking quick action yet. The target was just in front of him and he was not doing anything yet.

"How come Yamato-sensei is not doing anything!? He could've just captured him at that spot!" He exclaimed.

Sakura just sighed and gave the blonde a looked." His opponent is Kabuto." She said." Yamato-sensei really needs to be extra careful right now." She explained." As long as the target doesn't get away, everything will be fine.

"If he's too cautious, the target may get too suspicious about him." Sai spoke this time while getting the attention of the two.

Sakura then gave him a look, before turning back to the front." We'll have to believed in Yamato Sensei that he can handle it." She said, with confidence in her voice.

As the trio continued observing, they were very much unaware on what lies ahead. It was not too long that another human figure can be seen walking and emerging from the other side of the forest.


Tension was already reaching a higher level. It was a surprised that Yamato managed to last this long. However, time was running out as he was put on the edge of the hot seat. The trust level was dropping fast every moment. He was about to speak when the other spoke first.

"If I get discovered that I'm with you, then I'll get in trouble and be killed." Kabuto said, as the man began to look around his surrounding area.

As for Yamato, he knew that time was running out and he needed to take action and make his move on capturing him." I've got no time to waste, I have to capture him right now." He thought to himself as he drew out his Kunai to start his goal.

Although, at the same time, he was gonna make his move, a sinister voice was suddenly heard laughing from behind.

"What an interesting conversation, Mind if I join?" The voice of Orochimaru said as he suddenly appeared behind Kabuto, with an evil smile.

Yamato was very much shocked to see the snake sanin in front of him." He was followed!" He exclaimed inside his mind. At this point in time, the plan that they envisioned together with the team was falling apart.

Kabuto removed his hood and immediately escape from the snakes that appeared and started to enveloped him. He jump and landed on the other side of the bridge. He then drew out his Kunai and positioned into his defensive stance.

"If you hadn't pulled out your Kunai, I might be get squeezed to death by those snakes." He said.

Yamato kept quiet as he chose to observed." Looks I'm still not yet discovered." He thought to himself. At this point in time, he doesn't really know what to do right now. He was placed in this situation where he is stuck between two blocks.

Orochimaru evilly smiled." That nice outfit takes me back Sasori." He commented.

"Did you follow Kabuto?" The diguised s.h.i.+n.o.bi asked.

The snake sannin then smirked." This kid has become very handy when you sent him to me." He said." The number of human subjects necessary for developments is over a hundred." He then continued." Thanks to his Medical Ninjutsu, I was able to reuse my subjects many times." He explained.

"You see, I still need him for that." He added.

Yamato kept quiet. He was bombarded by these information that he was not really aware off. His minds was running all over the place, He can't really take on the snake sannin and even if they teamed up on beating Orochimaru, he was still going to get his cover blown. Even if he called the trio, then Kabuto will eventually discover that he is not Sasori. It was a tough decision to make.

He really had to do one or the other right now.

As for Kabuto, he began to channel his chakra through his right hand thus forming his chakra blade. At this moment in time, everybody really thought that he was going to battle the snake sannin himself. However, he immediately go to the opposite decision as he instead, attacked the diguised that Yamato had donned hence destroying the puppet.

Yamato was put into another shocked as he immediately released himself from the destroyed armor. At the same time, Orochimaru summoned his snakes to attack the man but he quickly avoided it by replacing himself with a wood dummy clone. He landed a few distances away wondering on what had gone wrong and how did Kabuto know about his ident.i.ty?

Yamato held his shoulder as a snake managed to wound him. He was now looking at both enemies.

Kabuto narrowed his eyes in question as he observed the brown haired man." Lord Orochimaru, could this be Sasori's real body?" He asked.

"No Kabuto, this is not the real Sasori, you were his subordinate for a long time and you were not aware of that?" Orochimaru asked.

Kabuto smirked." He was a broody guy, who always stay hidden behind his puppets." He said.

Yamato gritted his teeth." You were an Akatsuki Spy! You were subjected unto Sasori's Jutsu! What's the meaning of this!?" He said.

Kabuto arrogantly smiled." Lord Orochimaru broke that Jutsu a long time go, only a fool with really believed that I'm still under the jutsu." He explained.

"By the way, who are you?" He added." How come I never seen you before?" He asked." Are you one of those unknown s.h.i.+n.o.bi who is destined for a tragic fate?"

Yamato remained quiet." I have no choice right now." He thought as he tried to look for another way to solve the situation but was unable to yet again.

Orochimaru then smiled." I tell you more about this man later." He said." By the way, why don't you call those three mices hiding over that bush?" He said.

Yamato gave an annoyed look. The main plan had failed, and since the situation was getting out of hand, he raised his right hand in formed of sign to give the trio the signal.


It was this time that the trio had finally saw the signal that their brown haired sensei had given. They immediately jumped from their current positons and headed for the bridge, where the main even was unfolding.

Naruto landed on the wooden foundation of the bridge, with anger and furiousness surrounding and overwhelming him. He gritted his teeth as he was finally in front of the man who corrupted his teammate.

Orochimaru was smiling, he was a bit glad to see the blonde, who has now grown up." Looks like the nine tails kid is here too." He said.

"I wonder on who is stronger now between you and Sasuke?"

Tension was rising in the atmosphere, the wind grew and blew stronger ever before. A small portion of crimson chakra began appear around the blonde. There were also hints of change in his appearance as his nails grew longer and his fangs started to appear in his teeth.

The power of the Kyuubi No Youku was emerging yet again through him.

The rest of the team turned their attention to him especially Sakura, who was more worried than ever. She had this many times before in the past and still it felt as if it was new all the time. The power was just overwhelming and evil.

As for Naruto, his mind was slowly descending into rage." Give Sasuke back!" He growled.

Kabuto just smiled." The term "Giving back" is not the right or polite way to say it." He explained as he adjusted his gla.s.ses." Your reasoning is off."

"Sasuke-kun came to us in his own decision, and for a man who is obsessed with power, I must say, He is one of kind." He added." So please you need to resign yourself from that."

"Will you stop it four eyes!?" Sakura then exclaimed. She had enough of this mess.

"You don't know how Naruto feels about his friend!" She exclaimed." So stop acting cold on everything or else!"

There was no response from Kabuto himself. He just evilly grinned as he knew if he continued to fire insults and offensive words, they may caused the blonde to self destruct and attacked his own teammates.

Orochimaru then grinned." If you want to know more about Sasuke, then I guess I'll give you guys a chance." He said as he began to prepare himself from onslaught." That is you'll have to force the information out of me and-" He was about continue his sentence when he was suddenly interrupted.

Naruto had been finally taken over by the uncontrollable power within him. He was enveloped by the crimson chakra and all of his humanity was fading away. It didn't took too long when the kyuubified blonde suddenly jumped from his position and charged towards the snake sannin in full speed which everyone hasn't seen before.

Orochimaru immediately evaded the attacked against him as he managed to jumped in time but the forced of the crimson chakra was so powerful that it managed to damage his face revealing a bit of the ident.i.ty that he currently possessed.

You really are showing the improvements as Jinchurikki host." He commented." But let's really see if you really are stronger than my Sasuke."

He gave an insulting laugh.

Naruto gritten his teeth and growled." Like he belongs to you a.s.shole!" He exclaimed as the powerful crimson chakra around him rage even more and released hostile energy as it began to formed into three tails.

As for the rest of everyone, all of them knew that things were about go down.



it was a very loud explosion coming from the bridge that really alerted the other trio even more as they raced against time and hurried towards the bridge. Worry was growing inside of them, especially for Boruto and Sarada who could only think of what has happened. They just hope that they weren't that late.

The forest was a major part of their for delaying their time for a bit. Somehow, they almost got lost from their finding they way out. Although, they were able to locate the correct path and continue on.

Boruto dashed through his way as he could feel a powerful malevolent energy at the bridge. A very familiar energy that he had face before back in the previous mission. He could only hope that his young dad was alright, he tried not to think about the ending this time, but there was a thought of that the enemy was somehow responsible.

Sarada raced through the forest along with her blonde teammate. She had the same feeling about that Malevolent energy that overwhelmed the forest. It was no doubt that the energy belonged to Kurama. The question was who or what could have caused it?

Showtaro was breathing back and forth, he was wondering on why these kids were really that fast, it was just too new for him and he might stopped at any moment, due to exhaustion. Luckily, Sarada graciously offered him to stay on her shoulder throughout the journey. The Duck really needs a rest after this.

There was no time for conversation throughout their journey, as time pa.s.ses by, they were getting closer to their destination. After a few moments, they could finally see the opening and way to the bridge.

Boruto, who was the one ahead of the two gave it a little boost towards the bridge. He just couldn't the feeling that something has already happened while they were away.

His hope soon faded away by the time he got to his destination.


Destruction was the only thing in front of their own eyes as he found himself looking at a destroyed bridge that was somehow sliced in half. Traces of the malevolent energy was still there but there was no trace or whereabouts on the rest the team.

Boruto gritted his teeth in anger. He refused to think that he were too late on arrival but of now, the chances were very low. The blonde then surveyed the area and the bridge itself to find any clues on where could the rest have gone too. There were thoughts of the Kyuubi killing them all but he didn't bother to think about that.

Sarada and Showtaro arrived a few moments after the blonde reached the area. They were greeted by the destruction caused by a familiar being.

"What happened here?" Sarada spoke for the first time.

"Are we too late?" Showtaro, who was on the raven haired girl's shoulder asked.

Sarada shook her head as she also refused to think about the situation. She did not hesitate as she joined the blonde to search for clues on the team's whereabouts. So far the only available clue that she can find is a small portion of blood that was laying on the wooden floor of the destroyed bridge.

"Oh no." Sarada thought to herself as she examined the blood." Someone must've got wounded or..." The raven haired teen cringed and shook her head in denial. There was no time for grieving or wondering.

She then continued to investigate the area and after a few moments, a new valid clue was finally discovered by none other than Showtaro himself.

"Look over there!" Showtaro exclaimed as the guide pointed towards to sky.

Both of the teens looked up to see crimson chakra floating on the sky. It could only mean one thing, that the rest of the team's whereabouts were just nearby.

Boruto wasted no time as he beckoned the two move forward towards that certain location were the crimson chakra resided. The blonde teen then left his current position as he headed to the forest once more.


Sarada and Showtaro nodded as they also continued their way. However, there was one thing that suddenly and unexpectedly stopped them from leaving their current position. In a form of a male voice, which said:

"I wouldn't go there if I were you guys."

Sarada stopped her tracks as she then turned around only to be greeted by a mysterious white cloaked person standing from behind her." Are you the one that caused this!?" The raven haired girl then exclaimed as she position herself into her battle stance.

Showtaro was very much shocked to find out that they were discovered by the enemy. The only problem right now is that he doesn't have a Plan B.

The white cloaked person just stood there silently as he didn't do anything. He continued to observed the girl and thoughts started to entering." Who is she? I never seen her before." He thought to himself.

Sarada kept her guard. She was alert for any hostile action that this person could do at any moment." Who are you!?" She exclaimed for one more time.

A few moments of silence then took over, in fact there weren't any signs that the white cloaked person was going to attack or start a fight. He just stood there as a small smile formed underneath his hood." Those Yakisoba Buns were delicious weren't they?"

Sarada then gritted her teeth in annoyance." What the heck are you talking about!?" She said, not even realizing the point that the hooded person was telling her.

A small chuckle was then heard coming from the cloaked person. He stood there for a few moments before finally disappearing in front the girl in a blinked of an eye.

Silence then took over once again, for a few moments, Sarada wondered on what had just happened before finally remembering her goal. Showtaro had the same thoughts but he was wondering on why did the enemy didn't do anything. It was just a mystery.

Without wasting anymore time, the two left the area and headed to the forest to catch up with the blonde.


Destruction was the only thing that she could only see in front of her eyes. Since her blonde teammate succ.u.mbed to the power of the Kyuubi no Youko, there was nothing that she could do but watch the events unfolding.

Sakura along with Yamato watched as a large part of the forest had been destroyed and turned into a huge crater. In that very crater stood, Naruto, who's humanity had been taken over by the Kyuubi's will stood in the middle as it pummeled the snake sannin and sent him flying away towards the forest.

Sai was nowhere to be found, as of now, it was only her, Yamato, and Kabuto who stood at the crater and near the Kyuubified blonde.

The pink haired girl could feel her legs shaking and heart was racing. A long amount of time has pa.s.sed and still she couldn't get closer to the blonde because of the battle between the latter and the snake sannin. Her green eyes observed and mainly focus on her teammate.

He looked very much different from before. Since the fourth tail emerged from him, he had been transformed into some kind of crimson humanoid creature, with a demonic wide gaping white eyes and mouth.

It was something out of people's worst nightmare. Kabuto could only describe it as the most demonic creature that he had ever seen. An evil smile formed around his lips." Will you look at that." He commented." I never knew that he would go this far, allowing himself to become the demon he fears the most, just to save Sasuke."

There was really no hope right now on stopping him. He had caused so much destruction that all of their confidence were instantly depleted. Only a foolish person could go near towards the Jinchurikki host.

Yamato just stood there along with the pink haired teen. He was blaming himself for not doing anything or acting fast. Why did he allowed this to happened? What had gone wrong?

Sakura was in the verge of tears, her mind was loaded with thoughts about her teammate. She remembered him as this good person determined to save his loved ones and not this person who fully embraces wrath and anger. It didn't take too long for the pink haired teen as she left her current position and ran towards the unrecognizable blonde in hopes of stopping him.

"Naruto, please this is not you!" She was exclaimed as loud she can, in order for him to get her attention.

Many will think it's a big mistake for her to attempt a move a like that, but this was for her teammate and she needed to bring him back as possible. Tears were flowing from her eyes as she took every step towards her teammate, and by the time she got nearer, it was already too late.

The person in front of her was not Naruto anymore, it was a different person and it will attacked anyone in sight. It immediately noticed the pink haired teen approaching and launched one of its tales to attack led her in full speed.

Sakura was caught off guard as she froze and stared at the huge crimson tail headed for her. She could only closed her eyes as she braced herself for the attack.

In that moment in time, the world around her slowed down, the last thing that she saw was the crimson tail that was mean't to pierce her skin. Although, it did not happened as she expected but she did felt someone grabbing her from the side.

As huge chakra tail was about to near the girl, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared from nowhere and towards the girl herself, which rescued her away from the chakra tail that crushed the ground instead.

Sakura opened her eyes to see a glimpse of blonde hair. She thought it was Naruto at first, but it wasn't. The two white patches on both his cheeks was proof that it was the rookie, Bolt Kazaki, who rescued her instead.

Everyone was caught by surprised as a newcomer had entered the scene. Yamato was widened his eyes in shocked to see the rookie, who camw out incredible speed and swept the girl away from harm. Kabuto had the same reaction but more calmer, he adjusted his gla.s.ses yet again to see if this was real and it really was.

"Who is that kid?"


Boruto safely landed on the ground, while carrying the pink haired girl, who was still in shocked. The blonde sighed in relief and took the little time he had to breath in and out.

"That was a close one." He muttered before turning to the pink haired teen.

Sakura just stared at the rookie in surprised. She wondered on what had just happened right now. It was so fast that she didn't knew what had transpired when she closed her eyes.

"Are you alright, Sakursan?" Her thoughts were interrupted as the rookie asked.

The pink haired teen was speechless. She didn't knew what to say at this point but instead just nod at the blonde. At the same time, her eyes widened as behind the blonde was her Kyuubified teammate, who was now charging towards them. She was about to opened her mouth to warn him but suddenly cut along the way.

"Shannaro!" A voice of teenage girl could be heard yelling.


It was then followed by a huge shockwave that immediately hit the Kyuubi which sent it flying away towards the other end of the crater, and gushed of wind that pa.s.sed by them.

Boruto gave a smile as he knew that a certain raven haired teen had just arrived in time for their next gig.

"Perfect timing, Saradchan." Boruto commented as he turned to left to greet his teammate, who was the main caused of that shockwave.

Sarada arrived at the scene with a literal bang on the ground. She stood on the spot where she punched the ground which caused a shockwave that headed towards the attacking Kyuubi. "Sorry Lord Seventh." She muttered to herself before rus.h.i.+ng to the their side.

Showtaro also arrived along with the raven haired teen, but this time, he took a different path as headed straight towards a certain direction and unexpectedly hit a certain Kabuto Yakus.h.i.+ at the back of his head causing the man be sent away flying toa distance.

"Sorry kid, My bad." He chuckled as those were the only words that he could say as of now.

"Are you two alright?" That was the first thing she said when got to them. She immediately checked her young mom to see if she sustained any serious injuries but so far, she was in one piece.

Boruto gave a sigh, he then gave her teammate a nod before standing up and walking towards a certain direction to face his Kyuubified old man. Sarada was about to say something when blonde gave her a smile which a.s.sured her that he'll be alright.


Everyone carefully watched as the rookie slowly walked up towards the Kyuubi, who was growling in anger for being hit by that shockwave.

Boruto was calm and collected as he didn't bother the risk that he would take. Despite the protest from Yamato himself, the blonde ignored it and went on his way. He knew that he was carrying the team on his shoulders and he promised to himself that will not disappoint.

He knew where this was going to.

"So you're heading for your forth tail huh?" Boruto calmly asked, as he walked along the dangerous path ahead of him.

The Kyuubi didn't said a word, it just stared directly and intently at him before giving malicing growl.

"I just really don't get why you kept that head of yours always hot." The blonde said, as he readied himself for the main event." But of course, I won't let you remain in that way or another."

The Kyuubi growled yet again as this time, it charged towards the blonde in hopes of dismantling him to pieces in front of everyone.

Boruto stopped his tracks as he stared face to face with the Kyuubi. He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath before opening it again secretly activating and revealing his Jougan. A confident smile formed around his lips. Instead of charging towards his Kyuubified dad, he just waited and clapped his hands multiple times.

"Come on Kyuubi, Let's go for a little walk!"


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter:)

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